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Dr. Fredricksmeyer
World of the Ancient Greeks
Rise and Fall of Classical Athens:
Peloponnesian Wars
Athenian Imperialism
Thucydides and his History of the Peloponnesian War
life: aristocrat, a general, influenced by sophists (moral relativism), caught plague, died in
411 while in exile and before PW done
first "scientific historian”
sophistic method based on Hippocratic observation
toward T von Ranke
yet omits/selects/concentrates; “what must have been” (ta deonta)
Pentakontateia (479-31)
Persians and Peace of Kallias (449)
Athens vs. Sparta: Delian League vs. Peloponnesian League
Peace of 445: Athens forfeits Megaran ports, i.e. Western trade route, and must
use Pro-Spartan Corinth
Aggressive foreign policy
supports democracies vs. oligarchies
Athens allies with Argos (anti-Spartan)
Athens sides with Corcyreans vs. Corinth
Megarian decree
[Patron of the arts and sciences]
Peloponnesian War(s) (431-04)
I. Archidamian War (431-21)
Athenian Plague
Pericles’s funeral oration
Pericles’s death
inter-poleis war complemented by internal/civil conflict between democrats and oligarchs
Corcyrean civil war (427) and the mutability of language
Athens captures 125 Spartiates (425)
Cleon and Brasidas die at Amphipolis
Peace of Nicias 421
Sicilian Expedition (415-13)
3 interest groups
Alcibidades and mutilation of the herms
29,000/17,000 Athenians
200 ships, i.e. whole navy
survivors worked to death in mines
II. Decelean War (411-04)
Oligarchic coup in 411
(Second) rise and fall of Alcibiades
Battle of Aegospotami (404): Athens surrenders to Sparta
oligarchic coup in 404
Athenian Imperialism (the Athenian paradox-democracy and imperialism)
Imperialistic seeds from start of Delian league
Athens a radical democracy/imperialistic thalassocracy
navy and imperial magistrates in allied territories
Athens has “whip-hand”
Naxos (470-69) secedes from Delian League: besieged and bullied into submission
Allies lose autonomy: Increasing regulations overseen by Athenian imperial magistrates
backed up by fleet, e.g. weights and measures, religious practices, not to mention taxes
etc to pay tribute
Delian treasury moved to Athens
Pericles building program
New Learning esp. in physics, astronomy and ethics
relativism/justification for mistreatment of allies/Real Politik
Physics and astronomy: anthropocentric rationalism and ethical relativism
Physics-primary substance, atomic theory, etc.
Astronomy-moon made of rock
Ethical relativism
Ethics: this move toward ethical relativism reinforced by sophistic ideas, esp.
Nomos vs. physis
nomos = custom and belief/human law, which vary from place to place,
i.e. no absolute truth, all things relative > situational ethics
physis = natural law that precedes human law, but that law open to
interpretation, hence also relativistic and dangerous, might makes
Athenian speech physis/nomos
might makes right 1.75-77
Mytilenean Debate (427)
(cf. Sparta and Plataea)
Mytilene tries to form league of its own by consolidating cities in Lesbos
Sicilian Expedition (see above): as much about commercial opportunism as the wareffort (good for economy to support war, to have harbors in west); retinue included many
merchants and speculators
Melian Dialogue (416)