Download Biology Unit 1b Study Guide SB5. Students will evaluate the role of

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Biology Unit 1b Study Guide
Students will evaluate the role of natural selection in the development of the theory of evolution.
a. Trace the history of the theory
b. Explain the history of life in terms of biodiversity, ancestry, and rates of evolution
c. Explain how fossil and biochemical evidence support the theory
d. Relate natural selection to changes in organisms
SB3. Students will derive the relationship between single-celled and multi-celled organisms and the increasing
complexity of systems.
c. Examine the evolutionary basis of modern classification systems
1. Based on Darwin’s theory of natural selection organisms best adapted to their environment
survive due to what? Adaptations that increase fitness
2. What contributions did the following scientist make to the theory of evolution?
 Lamarck- Organisms acquire characteristics according to their needs
 Malthus- Populations double and double again
 Darwin- Environment selects for best inherited traits
 Wallace- Organisms with the best traits survive
3. Describe Pastures experiment? What did his experiment prove? swan neck flask with broth ,only
living things can produce living things
4. Provide a drawing of the Miller-Urey experiment and describe what material was collected in the
collection container that was considered a building block of life. Amino acid
5. Similarities in the structure of the radius and metacarpals of humans, dogs, cats and dolphins
suggest what? Common ancestor
6. What are homologous structures? Provided an example the anatomical structures from a common
ancestor. Radius and metacarpals of humans, dogs, cats and dolphins
7. What is comparative biochemistry? Copy the chart on pg 427 (figure 15.9) and describe what
information is being presented compares amino acid sequences of cytochrones in human and
other organisms
8. How does the fossil record support the theory of evolution? (pg 423) modern forms of life evolve
from earlier forms of life
9. Why can’t the fossil record be utilized to determine the behavior patterns of extent organisms?
Fossil record can be used to determine how organisms change through time, and not for
behavioral patterns
10. What are vestigial structures? Provide two examples reduced forms of a functional structure,
pelvic bones whales and snakes.
11. What is natural selection? Does natural selection act upon individuals or populations? Why
adaptations that increase an organisms fitness, natural selections to populations not individuals
12. Why is variation important within species in terms of survival when the environment changes?
Increases the likely hood that some members of the species will survive
13. What factors determine if a trait will become more common over a period of time in a population
if it increases the survival of an organism
14. What is directional selection? Draw and label the graph (pg.434) extreme forms of traits are
favored (graph is to the left or right) Small and large are extreme , medium is middle.
15. What is stabilizing selection? Draw and label the graph (pg.434) extreme forms of traits are not
favored ( graph is in the middle )
16. What is convergent evolution? Provided an example (a dolphin and penguin) unrelated but have
similar traits
17. How is punctuated equilibrium different than gradualism? Punctuated – biological change occurs
quickly over a short period of time. Gradualism – no or small changes over a large period of time
18. Provided an example of geological event on Earth that would result the extinction of one species,
but the rise of another. Climate change resulting in massive extinction
19. What is endosymbiosis? Provide an illustration eukaryotic cells came from prokaryotic cells
20. What is an amniotic egg? And how did this adaptation lead to organisms moving from the sea to
land? An egg with yolk can’t lay eggs in ocean
21. Draw and label the cladogram on pg. 496 (figure 17.11) use this cladogram to answer questions
22. What characteristics are found in the Ferns, but not in Moss? Vascular tissues
23. By looking at the cladogram what trait do all the organisms have in common? Ansester
chloroplast, anchors or roots
24. What organisms are more closely related? Moss and Conifers, Moss and Lilies, or Ferns and
Conifers? Justify your answer. Fern and conifer , share derived characteristics and a common
25. What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration? What type of respiration would
be more primitive? What type of cells fist appeared on earth? Why do you think so? aerobic is
with oxygen anaerobic is without oxygen , anaerobic more primitive , prokaryotic cells
26. Copy table 15.1 (pg. 422) Basic principles of natural selection. ( individuals with more favorable
traits are more likely to reproduce)