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Regular and Irregular Verbs 9.1 – 9.3 Principal Parts • All verbs have 4 principal parts: – – – – Present Present Participle Past Past Participle • Verbs are either regular or irregular based on how they form past and past participle. – Regular verbs add –d or –ed to the present to form past and past participles. Present Participle • Ends with –ing – I am watching this movie. • Works with a form of the verb be (am, is, are,was, were) • Works to make a verb phrase Past Participle • Ends in –d or –ed. – I have stopped here frequently. • Works with a helping verb. • Works with a form of the verb have (has, have, had). • Works to make a verb phrase. Spelling Changes • Note that sometimes while forming participles, the spelling of the verb may change. – Marry marrying married Irregular Verbs • Form the past tense and past participle in unpredictable ways • USE THE CHART OR YOUR BRAIN!