Adjectives and Adjective Phrases
... Jan denkt dat Peter hem/*zichzelf bewondert. Jan thinks that Peter him/himself admires ‘Jan thinks that Peter is admiring him [= Jan].’ Jan denkt dat Peter zichzelf/*hem bewondert. Jan thinks that Peter himself/him admires ‘Jan thinks that Peter is admiring himself [= Peter].’ ...
... Jan denkt dat Peter hem/*zichzelf bewondert. Jan thinks that Peter him/himself admires ‘Jan thinks that Peter is admiring him [= Jan].’ Jan denkt dat Peter zichzelf/*hem bewondert. Jan thinks that Peter himself/him admires ‘Jan thinks that Peter is admiring himself [= Peter].’ ...
Adjectives and Adjective Phrases
... Jan denkt dat Peter hem/*zichzelf bewondert. Jan thinks that Peter him/himself admires ‘Jan thinks that Peter is admiring him [= Jan].’ Jan denkt dat Peter zichzelf/*hem bewondert. Jan thinks that Peter himself/him admires ‘Jan thinks that Peter is admiring himself [= Peter].’ ...
... Jan denkt dat Peter hem/*zichzelf bewondert. Jan thinks that Peter him/himself admires ‘Jan thinks that Peter is admiring him [= Jan].’ Jan denkt dat Peter zichzelf/*hem bewondert. Jan thinks that Peter himself/him admires ‘Jan thinks that Peter is admiring himself [= Peter].’ ...
54. Adverbs and adverbials
... Clear-cut definitions of adverbs and adverbials are difficult to formulate. Since we define the word class adverb on the basis of the syntactic function adverbial, we will start with the latter. Not all aspects mentioned in this definition hold for all adverbials, but it covers most types of adverbi ...
... Clear-cut definitions of adverbs and adverbials are difficult to formulate. Since we define the word class adverb on the basis of the syntactic function adverbial, we will start with the latter. Not all aspects mentioned in this definition hold for all adverbials, but it covers most types of adverbi ...
a complete grammar of esperanto the international language
... This volume has been prepared to meet a twofold need. An adequate presentation of the International Language has become an imperative necessity. Such presentation, including full and accurate grammatical explanations, suitably graded reading lessons, and similarly graded material for translation fro ...
... This volume has been prepared to meet a twofold need. An adequate presentation of the International Language has become an imperative necessity. Such presentation, including full and accurate grammatical explanations, suitably graded reading lessons, and similarly graded material for translation fro ...
a complete grammar of esperanto the international language
... This volume has been prepared to meet a twofold need. An adequate presentation of the International Language has become an imperative necessity. Such presentation, including full and accurate grammatical explanations, suitably graded reading lessons, and similarly graded material for translation fro ...
... This volume has been prepared to meet a twofold need. An adequate presentation of the International Language has become an imperative necessity. Such presentation, including full and accurate grammatical explanations, suitably graded reading lessons, and similarly graded material for translation fro ...
Lesson I
... Regular Verb Conjugations Irregular Verb Conjugations Deponent Verb Conjugations Noun Declensions Adjective Declensions Comparative Adjectives and Adverbs Pronouns Numerals Classified Vocabulary Latin - English Vocabulary English - Latin Vocabulary Index ...
... Regular Verb Conjugations Irregular Verb Conjugations Deponent Verb Conjugations Noun Declensions Adjective Declensions Comparative Adjectives and Adverbs Pronouns Numerals Classified Vocabulary Latin - English Vocabulary English - Latin Vocabulary Index ...
Clitics: An Introduction
... like affixes given that they attach to words of any category. Furthermore, they have the function and meaning of words and may even correspond to a full word form, but they don’t have the autonomy of words. A further aspect of our example is worth noting. When syntacticians analyse sentences such as P ...
... like affixes given that they attach to words of any category. Furthermore, they have the function and meaning of words and may even correspond to a full word form, but they don’t have the autonomy of words. A further aspect of our example is worth noting. When syntacticians analyse sentences such as P ...
a complete grammar of esperanto
... remark that ”the imperative follows ’por ke,’” or the ”use of ’tiel ... ke’ and ’tia ... ke’ must be distinguished from that of ’tiel ... kiel’ and ’tia ... kia,’” etc., with but little intimation of when and why ”por ke”, ”tiel ... ke” and ”tia ... ke” are likely to occur. Affixes are not mentioned ...
... remark that ”the imperative follows ’por ke,’” or the ”use of ’tiel ... ke’ and ’tia ... ke’ must be distinguished from that of ’tiel ... kiel’ and ’tia ... kia,’” etc., with but little intimation of when and why ”por ke”, ”tiel ... ke” and ”tia ... ke” are likely to occur. Affixes are not mentioned ...
University of Pardubice Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
... 1. Personal pronouns ...........................................................................................................6 2. Demonstrative pronouns ..................................................................................................7 3. Relative pronouns ....................... ...
... 1. Personal pronouns ...........................................................................................................6 2. Demonstrative pronouns ..................................................................................................7 3. Relative pronouns ....................... ...
French Language Studies – Grammar Reference Resource
... Avoir expresions .......................................................................................................................................................... 71 aller "to go" ............................................................................................................... ...
... Avoir expresions .......................................................................................................................................................... 71 aller "to go" ............................................................................................................... ...
A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
... Language has become an imperative necessity. Such presentation, including full and accurate grammatical explanations, suitably graded reading lessons, and similarly graded material for translation from English, has not heretofore been accessible within the compass of a single volume, or in fact with ...
... Language has become an imperative necessity. Such presentation, including full and accurate grammatical explanations, suitably graded reading lessons, and similarly graded material for translation from English, has not heretofore been accessible within the compass of a single volume, or in fact with ...
The syntax of French adverbs without functional projections*
... provided by the hierarchy of functional projections appears illusory. Adopting a phrase structure approach, which does not make use of functional projections or movement, we provide here a general picture of the syntax of French adverbs, by putting together several analyses which we have proposed se ...
... provided by the hierarchy of functional projections appears illusory. Adopting a phrase structure approach, which does not make use of functional projections or movement, we provide here a general picture of the syntax of French adverbs, by putting together several analyses which we have proposed se ...
The Psalms: Translated and Explained
... The best arrangement for the ordinary student of the Psalter is the actual arrangement of the book itself: first, because we have no better, and the efforts to invent a better have proved fruitless; then, because, as we have seen, there are sufficient indications, of a principle or purpose in this a ...
... The best arrangement for the ordinary student of the Psalter is the actual arrangement of the book itself: first, because we have no better, and the efforts to invent a better have proved fruitless; then, because, as we have seen, there are sufficient indications, of a principle or purpose in this a ...
scenario - SIL International
... This affects discourse analysis and exegesis, by giving textual evidence that certain scenarios are open, and thus certain information is implicit and intended to be communicated. Scenario theory is also applied to lexical choice, providing a theoretical framework for determining the topic of a pass ...
... This affects discourse analysis and exegesis, by giving textual evidence that certain scenarios are open, and thus certain information is implicit and intended to be communicated. Scenario theory is also applied to lexical choice, providing a theoretical framework for determining the topic of a pass ...
grammar of esperanto dr. ll zamenhof
... International Language has become an imperative necessity. Such presentation, including full and accurate grammatical explanations, suitably graded reading lessons, and similarly graded material for translation from English, has not heretofore been accessible within the compass of a single volume, o ...
... International Language has become an imperative necessity. Such presentation, including full and accurate grammatical explanations, suitably graded reading lessons, and similarly graded material for translation from English, has not heretofore been accessible within the compass of a single volume, o ...
... relation, which, as we assume, constitutes the very core meaning of nach. Here, e is to be identified by merging (or adjoining) the PP to a projection of V providing the asserted event e and its description (here: anticipated by the requirement condition ‘property(e)’). Again, function application t ...
... relation, which, as we assume, constitutes the very core meaning of nach. Here, e is to be identified by merging (or adjoining) the PP to a projection of V providing the asserted event e and its description (here: anticipated by the requirement condition ‘property(e)’). Again, function application t ...
... adverbials as a separate word class. Approximately the same procedure of classification adopted in chapter four will be followed. Chapter seven contains a questionnaire which can serve as a productive basis for testing Arabic adverbial positions investigated in the previous chapter. Chapter eight in ...
... adverbials as a separate word class. Approximately the same procedure of classification adopted in chapter four will be followed. Chapter seven contains a questionnaire which can serve as a productive basis for testing Arabic adverbial positions investigated in the previous chapter. Chapter eight in ...
Reflexive Clitics in the Slavic and Romance Languages.
... 11.2.1 DAT EA in the Middle . . . . . 11.2.2 Adverbs bear Case . . . . . . . 11.3 Lardil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
... 11.2.1 DAT EA in the Middle . . . . . 11.2.2 Adverbs bear Case . . . . . . . 11.3 Lardil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
Adverbs of time
... Type 3: Just before the expression following be, if the verb is a word form of beаthat is not final in the phrase. They are never on time. Is he often here! Are you always so busy? There's always a crowd in the store on Sundays. Type 4: Just before the verb, regardless of its form, in emphatic state ...
... Type 3: Just before the expression following be, if the verb is a word form of beаthat is not final in the phrase. They are never on time. Is he often here! Are you always so busy? There's always a crowd in the store on Sundays. Type 4: Just before the verb, regardless of its form, in emphatic state ...
... such cases: he presents an almost complete survey of было-constructions, omitting only those containing an infinitive. Amongst these 'other constructions', the type which occurs most frequently is the one which contains a past participle. Some authors make no explicit mention of this possibility, al ...
... such cases: he presents an almost complete survey of было-constructions, omitting only those containing an infinitive. Amongst these 'other constructions', the type which occurs most frequently is the one which contains a past participle. Some authors make no explicit mention of this possibility, al ...
French Word Order and Lexical Weight
... head, with X1 and X2 categories which can combine with an X1 head; only the phrases with an X1 head can scramble. The analysis can be summarised as follows: (i) words, rather than maximal projections only, can be complements or modifiers, (ii) certain words, but not all, are prevented from projectin ...
... head, with X1 and X2 categories which can combine with an X1 head; only the phrases with an X1 head can scramble. The analysis can be summarised as follows: (i) words, rather than maximal projections only, can be complements or modifiers, (ii) certain words, but not all, are prevented from projectin ...
Nominative Personal Pronouns and Some
... In some of these passages ego is also juxtaposed with tibi or a demonstrative; ego is often alongside an oblique-case form of tu (see below, p. 108). The focus is on the future-tense verbs, and ego has no real contrastive emphasis of the type seen in (2)-(3), but collocations such as ego tibi may be ...
... In some of these passages ego is also juxtaposed with tibi or a demonstrative; ego is often alongside an oblique-case form of tu (see below, p. 108). The focus is on the future-tense verbs, and ego has no real contrastive emphasis of the type seen in (2)-(3), but collocations such as ego tibi may be ...
Oriented Adverbs - Universität Tübingen
... What is the connection, in the above example, between a person's property of being careful and the property of events with the same name? Alternations of this kind are extremely pervasive and entirely regular, so one must suspect that there is something about the underlying lexical meaning of adject ...
... What is the connection, in the above example, between a person's property of being careful and the property of events with the same name? Alternations of this kind are extremely pervasive and entirely regular, so one must suspect that there is something about the underlying lexical meaning of adject ...
a comparative analysis of formal shifts in english bible translations
... I would like to thank all those who have had a part in this text. Much of what is good in these pages has come at the suggestion of friends and respected professionals in this field. Of course, all errors that remain herein are mine alone. I must first thank my wife, Maribel. Her support and encoura ...
... I would like to thank all those who have had a part in this text. Much of what is good in these pages has come at the suggestion of friends and respected professionals in this field. Of course, all errors that remain herein are mine alone. I must first thank my wife, Maribel. Her support and encoura ...
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... where German is a necessary part of their curriculum, because I found many students not getting anything in German with the books in German medium. I wrote the pronunciations in Hindi because psychologically many students still have the fear of learning „Another Foreign Language‟, when they are not ...
... where German is a necessary part of their curriculum, because I found many students not getting anything in German with the books in German medium. I wrote the pronunciations in Hindi because psychologically many students still have the fear of learning „Another Foreign Language‟, when they are not ...