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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Golden Age of Athens (Greece) • 480-430 B.C. AKA-Age of Pericles (461-429 B.C.) Pericles •Political leader in Athens •Popular for 32 years •Had 3 main goals for Athens: Goals •Strengthen Athenian democracy •Hold and strengthen empire •Glorify Athens Examples • Increases number of paid public officials • Used money from Delian league to build 200 ship navy • Takes money from Delian league to build Parthenon Parthenon What happens? • Pericles dies in 429 B.C. from the plague that hits Athens. (remember, Athens goes on to surrender) Understanding #1 • Athenian Culture, during the Classic Era, became one of the foundation stones of Western civilization