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Guided Notes Chapter 4.2
By 750 B.C. the city-state or what the Greeks called a__________ became the central focus of
Greek life. We get our word ____________ from this word.
The polis served as a place where people from the city as well as the surrounding countryside
could meet for ___________, ___________, and ____________ activities.
The main gathering place in the polis was usually a hill with a fortified area at the top called an
_______________: Served as a place of refuge during an attack and sometimes came to be a
religious center on which temples and public buildings were built.
Below the acropolis was an _______________:.
Place where people could _______________: and served as a market.
Varied in size from a few square miles to a few _______________: square miles.
Also varied in _______________:; Athens had more than 300,000 by 5th century B.C.
Community of the City State
The polis above all was a place where people shared a common _______________ and
common goals.
The community consisted of:
Citizens with political rights (_______________)
Citizens with no political rights (_______________and _______________)
Noncitizens (_______________, slaves, and resident aliens )
Aristotle argued that a citizen did not belong to himself or herself but to the
By 700 B.C. the city-states had developed a military system based on ___________.
___________: heavily armed infantry soldiers that carried a round shield, a short sword, and
a thrusting spear about 9 feet long.
Went into battle as a unit, marching shoulder to shoulder in a rectangular formation known as a
This wall of shields protected the hoplites during battle.
Needed more land
Conquered _____________and _____________
Made them helots (slaves)
Military discipline by spartans
Joined military at age 30
Oligarchy led by 2 kings
_____________ was the main focus
Oligarchy led by _____________
Full power given to _____________
Freed slaves
Cancelled debt
Could not avoid Tyranny
Piesistratus took over
Aided trade
Gave aristocrats land to peasants
His son was overthrown
_____________ then took over creating Athenian Democracy