Open Access version via Utrecht University Repository
... This thesis addresses the system of verbal Indonesian affixes and how they are related to the argument structure of the verb they attach to. Indonesian is the national language of Indonesia, which stretches over thousands of inhabited islands, from Sumatra in the west to Irian Jaya in the east, with ...
... This thesis addresses the system of verbal Indonesian affixes and how they are related to the argument structure of the verb they attach to. Indonesian is the national language of Indonesia, which stretches over thousands of inhabited islands, from Sumatra in the west to Irian Jaya in the east, with ...
turkish phonology and morphology (türkçe ses ve
... Bu kitab›n bas›m, yay›m ve sat›fl haklar› Anadolu Üniversitesine aittir. “Uzaktan Ö¤retim” tekni¤ine uygun olarak haz›rlanan bu kitab›n bütün haklar› sakl›d›r. ‹lgili kurulufltan izin almadan kitab›n tümü ya da bölümleri mekanik, elektronik, fotokopi, manyetik kay›t veya baflka flekillerde ço¤alt›l ...
... Bu kitab›n bas›m, yay›m ve sat›fl haklar› Anadolu Üniversitesine aittir. “Uzaktan Ö¤retim” tekni¤ine uygun olarak haz›rlanan bu kitab›n bütün haklar› sakl›d›r. ‹lgili kurulufltan izin almadan kitab›n tümü ya da bölümleri mekanik, elektronik, fotokopi, manyetik kay›t veya baflka flekillerde ço¤alt›l ...
University of Pardubice Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
... emphatic reflexive pronouns (e.g.: the subskills themselves) (Biber et al., 1999: 604-5). In addition, it is possible to use multiple postmodification because more than one modification can be applied to a single head. If this multiple modification is used, the second and other ...
... emphatic reflexive pronouns (e.g.: the subskills themselves) (Biber et al., 1999: 604-5). In addition, it is possible to use multiple postmodification because more than one modification can be applied to a single head. If this multiple modification is used, the second and other ...
Adjectives and Adjective Phrases
... which sentences are put to use in discourse: we only digress on such matters when this is instrumental in describing the syntactic properties of the language. For example, Chapter N1 contains an extensive discussion of deverbal nominalization, but this is only because this morphological process is r ...
... which sentences are put to use in discourse: we only digress on such matters when this is instrumental in describing the syntactic properties of the language. For example, Chapter N1 contains an extensive discussion of deverbal nominalization, but this is only because this morphological process is r ...
Adjectives and Adjective Phrases
... which sentences are put to use in discourse: we only digress on such matters when this is instrumental in describing the syntactic properties of the language. For example, Chapter N1 contains an extensive discussion of deverbal nominalization, but this is only because this morphological process is r ...
... which sentences are put to use in discourse: we only digress on such matters when this is instrumental in describing the syntactic properties of the language. For example, Chapter N1 contains an extensive discussion of deverbal nominalization, but this is only because this morphological process is r ...
Materials on Forest Enets, an Indigenous Language of Northern
... asking the right questions at the right moment, for providing informative feedback and especially for the intensive working weekends in Kiel. Aitäh sulle Tiit for granting me both the necessary freedom and support to compile a monograph dissertation and for your insight behind the scenes of Soviet l ...
... asking the right questions at the right moment, for providing informative feedback and especially for the intensive working weekends in Kiel. Aitäh sulle Tiit for granting me both the necessary freedom and support to compile a monograph dissertation and for your insight behind the scenes of Soviet l ...
a complete grammar of esperanto the international language
... Such presentation, including full and accurate grammatical explanations, suitably graded reading lessons, and similarly graded material for translation from English, has not heretofore been accessible within the compass of a single volume, or in fact within the compass of any two or three volumes. T ...
... Such presentation, including full and accurate grammatical explanations, suitably graded reading lessons, and similarly graded material for translation from English, has not heretofore been accessible within the compass of a single volume, or in fact within the compass of any two or three volumes. T ...
Lesson I
... Comparative Adjectives and Adverbs Pronouns Numerals Classified Vocabulary Latin - English Vocabulary English - Latin Vocabulary Index ...
... Comparative Adjectives and Adverbs Pronouns Numerals Classified Vocabulary Latin - English Vocabulary English - Latin Vocabulary Index ...
a complete grammar of esperanto the international language
... Such presentation, including full and accurate grammatical explanations, suitably graded reading lessons, and similarly graded material for translation from English, has not heretofore been accessible within the compass of a single volume, or in fact within the compass of any two or three volumes. T ...
... Such presentation, including full and accurate grammatical explanations, suitably graded reading lessons, and similarly graded material for translation from English, has not heretofore been accessible within the compass of a single volume, or in fact within the compass of any two or three volumes. T ...
54. Adverbs and adverbials
... The term “adverb” refers to a specific word class or lexical category and therefore contrasts with other word classes, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs, or prepositions. On the one hand, both adverbs and prepositions are uninflected, with adverbs differing from prepositions in having phrasal status. ...
... The term “adverb” refers to a specific word class or lexical category and therefore contrasts with other word classes, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs, or prepositions. On the one hand, both adverbs and prepositions are uninflected, with adverbs differing from prepositions in having phrasal status. ...
Vocabulary - For the Teachers
... Recognize what part of the sentence a prepositional phrase modifies; Recognize a prepositional phrase used as an adjective; Recognize the meaning of a verb phrase RIT 201-210: Vocabulary: prepositional phrase; Identify a prepositional phrase; Recognize a ...
... Recognize what part of the sentence a prepositional phrase modifies; Recognize a prepositional phrase used as an adjective; Recognize the meaning of a verb phrase RIT 201-210: Vocabulary: prepositional phrase; Identify a prepositional phrase; Recognize a ...
French Language Studies – Grammar Reference Resource
... indefinite determiners................................................................................................................................................... 29 Adverbs ....................................................................................................................... ...
... indefinite determiners................................................................................................................................................... 29 Adverbs ....................................................................................................................... ...
German Adverbial Adjectives: Syntactic Position and
... with the help of semantic criteria. I first introduce two subclasses of manner adverbials, namely pure manner adverbials and subject-oriented manner adverbials. These usages are then differentiated from method-oriented and degree adverbials, as well as the usage of adjectives as resultatives, depict ...
... with the help of semantic criteria. I first introduce two subclasses of manner adverbials, namely pure manner adverbials and subject-oriented manner adverbials. These usages are then differentiated from method-oriented and degree adverbials, as well as the usage of adjectives as resultatives, depict ...
German Adverbial Adjectives: Syntactic Position
... with the help of semantic criteria. I first introduce two subclasses of manner adverbials, namely pure manner adverbials and subject-oriented manner adverbials. These usages are then differentiated from method-oriented and degree adverbials, as well as the usage of adjectives as resultatives, depict ...
... with the help of semantic criteria. I first introduce two subclasses of manner adverbials, namely pure manner adverbials and subject-oriented manner adverbials. These usages are then differentiated from method-oriented and degree adverbials, as well as the usage of adjectives as resultatives, depict ...
Nominative Personal Pronouns and Some
... by means of the contrastive use of ego. But in the third sentence the primary contrast is between rerum and hominum. The main motivation of ego seems to be its tendency to occur as enclitic on certain categories of focused terms. I wish to consider further the possibility that the use of ego may som ...
... by means of the contrastive use of ego. But in the third sentence the primary contrast is between rerum and hominum. The main motivation of ego seems to be its tendency to occur as enclitic on certain categories of focused terms. I wish to consider further the possibility that the use of ego may som ...
scenario - SIL International
... This study demonstrates how new theories concerning language and cognition can be applied to our understanding of specific languages, and to the task of translation. Section 1 documents the theory of scenarios, how people store, categorize, and access information in the brain, and demonstrates how t ...
... This study demonstrates how new theories concerning language and cognition can be applied to our understanding of specific languages, and to the task of translation. Section 1 documents the theory of scenarios, how people store, categorize, and access information in the brain, and demonstrates how t ...
1 Chapter 1. Introduction: status and definition of compounding
... Spokane) or ‗eat‘, ‗say‘, ‗fetch‘, ‗hit‘ (in Yup‘ik), they might look semantically like roots, but their distribution is different from that of roots, and they serve a discourse function rather different from that of roots (they serve to background information that has already been introduced in a d ...
... Spokane) or ‗eat‘, ‗say‘, ‗fetch‘, ‗hit‘ (in Yup‘ik), they might look semantically like roots, but their distribution is different from that of roots, and they serve a discourse function rather different from that of roots (they serve to background information that has already been introduced in a d ...
... but also in terms of content. To work out the semantic description of nach, we will take a look at the temporal preposition nach in section 2 and show its peculiarities. Semantic structures will be displayed by means of Discourse Representation Structures (DRS; cf. Kamp and Reyle 1993, Lechler and R ...
... but also in terms of content. To work out the semantic description of nach, we will take a look at the temporal preposition nach in section 2 and show its peculiarities. Semantic structures will be displayed by means of Discourse Representation Structures (DRS; cf. Kamp and Reyle 1993, Lechler and R ...
The Grammar of English Grammars
... disheartening irregularity: none but Satan is fond of plunging into chaos."--Philological Museum, (Cambridge, Eng., 1832,) Vol. i, p. 666. If there be any remedy for the neglect and ignorance here spoken of, it must be found in the more effectual teaching of English grammar. But the principles of gr ...
... disheartening irregularity: none but Satan is fond of plunging into chaos."--Philological Museum, (Cambridge, Eng., 1832,) Vol. i, p. 666. If there be any remedy for the neglect and ignorance here spoken of, it must be found in the more effectual teaching of English grammar. But the principles of gr ...
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English
... consciousness when we talk of usage, and I have applied it to both spoken and written usage in order to suggest some of the connections between them. I have used the labels Impromptu and Planned for Gleason's "consultative" and "deliberative," seeking to make them readily accessible to general reade ...
... consciousness when we talk of usage, and I have applied it to both spoken and written usage in order to suggest some of the connections between them. I have used the labels Impromptu and Planned for Gleason's "consultative" and "deliberative," seeking to make them readily accessible to general reade ...
§§1–14 Exordium. §§15–36 Narratio. §§37–82 Argumentatio. §§83–123 Anticategoria.
... adesse This verb is a technical term when it is used absolutely: to lend support to the case, by their physical presence. The verb may also take the dative of the person(s) supported, as at Sen. 38 adsum amicis. Although Clark does not punctuate after adesse in this line, other editors insert a comm ...
... adesse This verb is a technical term when it is used absolutely: to lend support to the case, by their physical presence. The verb may also take the dative of the person(s) supported, as at Sen. 38 adsum amicis. Although Clark does not punctuate after adesse in this line, other editors insert a comm ...
Copula Variation in African American Vernacular English: an investigation... individual- and stage-level predicate hypothesis
... extension of a process already found in SE. In his study, Labov described another patterning in copula variation in AA VE, which we consider the inspiration for this work. In considering the distribution of the full, contracted, and null forms of the copula, Labov concluded that the copula is likely ...
... extension of a process already found in SE. In his study, Labov described another patterning in copula variation in AA VE, which we consider the inspiration for this work. In considering the distribution of the full, contracted, and null forms of the copula, Labov concluded that the copula is likely ...
A truth-functional account of metalinguistic negation, with evidence
... The metalinguistic use of 'not' has been brought to prominence by the work of Laurence Horn (1985, 1989), who characterizes it as a marked, non-truth-functional use of negation, not reducible to the standard truth-functional operator. In this paper, we argue that the essential property of metalingui ...
... The metalinguistic use of 'not' has been brought to prominence by the work of Laurence Horn (1985, 1989), who characterizes it as a marked, non-truth-functional use of negation, not reducible to the standard truth-functional operator. In this paper, we argue that the essential property of metalingui ...
alas completo pdf - AMS Acta
... We excluded the inclusion of a glottal stop phoneme, for the status of /k/ syllable final seems to be clear also form a comparative point of view (the same occurs in Malay). On the other hand this could lead to the simplification of the types of syllables postulating each V syllable as really a sequ ...
... We excluded the inclusion of a glottal stop phoneme, for the status of /k/ syllable final seems to be clear also form a comparative point of view (the same occurs in Malay). On the other hand this could lead to the simplification of the types of syllables postulating each V syllable as really a sequ ...
Dependent Clause Constructions Key Examples
... cr animal kill=act.irr=pl that animal=gen meat take=act.irr quot say=act.pst ‘Whatever animal they kill, that animal’s meat they should bring, he said.’ (Peterson 2006: 299) Correlative construction Remark: There are two types of correlative constructions: (i) With je-class markers: ...
... cr animal kill=act.irr=pl that animal=gen meat take=act.irr quot say=act.pst ‘Whatever animal they kill, that animal’s meat they should bring, he said.’ (Peterson 2006: 299) Correlative construction Remark: There are two types of correlative constructions: (i) With je-class markers: ...