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Exam I Review – some helpful hints
The closed-book exam will consist of true/false, matching, fill-in-the-blank and multiple choice
questions which draw from your knowledge, intelligence and creativity. Know the material
below and you will be in great shape for the upcoming exam!
---In eukaryotes, where does RNA polymerase bind the DNA to start transcription?
The process by which genetic information is transferred from DNA to RNA is called…
The base sequence of mRNA is converted into a corresponding amino acid sequence during…
During the initiation step of transcription, what molecule binds to the promoter region of DNA?
During transcription, the synthesis of the mRNA strand proceeds in which direction?
In eukaryotes, where does transcription take place?
In eukaryotes, precursor mRNA molecules are processed in the…
Self-cleaving RNAs that function catalytically in Tetrahynema are called?
Which of the following is not found in a eukaryotic promoter?
Characterize a prokaryotic mRNA transcript…
Before a prokaryotic mRNA can be translated, must it be modified by the addition of a polyA tail?
Does RNA polymerase have proofreading activity during transcription?
Which type of RNA is found only in eukaryotes?
Is a promoter a coding portion of a gene?
In eukaryotes, do mature mRNAs typically have introns, a 5′ cap, and a polyA tail?
Is prokaryotic mRNA polycistronic or monocistronic?
Which nucleic acid brings amino acids to ribosomes during translation?
Which nucleic acid encodes the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide?
Which nucleic acid associates with ribosomal proteins; it composes the ribosome complex?
Which nucleic acid forms complexes that are used in eukaryotic RNA processing?
Which type of transcriptional termination requires formation of a stem loop secondary structure
in the RNA?
Which of the following RNA modifications could best be described as "removal of intervening
Which of the following is a critical function of the poly-A tail of eukaryotic mRNAs?
What is the primary factor involved in the termination of RNA synthesis?
What was the significance of the Beadle and Tatum experiment?
What is phenylketonuria (PKU); what characterizes this disease?
Which genetic disease(s) are caused by defective proteins that are not enzymes (Tay-Sachs, PKU,
Sickle-Cell Anemia, Cystic Fibrosis, Alkaptonuria, Albinism)?
Characterize Amniocentesis…
Cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutation in the gene that encodes for what function?
What is a mutation that has pleiotropic consequences…
Which of the following is a disorder that is not commonly linked in a metabolome (Kartagener
Syndrome, Alkaptonuria, Albinism, Phenylketonuria).
The difference between normal and sickle-cell hemoglobin is based upon…
During replication, the direction of synthesis of new DNA from the leading and lagging strands is:
In eukaryotes, chromosomes are duplicated during which stage of the cell cycle?
What did Meselson and Stahl’s experiment demonstrate?
Where does the initiator protein bind DNA at the start of replication?
After removal of the RNA primers and replacement with DNA nucleotides, the Okazaki fragments
are joined by a reaction that involves which enzyme?
Which enzyme elongates the new DNA strand starting from the RNA primer?
Which kind of enzyme prevents DNA from tangling up by introducing negative supercoils as the
replication fork migrates during replication?
Eukaryotic replication of nuclear DNA requires:
Is a new nucleotide added to a growing strand of DNA at the 3′ end?
Are Okazaki fragments made during lagging strand synthesis of the DNA double helix?
In eukaryotes, does DNA replication begin at a single origin of replication on each chromosome.
If the DNA sequence of one strand is 3’GTTCTAATCCGTGC5’, what would be the sequence of
the complementary DNA strand?
Which of the following enzymes is used for the above step (catalysis in the prior question)?
What acts as the primer during DNA replication?
The first step in DNA replication is?
Loosely aggregated DNA bound to proteins in a eukaryotic cell is called (what structure)? When
the cell divides, this condenses into (what structure)?
Why does the chromosome of most prokaryotes differ from those of eukaryotes?
In eukaryotic cells, are histone proteins are actively synthesized during the S phase of the cell cycle?
Whose experiment involved the transformation of Streptococcus pneumoniae R strain into S
Who used radioactively labeled T2 bacteriophage to confirm the identity of the transforming
Who used the X-ray crystallography technique to examine diffraction patterns of DNA molecules
(with tragic health related consequences)?
Which part of the T2 bacteriophage entered E. coli cells in the experiment confirming the identity
of the transforming principle?
Purines and Pyrimidines are nitrogenous bases; what is their general structure?
What is the bond between opposing strands of DNA?
What is the diameter of the DNA double helix?
The DNA double helix makes one full turn at?
What is the distance between two nucleotides of DNA?
What is the number of base pairs in each turn of the double helix of DNA?
The backbone of the DNA molecule is formed by what bonds?
DNA strands are said to be antiparallel. Antiparallel means what?
Did Hershey and Chase use radioactive sulfur to label the genetic material of bacteriophages?
In a strand of DNA, does a hydrogen bond connect that phosphate group of one nucleotide to the
sugar of the adjacent nucleotide?
Eukaryotic chromosomes always consist of…
An ideal organism for a geneticist to use as a study organism would possess which of the
following characteristics?
What is the basic structural unit of chromatin, with "bead-on-a-string" morphology
The region of a eukaryotic chromosome found near the attachment point of mitotic or meiotic
spindle fibers is what?
DNA and associated histones compose what molecule?
What is the constituent monomer of DNA and RNA?
What (where) is the region of a prokaryotic cell where the chromosome is located?
Complementary (nucleic-acid) base-pairing allows for…
As helicase unwinds the DNA molecule, what keeps the strands apart?
Which enzyme activity is associated with the proofreading mechanism of DNA polymerase I?
After a region of DNA has been replicated, what removes the RNA primers and replaces the
RNA with DNA?
What does Garrod’s hypothesis indicate?
The enzymatic activity of a telomerase is best described as a…
Characterize euchromatin in a eukaryote…
Does the genome of most prokaryotes consist of moderately repetitive DNA?
The branch of genetics concerned with analyzing the structure and function of genes is called…