Download Classifying Life Vocab. and Notes Aug. 22

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Chapter 1- Living Things---Lesson 2: Classifying Life
Science Vocabulary
(Test Friday, August 26, 2016)
Classification- the science of organizing categories for living things.
Invertebrate – an animal that does not have a backbone.
Kingdom- the broadest group into which an organism is classified
Vascular – Containing the plant tissue through which water and food move.
Vertebrate – an animal that has a backbone.
Nonvascular – containing no plant tissue through which water and food
7. Species- a group of similar organisms in a genus that can reproduce more of
their own kind.
1. Scientists organize organisms by sorting, or classifying them into groups
according to shared characteristics.
2. All organisms are divided into six major groups called kingdoms.
3. The broadest group an organism is classified into is a kingdom. The
narrowest classification group is species.
4. Scientists use six subgroups to classify within kingdoms.
a. phylum
b. class
c. order
d. family
e. genus
f. species
5. All plants and animals are multi-cellular. Plants and animals are the only
kingdoms that include only multi-cellular organisms.
6. Two other kingdoms- fungi and protists- have both unicellular and multicellular
7. Animals do not make their own food. Plants can make their own food but
animals must consume other organisms to get energy.
8. Plant cells have cell walls and animal cells do not have cell walls.
9. Invertebrate phyla include
a. mollusks----Clams, snails
b. echinoderms-----sea stars, sea cucumber, sea urchin
c. arthropods----insects, spiders, crabs, and lobsters
9. All vertebrates have a backbone, a nervous system, and a brain.
10. 5 classes of vertebrates
a. amphibians
b. reptiles’
c. birds
d. mammals
e. fish
11. Organisms from the plant and fungi kingdom always have cell walls.
12. Plants are divided into two major groups: vascular plants and nonvascular
13. Fungi include organism such as mushrooms, yeast, and molds. Most fungi are
multicellular. Yeast is a unicellular fungi.
14. Fungi must get food from other organisms. Most fungi get energy by breaking
down dead or decaying plants and animals.
15. Many fungi are used by humans. Yeast is used to make bread rise. Mold and
yeast are also used to make some foods, such as cheese. Some fungi are also use
to make medicine.
16. Bacteria cells do not contain a nucleus or other organelles.
17. Viruses are very small. They cannot be classified into any of the six kingdoms
because they do not carry out all of the life processes.