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DNA Do Now self Notes
1) DNA stands for _____ eoxyribo _____ ucleic _____cid
2) DNA is made of units called ____________________
3) What are the 3 parts of a nucleotide?
A) ________________________ B)______________________ C) ______________________
4) Draw arrows
To diagram
5) Name the 4 nitrogen
A = ________________ T =________________ G =________________
C =________________
6) Match these bases to their base pair A- ________ T - _______ G - ______ C - _______
7) The chains of ________________ form a sequence which is the genetic code
8) DNA structure - DNA forms a spiral or twisted ladder shape called a ____________________
9) Rungs (steps) are made of base pairs connected
By weak ________________ bonds
10) Sides of the ladder are made of phosphates and sugars (deoxyribose)
With strong ________________ bonds
11) Who discovered the Double Helix ? ____________ and ___________
12) DNA replication is when DNA duplicates itself before mitosis in the ____________ phase of cell
13) DNA replication enzymes - The 2 main enzymes are:
Helicase – ___________ apart the DNA strands
Polymerase – Attaches new nucleotides to _____________ new strands
14) DNA Checkpoints - DNA must be replicated perfectly
so the new cells that form are identical. The Cell cycle use proofreader
enzymes to ensure there are no ____________ in the DNA
Mutation – when an ____________ sequence gets copied and
passes the checkpoint
15) Complete the replication of the following side of a DNA strand below:
16) Proteins are produced from DNA using 3 nucleotide code letters at a time for each amino acid.
What would happen to the proteins produced if the first T was deleted (mutation) and all the nucleotide
code letters shifted to the left?