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Greek Vs Greek Play Questions
1. Who was the great leader of Athens from 461 – 429 BCE?
2. Who was Thucydides?
An Athenian General, a historian, and storyteller
3. How were the Greeks able to beat the Persians?
Greek city-states joined together
4. What did both Athens & Sparta try to do after the Persian War?
Become stronger and formed the Delian League and the Peloponnesian
5. Why was the time period that Pericles ruled called “The Golden Age”?
It had democracy, literature, art, architecture, and philosophy
6. Why did the Athenians form the Delian League?
So they would be stronger with other city-states on their side
7. Why did tensions grow between Athens and Sparta?
Sparta feared Athens gaining power
Scene One
8. Why did Pericles threaten to punish the city-state of Samos?
To show what happens to traitors because Samos didn’t want to pay to
rebuild Athens.
Scene Two
9. What did the Athenians do to make the Corinthians very mad?
Helped people who were trying to revolt against Corinth
10. What ultimatum did the Spartans and their allies give to the Athenians?
There will be peace if Athens gives city-states their freedom or war
Scene Three
11. Why did the Athenians decide to stay within their city’s walls?
To avoid fighting on land
12. What did Pericles tell the citizens they were fighting for?
Government/Democracy, Culture and Education
Scene Four through Epilogue
13. How did the city of Athens change during the fighting?
They became weak due to the plague
14. How did Greece change after the Peloponnesian War?
All of Greece became weakened