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Ancient Greeks
Chapter 4
The Ancient Greeks
I. The Polis
A. Greek city-states were known as a
B. The main gathering place in a polis was called an
C. Agora
1.) Located below acropolis
2.) market place
3.) Meeting place to debate
II. Sparta
A. Was founded by the Dorians
B. Importance of Military
1.). focused on military skills to control the
people they conquered!
2.) feared helots may rebel!
C.) Family Life
1.) Boys:
a.) left family at age 7 to live in army
b.) treated harshly to make them tough.
2.) Men:
a.) at age 20, men entered regular army.
b.) could leave to visit home at age 30.
c.) retired from army at age 60.
3.) women/girls
a.) ruled over helots
b.) played sports daily
D. Government
1.) oligarchy - rule by few
a. Two kings
b. The council ( 28 elders)
2.) all men 30 & over we're a part of the
assembly, and could vote.
III. Athens
A. Family Life
1.) Women
a. Poor would work fields with husband
b. household chores
c. Wealthy made clothes, supervised servants,
stayed home.
2.) girls
a. Married at age 14-15
b. learned music (only wealthy)
c. couldn't attend school
3.) Men
a. Worked early mornings
b. wealthy would drink and debate.
c. Became citizen at age 18
d. Could join army at 18
4.) boys
a. Well rounded education
b. music, art, math, and public speaking,
B. Athenian Government
a. Direct democracy
b. representative democracy
2. Only males could vote
3. Athens is the birthplace of democracy!
C. The Age of Pericles
1. Pericles was a general during the
Persian Wars.
2. the "Age of Pericles" was Athens
Golden age b/c the city blossomed under
his leadership.
3. Achievements of Pericles
a.) made Athens more
1.) Lower class males could run
for office.
2.) paid office-holders
b.) constructed a major
reconstruction program
c.) supported artist, architecture &