Verbal Compounding in English - Anglistik
... (Marchand 1969: 100). Complex verbs like the above-mentioned, which were not formed by means of compounding, are referred to as “verbal pseudo-compounds” by Marchand (1969: 101) and divided into two groups, depending on the derivation pattern that underlies their formation. On the one hand, complex ...
... (Marchand 1969: 100). Complex verbs like the above-mentioned, which were not formed by means of compounding, are referred to as “verbal pseudo-compounds” by Marchand (1969: 101) and divided into two groups, depending on the derivation pattern that underlies their formation. On the one hand, complex ...
Nominal Roots as Event Predicates in English Denominal
... specifier position. To account for both constraints it is proposed that nominal roots in English denominal conversion verbs do not originate in argument position, but adjoin directly to subeventual heads, and are interpreted as predicates of events. A prediction is made that English denominal conver ...
... specifier position. To account for both constraints it is proposed that nominal roots in English denominal conversion verbs do not originate in argument position, but adjoin directly to subeventual heads, and are interpreted as predicates of events. A prediction is made that English denominal conver ...
Form and Meaning in the Hebrew Verb
... At Queen Mary University of London I was trained, challenged, educated and inspired by David Adger and Daniel Harbour; edified by Erez Levon and Devyani Sharma; taught and encouraged by Paul ...
... At Queen Mary University of London I was trained, challenged, educated and inspired by David Adger and Daniel Harbour; edified by Erez Levon and Devyani Sharma; taught and encouraged by Paul ...
inquiries into the lexicon-syntax relations in basque
... retrieved by automatically analyzing large corpora. s However, it is not the case that they do not involve any basic linguistic knowledge. Rather, manual work on creating grammars is minimized to the limit, and linguistic knowledge from tagged corpora is retrieved by probabilistic means. Most probab ...
... retrieved by automatically analyzing large corpora. s However, it is not the case that they do not involve any basic linguistic knowledge. Rather, manual work on creating grammars is minimized to the limit, and linguistic knowledge from tagged corpora is retrieved by probabilistic means. Most probab ...
Kanza Reader
... This audio CD is intended to improve your ability to understand spoken Kanza with or without the aid of written material. Try following along in the written text as the CD plays. Once you are familiar with the texts, the CD can be audited without the assistance of the book. Listening to the CD will ...
... This audio CD is intended to improve your ability to understand spoken Kanza with or without the aid of written material. Try following along in the written text as the CD plays. Once you are familiar with the texts, the CD can be audited without the assistance of the book. Listening to the CD will ...
chapter 11 the preterit tense
... Different Yo Forms in the Preterit Tense In Chapter 1, I discuss the spelling and pronunciation rules of Spanish. These rules are extremely consistent, and some times a conjugated form of the verb must change its spelling to maintain the correct pronunciation. This happens in the yo form of specific ...
... Different Yo Forms in the Preterit Tense In Chapter 1, I discuss the spelling and pronunciation rules of Spanish. These rules are extremely consistent, and some times a conjugated form of the verb must change its spelling to maintain the correct pronunciation. This happens in the yo form of specific ...
Thesis - Archive ouverte UNIGE
... Our study shows that these two measures are correlated. By applying the corpus-based measure, the position on the scale of likelihood of external causation can be determined automatically for a wide range of verbs. The subject of the third case study is the relationship between two temporal properti ...
... Our study shows that these two measures are correlated. By applying the corpus-based measure, the position on the scale of likelihood of external causation can be determined automatically for a wide range of verbs. The subject of the third case study is the relationship between two temporal properti ...
Dynamics, causation, duration in the predicate
... Our study shows that these two measures are correlated. By applying the corpus-based measure, the position on the scale of likelihood of external causation can be determined automatically for a wide range of verbs. The subject of the third case study is the relationship between two temporal properti ...
... Our study shows that these two measures are correlated. By applying the corpus-based measure, the position on the scale of likelihood of external causation can be determined automatically for a wide range of verbs. The subject of the third case study is the relationship between two temporal properti ...
... Thepkanjana 1986; Savetamalya 1988), but few have worked on semantics (Kanchanawan 1978). The terms "auxiliaries" or "auxiliary verbs" used for describing the elements in Thai are rather confusing. While some call these elements "auxiliaries", ...
... Thepkanjana 1986; Savetamalya 1988), but few have worked on semantics (Kanchanawan 1978). The terms "auxiliaries" or "auxiliary verbs" used for describing the elements in Thai are rather confusing. While some call these elements "auxiliaries", ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS - The Linguistics Journal
... verb-framed and satellite-framed languages based on the incorporation of path and points out that both English and Chinese are satellite-framed languages. However, scholars such as Slobin (2006) argue that Chinese, as a serial verb language, falls into the third category: equipollently-framed langua ...
... verb-framed and satellite-framed languages based on the incorporation of path and points out that both English and Chinese are satellite-framed languages. However, scholars such as Slobin (2006) argue that Chinese, as a serial verb language, falls into the third category: equipollently-framed langua ...
9. THE VERB The verb is defined as a principal part of speech in the
... I feel you are wrong; and when it is used as a link verb: The water feels cold; The child‟s hands felt cold and shaky; ...
... I feel you are wrong; and when it is used as a link verb: The water feels cold; The child‟s hands felt cold and shaky; ...
T H E I N C E P... E D T O P I C S ...
... The converbs, indicated with bold, have lost their original meaning, i.e. that of encoding a distinct action/event. Leslau (1995:359) notes that the Amharic verb ansɨta „she having picked up‟ in 1:1a cannot be translated into English. Example 1:1b is also uttered when no action of grasping by the do ...
... The converbs, indicated with bold, have lost their original meaning, i.e. that of encoding a distinct action/event. Leslau (1995:359) notes that the Amharic verb ansɨta „she having picked up‟ in 1:1a cannot be translated into English. Example 1:1b is also uttered when no action of grasping by the do ...
Reconsidering the Dative Shift Szabóné Papp Judit
... recognition that metaphor is a pervasive and fundamental aspect of our mental life; far from being merely decorative, it is a vehicle for understanding (even constructing) our experience that generally transcends individual linguistic expressions. … many (if not most) of the cognitive domains invoke ...
... recognition that metaphor is a pervasive and fundamental aspect of our mental life; far from being merely decorative, it is a vehicle for understanding (even constructing) our experience that generally transcends individual linguistic expressions. … many (if not most) of the cognitive domains invoke ...
Loubna Ammer - AUS Masters Theses
... would do well to attend to these and other matters within the framework of ideology and language” (p. 185). This thesis is divided into six main chapters. Chapter one is an introduction that sets the scene. The chapter provides insights into how the present research has evolved, and highlights its i ...
... would do well to attend to these and other matters within the framework of ideology and language” (p. 185). This thesis is divided into six main chapters. Chapter one is an introduction that sets the scene. The chapter provides insights into how the present research has evolved, and highlights its i ...
Particle verbs and benefactive double objects in English: high and
... applying heat to the elements put together. Similarly, to draw up a contract means to create the final document; it does not involve the same activity as drawing something. However, the ditransitive benefactive will always entail the activity denoted by the transitive verb. When you cook someone a m ...
... applying heat to the elements put together. Similarly, to draw up a contract means to create the final document; it does not involve the same activity as drawing something. However, the ditransitive benefactive will always entail the activity denoted by the transitive verb. When you cook someone a m ...
Constructions and Result: English Phrasal Verbs as Analyses in
... discussion of the problems with this first analysis, and the need for synthesis with others’ ideas, and it then concludes with my final analysis. The figures used in this section are explained as they are introduced, for the sake of readers who may be less familiar with Construction Grammar. This is ...
... discussion of the problems with this first analysis, and the need for synthesis with others’ ideas, and it then concludes with my final analysis. The figures used in this section are explained as they are introduced, for the sake of readers who may be less familiar with Construction Grammar. This is ...
towards a theory of denominals in english and romanian
... advantage of feeding the structure with meaning not captured by the trees. To take a very simple example, both in and on can be prepositions, and they occur in the paraphrases of
denominal verbs (to corral the horses ‘to put the horses in the corral’, to shelve the books ‘to put the
bo ...
... advantage of feeding the structure with meaning not captured by the trees. To take a very simple example, both in and on can be
Valence Creation and the German Applicative
... 'sniff [e.g. a flower]/sniff thoroughly'; sprechentiber/besprechen'talk about/ discuss'; and weinen um/beweinen 'cry about/mourn [e.g. a death]'. However, the broader alternation-based model would not, for example, extend to bivalent applicative verbs with monovalent base forms (e.g. bedudeln). The ...
... 'sniff [e.g. a flower]/sniff thoroughly'; sprechentiber/besprechen'talk about/ discuss'; and weinen um/beweinen 'cry about/mourn [e.g. a death]'. However, the broader alternation-based model would not, for example, extend to bivalent applicative verbs with monovalent base forms (e.g. bedudeln). The ...
Free PDF - The University of Adelaide
... This commentary on the grammatical introduction to Pastor Clamor Schürmann's Vocabulary of the Parnkalla language of 1844 is designed primarily for educators and other people who may wish to re-present its interpretations in ways more accessible to non-linguists, and more suited to pedagogical pract ...
... This commentary on the grammatical introduction to Pastor Clamor Schürmann's Vocabulary of the Parnkalla language of 1844 is designed primarily for educators and other people who may wish to re-present its interpretations in ways more accessible to non-linguists, and more suited to pedagogical pract ...
... in place here. On the whole we can confirm Blust’s (1998) findings, even though he only worked with a single speaker. All five vowels can be articulated nasally, but their distribution is limited: in the current corpus nasalised vowels only occur after the consonants /h/ and /w/. There is only one e ...
... in place here. On the whole we can confirm Blust’s (1998) findings, even though he only worked with a single speaker. All five vowels can be articulated nasally, but their distribution is limited: in the current corpus nasalised vowels only occur after the consonants /h/ and /w/. There is only one e ...
Title A Contrastive Study of Japanese Compound
... compound—do not exist at random, but rather can be shown to participate in several broad semantic domains to which out’s meaning has been extended but deru/dasu’s has not. I posit three categories of phrasal verbs with out that denote a meaning deru/dasu cannot be used to express: the reflexive type ...
... compound—do not exist at random, but rather can be shown to participate in several broad semantic domains to which out’s meaning has been extended but deru/dasu’s has not. I posit three categories of phrasal verbs with out that denote a meaning deru/dasu cannot be used to express: the reflexive type ...
this PDF file
... and treten (to kick) all count as force verbs. But verbs such as brechen (to break), werfen (to throw) and schleppen (to drag), on the one hand, do not count as force verbs because they all entail a change in the properties, including location, of the patient. Verbs such as stehen (to stand), on the ...
... and treten (to kick) all count as force verbs. But verbs such as brechen (to break), werfen (to throw) and schleppen (to drag), on the one hand, do not count as force verbs because they all entail a change in the properties, including location, of the patient. Verbs such as stehen (to stand), on the ...
Prefix Variation in Russian - Munin
... The final section of Chapter 6 launches three hypotheses to explain the possible implications of this. The Conflict Hypothesis postulates that previous researchers were wrong in identifying поand с- as being the most productive prefixes in Russian. This is perhaps the first interpretation that sprin ...
... The final section of Chapter 6 launches three hypotheses to explain the possible implications of this. The Conflict Hypothesis postulates that previous researchers were wrong in identifying поand с- as being the most productive prefixes in Russian. This is perhaps the first interpretation that sprin ...
Simplex and complex reflexives in French and Dutch
... zichzelf and se … lui-même. First, we argue that such a (superficially discontinuous) complex reflexive exists in French. We then observe a series of sometimes rather subtle differences in interpretation between simplex and complex reflexives in contexts where both are possible. Current versions of ...
... zichzelf and se … lui-même. First, we argue that such a (superficially discontinuous) complex reflexive exists in French. We then observe a series of sometimes rather subtle differences in interpretation between simplex and complex reflexives in contexts where both are possible. Current versions of ...
Two sources of scalarity within the verb phrase
... originating from the lexicon or via a type-shifting rule. Rappaport-Hovav (2008) meanwhile provides arguments that scales are lexicalized in only certain classes of verbs, and that crucially incremental theme verbs do not themselves lexicalize quantity scales, contra Piñón. Finally, Beavers (2008) ...
... originating from the lexicon or via a type-shifting rule. Rappaport-Hovav (2008) meanwhile provides arguments that scales are lexicalized in only certain classes of verbs, and that crucially incremental theme verbs do not themselves lexicalize quantity scales, contra Piñón. Finally, Beavers (2008) ...