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The Ancient Greeks: Crucible of Civilization (from the rise of Pericles to the end of the Peloponnesian War) Name: _______________________________ 1. How did the position of Athens change after the Persian Wars? 2. How was Pericles different than Themistocles in social class and what was his goal for Athens? 3. What was at the center of his plan to repair the damage to Athens caused by the Persians? 4. In 431 BC, what does Pericles advise the Athenian assembly to do? Why does he think this is a good idea? 5. How long did Pericles think that it would take the Spartans to give up? 6. How did the plague arrive in Athens? How did this affect the city? 7. How did Pericles die, and what were the consequences of his death? 8. What did the Persians do to the Athenians after Athens' defeat at Syracuse? 9. What did the Spartans use their navy and what did this do to the Athenians? 10. What did the Spartans force the Athenians to do after they defeated them? 11. When did Athens at last surrender to the Spartan commander Lysander? How many ships was Athens allowed to retain?