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The Lymphatic System
•What does the
lymphatic system
•How do the parts
of the lymphatic
system work
Functions of the Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is part of the immune
system and helps destroy microorganisms that
enter the body.
There are four main functions of the
lymphatic system.
It absorbs some of the tissue fluid that collects
around cells.
It absorbs fats from the digestive system and
transports them to the circulatory system.
Functions of the Lymphatic System (cont.)
• It filters dead cells,
viruses, bacteria, and
other unneeded
particles from tissue
fluid and then returns
the tissue fluid to the
circulatory system.
• It helps fight off
illness and infections
and includes
structures in which
white blood cells
Parts of the Lymphatic System
 The lymphatic system includes lymph
vessels and the fluid they carry.
 Water, white blood cells, and dissolved
materials such as salts and glucose make up
tissue fluid, which leaks out of capillary walls
and into the spaces that surround tissue
 Cells absorb materials they need from
tissue fluid and release wastes into it.
Parts of the Lymphatic System (cont.)
About 10 percent of the tissue fluid is
absorbed by the lymph vessels and is called
from Latin lympha, means “water”
C Squared Studios/Getty Images
Lymph vessels transport lymph by
contraction of the muscles you use
to move your body.
Parts of the Lymphatic System (cont.)
• Lymph vessels include clusters of small,
spongy structures called lymph nodes that
filter particles, such as bacteria, viruses, and
fungi, from lymph.
• Lymph nodes store white blood cells that
attack and destroy the trapped particles.
• Large groups of lymph nodes, found in the
neck, groin, and armpits, swell when your
body increases its production of white
blood cells to fight infection.
Parts of the Lymphatic System (cont.)
• Lymphocytes are white
blood cells
that destroy infectioncausing microorganisms
such as viruses
and bacteria.
• Lymphocytes include B cells,
which mature in the bone
marrow, and T cells, which
mature in the thymus.
Immature T cells move from bone
marrow the to the thymus.
Parts of the Lymphatic System (cont.)
• Mature B cells and T cells move into the
lymph and blood to help fight infection.
• The spleen is an organ of the lymphatic
system that recycles worn-out red blood
cells and produces and stores
• Tonsils are lymph tissues in your throat
that help protect your body from infection
by trapping and destroying pathogens that
enter your nose and mouth.