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Date:___________________ Class Period:___________
Ch. 8, The Rise of Ancient Rome, Section 1: The Roman Republic, p. 228-235
A. In Ancient Times, p. 228
I. Founding of the state was mixed with a little ______ with a great deal of __________.
II.Twin brothers __________ and ________ built their own _______ (Rome).
B. Geographical Advantages
I. Hills=area easy to __________ .
II. Soil was ___________, and the site had a __________.
III. Rome was at the center of ______________ we now call __________.
C. The Etruscans
I. The ___________ took power in Rome and spoke a language not any other in ________.
II. Although we have examples of their ____________, we can read little of it.
III. Etruscans ruled as kings of _______, but many Romans didn’t like having an all-power
_________ and having no say in how they were ________________.
IV. Many historians don’t know when the rule of the _____________ kings ended, and the
______________ began.
V. Although the ___________ defeated the Etruscans, they adopted Etruscan ________. Ex:
Gods, Greek ____________, and garment called the ______ came from the Etruscans
D. Romans form a Republic
I. After removing the last ____________ king, Romans vowed never to put some much
______ in kings. Wanted a _____________ that didn’t rely on one ruler.
II. By ____ B.C., Romans gained control of peninsula and established new gov. __________.
a. Republic:______________________________________________________________
E. The Roman Senate
I. In the Roman Republic, the most powerful part of gov. was the ____________.
II. At first, the senate was made up of ____ upper-class men called ___________.
a. Patrician:______________________________________________________________
IV. Plebeians could not hold __________ or be __________.
a. Plebeian:______________________________________________________________
F. The Roman Consuls
Date:___________________ Class Period:___________
a. Consuls:______________________________________________________________
I. Consuls were responsible for enforcing the Republic’s ________ and _______________.
II. Advised by senate on foreign ________, _______, and __________, among other things.
III. Ruled for ____ year and did what the ___________ wanted them to do.
IV. __________ was divided between the consuls and ________ had to agree.
V. If only one consul said _______, the matter was dropped.
a. Veto: _________________________________________________________________
B. Other Important Officials
I. Roman law allowed a _____________ to be appointed to handle an ________________.
a. Dictator:______________________________________________________________
II. ________ were other important officials
III. Functioned as __________________ at first, but later served as ___________ in civil-law
trials that settled disputes about ______________, business matters, contracts and so on.
IV. _________ helped to develop some of the first rules for ______________ courts of laws.
E. Patricians Versus Plebeians
I. Patricians grew ______________ because of Rome’s conquests.
II. Plebeians did not work on the patrician’s farms because they used slave labor.
III. Plebeians refused to fight in the _________ army, so the _______ gave into their demand.
IV. Demand was for a written code of law called the _______________________________.
F. Master of the Mediterranean
I. Roman armies conquered many territories, specifically _______________ and _________.
G. The Rise of Julius Caesar
I. ______________ won Caesar the loyalty of his ________.
II. Won the war and became ________________ of the Roman world in _______ B.C.
H. The Death of a Dictator
I. Caesar was killed. He was a strong __________. Romans felt that he had gone too ______.
From Republic to Empire
I._______________, Caesar’s adopted _________, held _____________.
II. He was the first _____________ of Rome.