... such cases: he presents an almost complete survey of было-constructions, omitting only those containing an infinitive. Amongst these 'other constructions', the type which occurs most frequently is the one which contains a past participle. Some authors make no explicit mention of this possibility, al ...
... such cases: he presents an almost complete survey of было-constructions, omitting only those containing an infinitive. Amongst these 'other constructions', the type which occurs most frequently is the one which contains a past participle. Some authors make no explicit mention of this possibility, al ...
Verbs and Verb Phrases - UvA-DARE
... This being said, it is important to point out that SoD will pay ample attention to certain aspects of meaning, and reference will also be made to phonological aspects such as stress and intonation wherever they are relevant (e.g., in the context of word order phenomena like in (1)). The reason for t ...
... This being said, it is important to point out that SoD will pay ample attention to certain aspects of meaning, and reference will also be made to phonological aspects such as stress and intonation wherever they are relevant (e.g., in the context of word order phenomena like in (1)). The reason for t ...
FSI- Amharic Basic Course - Student Text
... After the Basic Sentences have been thoroughly memorized the students take part and act out the dialogues. parts the first time or two. ...
... After the Basic Sentences have been thoroughly memorized the students take part and act out the dialogues. parts the first time or two. ...
On Participial Imperatives
... (are you) to the hairdresser’s been ‘Did you go to the hairdresser’s?’ b. Nee, (ik heb) de verkeerde shampoo gebruikt. no (I have) the wrong shampoo used ‘No, I used the wrong shampoo.’ ...
... (are you) to the hairdresser’s been ‘Did you go to the hairdresser’s?’ b. Nee, (ik heb) de verkeerde shampoo gebruikt. no (I have) the wrong shampoo used ‘No, I used the wrong shampoo.’ ...
Passive and passive-like constructions in English and Polish
... This thesis is the result of several years of research at the Research Centre of English & Applied Linguistics at the University of Cambridge. I wish to express my gratitude in the first place to my academic supervisor, Dr James Blevins, for allowing me to take risks and pursue my big linguistic vis ...
... This thesis is the result of several years of research at the Research Centre of English & Applied Linguistics at the University of Cambridge. I wish to express my gratitude in the first place to my academic supervisor, Dr James Blevins, for allowing me to take risks and pursue my big linguistic vis ...
Polysemy of verbal prefixes in Russian: conceptual structure versus
... but synchronically irrelevant. An exhaustive list of all the uses is descriptively adequate, e.g. in the classic Ožegov (2001) dictionary, as well as in Švedova’s (1980) grammar, all the prefixes are listed with at least two meanings. Yet, these meanings are interrelated, and the relations between ...
... but synchronically irrelevant. An exhaustive list of all the uses is descriptively adequate, e.g. in the classic Ožegov (2001) dictionary, as well as in Švedova’s (1980) grammar, all the prefixes are listed with at least two meanings. Yet, these meanings are interrelated, and the relations between ...
Voice and Case in Tagalog:
... that show active and inactive marking, the agent is the syntactic pivot with verbs marked as active and the patient with verbs marked as inactive. Finally, in languages that exhibit active and middle marking, the syntactic pivot is often said to be the argument denoting the unaffected argument in ac ...
... that show active and inactive marking, the agent is the syntactic pivot with verbs marked as active and the patient with verbs marked as inactive. Finally, in languages that exhibit active and middle marking, the syntactic pivot is often said to be the argument denoting the unaffected argument in ac ...
the structure of complex predicates in urdu
... joined the committee as the dissertation was already well under way, but had an immediate and pronounced effect. Paul Kiparsky attacked issues of morphology and lexical semantics I had not considered before. Veneeta Dayal took a close look at my data and claims, pushed me on them steadily, and strea ...
... joined the committee as the dissertation was already well under way, but had an immediate and pronounced effect. Paul Kiparsky attacked issues of morphology and lexical semantics I had not considered before. Veneeta Dayal took a close look at my data and claims, pushed me on them steadily, and strea ...
C. The Verb
... "Unaccusative verb | Special kind of intransitive verb. Semantically, its subject does not actively initiate or is not actively responsible for the action of the verb; rather, it has properties which it shares with the direct object of a transitive verb (or better, with the grammatical subject of it ...
... "Unaccusative verb | Special kind of intransitive verb. Semantically, its subject does not actively initiate or is not actively responsible for the action of the verb; rather, it has properties which it shares with the direct object of a transitive verb (or better, with the grammatical subject of it ...
table of contents - Università degli Studi di Verona
... In this research, I survey a significant pattern of deverbal word-formation in Italian, and integrate the data analysis into a recently developed theoretical model of derivational semantics. In particular, the main goal of this study is to analyze the range of semantic interpretations and the corres ...
... In this research, I survey a significant pattern of deverbal word-formation in Italian, and integrate the data analysis into a recently developed theoretical model of derivational semantics. In particular, the main goal of this study is to analyze the range of semantic interpretations and the corres ...
... tense, which I call anaphoric tense, and its characteristics. I suggest that languages make use of these two types of tenses. Having established the difference between the two types of tense-deictic tense and anaphoric tense, I next turn to the concept of reference point and its use as a perspective ...
... tense, which I call anaphoric tense, and its characteristics. I suggest that languages make use of these two types of tenses. Having established the difference between the two types of tense-deictic tense and anaphoric tense, I next turn to the concept of reference point and its use as a perspective ...
1 Chinese Passives in Comparative Perspective C.
... Subject-oriented adverbs impose selectional restrictions and are predicated on their subjects but not their objects. So for guyi only an NP denoting an Agent or Experiencer can qualify as its subject. This means that the subject of (6)-(7) cannot simply bear whatever theta-role it would bear in the ...
... Subject-oriented adverbs impose selectional restrictions and are predicated on their subjects but not their objects. So for guyi only an NP denoting an Agent or Experiencer can qualify as its subject. This means that the subject of (6)-(7) cannot simply bear whatever theta-role it would bear in the ...
... modals: (i) the so-called “past tense” modals: could, should, ought and (ii) need. Depending on the analysis of may and might in (17), counterfactual readings (or external perfect readings) are also attested with (some) epistemic modals. The internal perfect reading can obtain with all the epistemic ...
... modals: (i) the so-called “past tense” modals: could, should, ought and (ii) need. Depending on the analysis of may and might in (17), counterfactual readings (or external perfect readings) are also attested with (some) epistemic modals. The internal perfect reading can obtain with all the epistemic ...
Signs of Colloquialization - DUO
... The thesis examines, synchronically and diachronically, three ongoing linguistic changes in written English, in its two major varieties, British and American English. The three phenomena in question are: an increasing use of contracted forms (mainly, but not exclusively, verbal) observed in present- ...
... The thesis examines, synchronically and diachronically, three ongoing linguistic changes in written English, in its two major varieties, British and American English. The three phenomena in question are: an increasing use of contracted forms (mainly, but not exclusively, verbal) observed in present- ...
as a PDF - Linguistic Society of America
... There is a fundamen tal distincti on between verbs expressin g states and those expressin g actions. The two groups may be designate d as neutral and active. The language has a marked tendency to give a strong preponder ance to the concept of state. All our adjective s are included in this group, wh ...
... There is a fundamen tal distincti on between verbs expressin g states and those expressin g actions. The two groups may be designate d as neutral and active. The language has a marked tendency to give a strong preponder ance to the concept of state. All our adjective s are included in this group, wh ...
Contextually-Dependent Lexical Semantics
... What emerges very clearly from the recent work on the interface between lexical and nonlexical semantic information is that polysemy is not a single, monolithic phenomenon. Rather, it is the result of both compositional operations in the semantics [...] and of contextual effects, such as the structu ...
... What emerges very clearly from the recent work on the interface between lexical and nonlexical semantic information is that polysemy is not a single, monolithic phenomenon. Rather, it is the result of both compositional operations in the semantics [...] and of contextual effects, such as the structu ...
... In most of the cases, the present perfect is used in English when referring to events or states that have an impact on the present point of time. In the German originals, the present perfect is used in the same way. However, in addition there are a high number of cases where the present perfect refe ...
... In most of the cases, the present perfect is used in English when referring to events or states that have an impact on the present point of time. In the German originals, the present perfect is used in the same way. However, in addition there are a high number of cases where the present perfect refe ...
... contribute to diversifying the language data that inform the construction of psycholinguistic theory. In general, research on sentence processing has drawn from an extremely small, skewed sample of Western Europ ...
... contribute to diversifying the language data that inform the construction of psycholinguistic theory. In general, research on sentence processing has drawn from an extremely small, skewed sample of Western Europ ...
Discontinuous reciprocals Abstract 1 Introduction
... For convenience, I will say that a reciprocal strategy or a reciprocal verb is “used discontinuously” when it is used in a discontinuous reciprocal construction.2 It is easy to show that the construction is not general-purpose adjunction, but is specific to certain reciprocal strategies. In all the ...
... For convenience, I will say that a reciprocal strategy or a reciprocal verb is “used discontinuously” when it is used in a discontinuous reciprocal construction.2 It is easy to show that the construction is not general-purpose adjunction, but is specific to certain reciprocal strategies. In all the ...
Master`s Thesis - Nikhil Krishnaswamy
... other. However, as verb qualia must be calculated based on the context in which the verb appears, they are not the only components that can reveal information about the spatial configuration of the sentence. Certain verbs can select for multiple types of objects that change the sentence’s spatial co ...
... other. However, as verb qualia must be calculated based on the context in which the verb appears, they are not the only components that can reveal information about the spatial configuration of the sentence. Certain verbs can select for multiple types of objects that change the sentence’s spatial co ...
Building event-based ad hoc properties: On the
... support for the claim that adjectival passives are a means of creating more or less ad hoc a possibly complex adjectival predicate by which the subject referent is assigned a certain property that is shaped by contextually salient knowledge, attitudes and goals. The view of adjectival passives as ex ...
... support for the claim that adjectival passives are a means of creating more or less ad hoc a possibly complex adjectival predicate by which the subject referent is assigned a certain property that is shaped by contextually salient knowledge, attitudes and goals. The view of adjectival passives as ex ...
Title of paper - Semantics Archive
... support for the claim that adjectival passives are a means of creating more or less ad hoc a possibly complex adjectival predicate by which the subject referent is assigned a certain property that is shaped by contextually salient knowledge, attitudes and goals. The view of adjectival passives as ex ...
... support for the claim that adjectival passives are a means of creating more or less ad hoc a possibly complex adjectival predicate by which the subject referent is assigned a certain property that is shaped by contextually salient knowledge, attitudes and goals. The view of adjectival passives as ex ...
Serial Verb Constructions
... Not all of these parameters are new—but the way in which they are systematically discussed and applied provides an original perspective and presents a comprehensive view of serial verb constructions worldwide. The week of the workshop was an intellectually stimulating and exciting time, full of disc ...
... Not all of these parameters are new—but the way in which they are systematically discussed and applied provides an original perspective and presents a comprehensive view of serial verb constructions worldwide. The week of the workshop was an intellectually stimulating and exciting time, full of disc ...
Participles in Time. The Development of the Perfect Tense
... tense from a construction with possessive HAVE and a tenseless participial complement. Both participles and auxiliary are assumed to have internal syntactic structure, and the different perfect-type constructions can thus be related synchronically and diachronically to each other. Cross-linguistic v ...
... tense from a construction with possessive HAVE and a tenseless participial complement. Both participles and auxiliary are assumed to have internal syntactic structure, and the different perfect-type constructions can thus be related synchronically and diachronically to each other. Cross-linguistic v ...