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Name ____________________________________ Class ______ Date _________________
Directions: Read the section “Cancer”. Go back and answer questions.
1. The title of this chapter is CANCER. Write about what you already know about Cancer.
2. Why is there a picture of a crab on page 64?
3. Describe the picture on page 65.
4. There is a wonderful diagram on pages 66 and 67. Describe what you see and read in that diagram?
5. This chapter is divided into two major sections. What are the two sections?
6. Before you read, what do you think the section entitled “What is Cancer?” about?
7. The other section of the chapter is “Treating and Preventing Cancer?”. What do you think this section is
8. How does the chapter answer the question what is Cancer?
9. How does cancer begin?
10. From the chapter, what does the word mutation mean?
11. How does the cell behave as a result of a mutation?
12. Use Figure 17 and describe the three steps how cancer spreads?
13. How does cancer spread from one part of the body to another part of the body?
14. How are cancer cells different from normal cells?
15. What is the relationship between cancer and DNA?
16. Identify three ways cancer is treated?
17. Which method of treating cancer is almost always a part of the treatment for small tumors that have not
spread to other parts of the body? EXPLAIN why this method is chosen.
Cell Division and DNA
Please follow this page, clicking on the colored and underlined websites. Some of the answers will
appear on the web page. Some answers you will need to figure out. FOLLOW ANY
DIRECTIONS GIVEN ON THIS LAB SHEET. You do not have permission to visit other
web sites during this lab. NO MUSIC! This is your Warning.
1. Click:
Click go, go, next. What is this page showing you? __________________________________________
Describe what skin cells must do to fill the gap in the epidermis? ______________________________
Summarize what happened to the scrape: ________________________________________________
Draw 2 pictures of the scrape. One picture before it heals and one picture after it heals
Each person is made up of cells that do many different jobs. What type of cells did you observe in question #1?
Although the cells do different jobs, each cell contains similar parts called ___________________________.
The nucleus is referred to as the cell’s ______________________. Why is the nucleus called the cells brain?
How is the information necessary to run the cell stored? ____________________________________
What keeps the DNA in the nucleus and separate from the other parts of the cell?
Push the F 11 key on your keyboard. Scroll down until you see the small box. Click the play button. Watch the
cell in the small box. Play several times so you can clearly observe. What is happening to the cell?
If it helps to see this more clearly, use the step button. What began as a single cell, is now
_____________________________________________Based on what you already know about the nucleus, do
you think the new cell has the same number of chromosomes? _______________________
Now look at the center of the cell. What are the bundles that appear to separate? ___________________
On the right there are several stages of cell division. They are lined up from top to bottom in order. What is the
first stage? _________________________________ Click on telophase and figure out how many chromosomes
each of the two new cells will have. _____________________________________
Go back to prophase and count the number of chromosomes you see there. _____________________
The new cells will have 4 chromosomes. In order for that cell to divide into two, what must happen to the number
of chromosomes? ________________________________
Each of us began as a single cell, so one important question is:
How did that single cell develop into a body with more than a trillion cells? _____________
During cell division one cell turns into _________ and those two cells divide into _________ and those four cells
divide into ______________. Your body continues to produce new cells through cell division. Think back to
question #1. Why was cell division so important in this example? ________
When one cell divides into two, each cell is called a ____________________________________
Since it is important for each cell to contain the original number of chromosomes, how do you think each
daughter cell gets a complete set of chromosomes? ________________________________
What is the process of cell division called? _______________________________________________
Once this begins to play pause it and turn the captions on. Mitosis splits cells into
______________________________________________________. Early in mitosis once the loose strands of
DNA form chromosomes, each chromosome __________________________. What happens to the nuclear
membrane? __________________________. Once the chromosomes lime up in the middle, what happens?
Once the chromosomes are pulled to either end of the cell, what happens? ________________________
At the end of cell division, what happens to the nucleus of the new cells?
What happens to the two cells? ________________________________________________________
It is OK to OPEN. Go to page 2. Once the DNA of a chromosome has been ___________________, the two
copies of the DNA form ______________________________ which are attached to each other at the
________________________________. These chromatids are often called sister chromatids because
______________________________________. During mitosis the two chromatids of a chromosome
__________________________________________________________; one of these chromosomes goes
Use the site from question #6 to help you label the following diagram:
Press the F11 key. Please turn the audio off and the text on before you begin. Use the pause button
frequently to stop the animation and record the information you need.
Mitosis is a process _____________________________________________________________________
What are important things that happen during PROPHASE? _____________________________________
Draw and label a diagram of the cell below, showing the chromosomes and spindle fibers during METAPHASE:
Draw and label a diagram of the cell below, showing the chromosomes and spindle fibers during ANAPHASE:
Draw and label a diagram below showing the chromosomes, nuclear membrane and cell membrane during
Click on What is DNA? The animation brings you into the _____________________________.
Does the nucleus of an ear cell contain just the necessary instructions that tell the ear cell how to operate?
Answer in complete sentence:
Next. Why is DNA referred to as a blueprint? ____________________________________________________
Click on What is a Gene?
Describe a gene.
One strand of DNA contains ________________________________________. All of these genes are needed
__________________________________________________________________________________operate all
parts of our bodies.
CLICK- What is a chromosome?
Each cell contains DNA equal to about _______________________ long.
How does it fit in a cell? _________________________________________________________________
Click NEXT until you find the next answer: How many chromosomes does one cell hold?
How many chromosomes in a human cell? __________________ Click NEXT to find: How many chromosomes
does a mosquito have? __________ An onion? _________ A carp (fish)? ___________
CLICK What is Heredity? What exactly are our traits? ________________________________________
CLICK What is a Trait? What exactly is a trait? _____________________________________________