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CI513 Instruction and Technology Lesson Planning Guide
Name(s): Shawna Wheeler
Age/Grade Level: Second Year
Subject Area(s): French
Unit: The Past Tense
Topic: Passé Composé
Time Allotted: 60 minutes
Preparation: Well written lesson plan See comments below
Purpose/rationale for the lesson: In order to communicate about the past, we must
know how to form (conjugate) the past tense.
What curriculum framing question or essential question is addressed in this lesson?
How does one communicate about the past? You also need the lesson question(s)
What district, state or national curriculum standard(s) will you target in this lesson?
Listening- Students will be able to distinguish and understand differences in verb
tense within a verbal communication about the past.
Reading & Writing- Students will be able to recognize, reproduce, and understand
differences in verb tense within written communication about the past.
Speaking- Students will be able to communicate orally and with fluency using correct
verb tenses to convey meaning about the past.
Prior Knowledge/Background Information: What concepts and/or skills do students
need to have in order to be successful in this lesson?
-Conjugations of “avoir” and “être” in the present tense
-Feminine and plural endings, like those for adjectives
Learning Objectives for the lesson: What do you expect learners to know and/or
accomplish as a result of participating in this lesson? How are you incorporating higher
order thinking? CLEAR OBJECTIVES
-Compare how the past is expressed in English with how it is expressed in French
-Demonstrate how to form the passé composé both orally and in written form
Materials/Resources Needed:
Portland State University Graduate School of Education
Cards with avoir/être verbs written on them (one for each student) Include one in the
lesson plan materials
Avoir/être signs for the wall
House of Etre handout Include with lesson plan materials
Common verbs with irregular past participles handout “”
Passé Composé Prezi:
List of verbs for Doc Cam include with lesson plan materials
As students walk in, hand each one a card with a verb in French and its English
translation. Some of these verbs they have seen before, some of them may be
new vocabulary.
Hook or Anticipatory Set: Ask students to write a few sentences about what they
did yesterday in English. Have a few of their sentences written on the board. Ask the
class “what part of the sentence tells you that the events have already happened?”
Emphasize that in English, the past is communicated through a change in verb tense.
In French, the past is called “le passé compose” or “compounded past” because it
takes two parts to express the past: l’auxiliaire (auxiliary or helping verb) and le
participle passé (past participle). 10minutes
Body of the lesson:
Show, through a Prezi presentation, how to construct the past participle for regular verbs
using one or two examples from each category (-er, -ir, -re)
Based on the root-stem construction of the example verbs, what are the past
participles of other regular verbs?
Do a whip around: Call on students, giving them a verb, and have them say
the past participle 10 minutes
Once students seem comfortable with the formation of the past participle, have six student
volunteers write a conjugation of the verb “avoir” for each subject pronoun (one student for
each pronoun) on the board. Add on the past participle to show the completed construction
of the passé compose.
House of avoir and house of être 20-25 minutes
Portland State University Graduate School of Education
Explain the differences between the two houses and their characteristics
Être verbs have to do with coming from or going to; all être verbs are
followed by a preposition and an indirect object These refer to state of being
All other verbs live in the house of avoir. They are rarely followed by a
preposition, but are followed by direct objects These are action verbs
Ask students to consider the card they were handed at the beginning of class. In
what house would that verb belong? On one side of the room is a sign that says
“avoir” and on the other side of the room is a sign that says “être”. Have students
move to the side of the room where their verb belongs. Students who are unsure
can stand somewhere in the middle. Ask students to explain their choice. After a
number of students have explained their reasoning, encourage those in the middle
to choose a side and allow anyone else to change sides if they’ve changed their
mind. Have them explain their reasoning. Students who are still unsure can try
acting the verb out to see if it is a coming or going verb. Movement helps students
Once students return to their seats pass out the house of être handout and go over
the 16 verbs. Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp (mneumonic for remembering the verbs)
Use Prezi to demonstrate adding feminine and plural endings to the house of être
past participles.
Distribute handout of common verbs with irregular past participles
Working in pairs, have students take turns conjugating a supplied list of verbs (on doc cam).
Watch out for which auxiliary to use (avoir/être) and for changes in pronunciation: 5minutes
Ex. Supplied verb: écouter (to listen)
A: j’ai écouté
B:tu as écouté
A: il a écouté
B: elle a écouté
A: on a écouté
B: nous avons écouté
A: vous avez écouté
Portland State University Graduate School of Education
B: ils ont écouté
A: elles ont écouté
Continue down the list of verbs.
As students begin to finish, ask them to write, in French, three to five things they did
yesterday; use both auxiliaries.
Closure: Call on students to answer recap questions: 5-10 minutes
 How do we form the passé compose? Past participle?
 What kinds of verbs are in the house of être?
 What else makes être verbs different from avoir verbs?
 Why is learning how to communicate about the past important? Can we
communicate without it?
Student w/ADHD- there is plenty of movement in the lesson to keep him active. Have
him be one of the students write on the board for conjugating avoir.
Lower reading/writing level- there is no in-depth reading for this lesson. The writing
skills needed are for basic sentence structure. Have the student work the sentences
out loud before putting them down on paper. Provide a model at the student’s desk
for the conjugation of avoir/ etre verbs. During pair work perhaps have the student do
just one type of verb and then switch to the other rather than going back and forth.
Student w/hearing disability- All information that is orally presented is also visually
presented, usually in writing.
Assessment: Students will turn in their 3-5 sentences on the way out. A plus for
correct number sentences with 0 mistakes in verb structure (conjugation,
feminine/plural endings if needed), a check for correct number of sentences with 1-2
mistakes in verb structure, and a minus for too few sentences and/or 3 or more
mistakes in verb structure. These will be handed back at the beginning of the next
class; students with a check or minus can self-correct their sentences for full credit
by the end of class.
Reflecting on the teaching process: (To be completed after the lesson is
developed and/or taught)
1. What worked well? What would you do differently to improve the lesson?
2. What went through your mind as you planned this lesson? What
questions do you still have about the lesson?
Portland State University Graduate School of Education