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NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering
Research Project Write-up
Title of Project :
Screening for novel snake venom toxins using protein
chemistry and molecular biology
Name of
Supervisor :
Prof. R. Manjunatha Kini
Contact Details:
Dept of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4
Singapore 117543
Tel: 65165235
Fax: 67792486
email: [email protected]
Short Description
Toxins have evolved millions of years to achieve pinpoint specificity in their
interaction with target proteins and provided impetus for the design and
development of numerous therapeutic agents useful in the treatment of
human diseases. In this program, we propose to isolate and characterize
novel toxins from rare snake venoms, which have not been studied, and
develop prototypes of therapeutic agents based on their structure.
NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering
Research Project Write-up
Title of Project :
Design and development of potent thrombin peptide
Name of
Supervisor :
Prof. R. Manjunatha Kini
Contact Details:
Dept of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4
Singapore 117543
Tel: 65165235
Fax: 67792486
email: [email protected]
Short Description
We have identified anticoagulant, antiplatelet and hypotensive sites in snake
venom toxins. We are currently designing more potent and stable short
peptides. We also plan to develop proteins with novel functions using these
functional sites. We also design short peptides with specific structural folds.
NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering
Research Project Write-up
Title of Project :
Structure-Function studies of novel toxins from snake
Name of
Supervisor :
Prof. R. Manjunatha Kini
Contact Details:
Dept of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4
Singapore 117543
Tel: 65165235
Fax: 67792486
email: [email protected]
We have been involved in isolation and characterization of novel toxins from
snake venoms and identified a number of new toxins that belong to known
family of toxins, but with different biological properties. We have also identified
a few new families of snake venom toxins.
The new toxins include
(a) Ohanin (a protein toxin which crosses the blood-brain barrier and induces
hypo locomotion in mice.
(b) Acetylcholine receptor toxins including denmotoxin
(c) Waprins is a new family of proteins with 50 amino acid residues and four
disulfide bonds that we described recently.
(d) New families of toxins which are yet to be named.
NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering
Research Project Write-up
Title of Project :
Design of mini enzymes
Name of
Supervisor :
Prof. R. Manjunatha Kini
Contact Details:
Dept of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4
Singapore 117543
Tel: 65165235
Fax: 67792486
email: [email protected]
Short Description
We have been using protein design and engineering methods to develop
short bioactive ligands with different therapeutic applications. This project
aims at designing mini proteins and enzymes which retain most of the desired
biochemical and biological properties of the parent protein. We have marked a
number of proteins and enzymes with distinct properties.