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The Founding of Rome
The founding of Rome is described in a poem called The Aeneid by the
poet Virgil. According to Roman legend, the city was founded in 753 BCE
by Romulus and Remus, twins that were descendants of Aeneas. Aeneas,
a hero of the Trojan War, moved to Italy to escape the fighting in Greece.
The twins were abandoned on the Tiber River as infants and raised by a
she-wolf. Once they grew up, they decided to build a city near the spot.
1) What describes the Legend of the Founding of Rome?
2) Who are Romulus and Remus? What happened to them?
The logo for Rome’s largest soccer team
depicts the image of Romulus and Remus
The geography of Rome played a major role in its development and provided many advantages.
Two major mountain chains found in Italy helped protect Rome from outsiders. The Alps,
Europe’s highest mountains, separated the Italian peninsula from the rest of the continent. The
Apennine Mountains run north to south along the length of the Italian peninsula. The Apennine
Mountains made it difficult for people to cross from one side of the peninsula to the other. These
two mountain chains made it difficult to invade the city of Rome. The Seven Hills of Rome were
also used to protect the city.
3) Why were the Alps and Apennine Mountain Ranges an advantage for the people of
The climate of central Italy, where the city of Rome was located, also helped the people. The
region had mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers. This climate made it possible for the region
to grow many crops. Romans grew wheat, grapes, and olives which supported the people and
allowed Rome to grow and prosper.
4) How did the climate and location of Rome help it develop?
Like many other ancient civilizations, the agricultural system of ancient Rome was supported by
the presence of a major river. The Tiber provided a reliable source of fresh water which the
Romans used for irrigating their farms, as well as drinking water for humans and animals.
However, unlike many other civilizations, Rome did not develop in the river’s delta.
Instead, Rome developed about 15 miles from where the Tiber River empties into the
Mediterranean Sea. This distance provided Rome with additional protection, because invaders
had to move inland from the coast to reach the city. However, Rome was still close enough to
the sea that Romans were able to use the river as an easy access point to the Mediterranean.
5) Did the city of Rome develop on the Mediterranean Sea of further inland? Why?
Rome’s location on the Italian Peninsula, and the closeness to the
Tiber River, provided access to trade routes on the Mediterranean
Sea. As a result, trade was an important part of life in ancient Rome.
Rome developed several trade routes throughout the Mediterranean
Sea and established trade with other civilizations throughout the
Eastern Hemisphere. Later, the Roman armies used these same
routes to conquer large amounts of territory and expand the empire
along the Mediterranean.
6) Why was it an advantage for Rome to be located on a peninsula?
Between 750 BCE and 600 BCE, Greek settlers established about 50 colonies on the coasts of
southern Italy and Sicily. The cities became prosperous and commercially active. They brought
all of Italy, including Rome, into closer contact with Greek civilization. The Greeks also taught
the Romans how to grow grapes and olives.
7) How did the Greeks influence the establishment of Rome?
The Etruscans were native to northern Italy. They were skilled metalworkers and
engineers. The Etruscans strongly influenced the development of Roman
civilization. They had a system of writing, and the Romans adopted their alphabet.
They also influenced Rome’s architecture, especially the use of the arch.
8) What influences did the Etruscans have on the Roman civilization?
Romans borrowed religious ideas from both the Greeks and the Etruscans. The Romans
adopted Etruscan rituals that they believed helped them to win the favor of the gods. Roman
gods even took on the personalities and legends of the Greek gods. Romans, however, gave
their gods different names. Thus Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, became Jupiter in Rome,
and Hera, the queen of the gods, became Juno.
9) Describe early Roman religion.