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Review Questions - Lecture 5: Metabolism, Part 1
1. What is metabolism?
2. What does it mean to say that a cell has emergent properties?
3. Define “metabolic pathway”.
4. What is the difference between catabolic and anabolic pathways?
5. What is energy?
6. What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy?
7. What is chemical energy?
8. What are the two Laws of Thermodynamics and how are they related to entropy?
9. Do organisms as a whole have high or low entropy and why?
10. What is chemical equilibrium
11. When considering the relationship between reactants and products, what are two circumstances that
would lead to a spontaneous reaction?
12. What is electronegativity and how is it related to potential energy?
13. What is enthalpy?
14. What is the difference between exothermic & endothermic?
15. What is free energy?
16. What is the Gibbs free-energy equation and what does it tell you?
17. What is the difference between exergonic and endergonic?
18. What are the components of ATP?
19. Why is ATP an unstable molecule?
20. How is ATP used to do work?
21. What is energy coupling?
Review Questions - Lecture 5: Metabolism, Part 2
1. Does the Gibbs free energy equation relate to the rate of a reaction?
2. What is a catalyst and why do cells need catalysts?
3. Draw a picture of a protein, showing all for levels of protein structure, and how they are bound together.
4. What do chaperonins do for a protein?
5. What is activation energy?
6. How do enzymes assist in a chemical reaction?
7. What is an active site?
8. What is induced fit?
9. What limits the rate of a reaction?
10. What is enzyme saturation and how does it affect the rate of reaction?
11. What conditions affect the rate of enzyme reactions and in what ways?
12. What are cofactors?
13. How are enzymes regulated?
Review Questions - Lecture 6: Overview of Cellular Respiration, Photosynthesis & Redox Reactions
1. What is cellular respiration?
2. What is the purpose of cellular respiration?
3. Write the equation for cellular respiration.
4. Where do animals get each of the inputs for cellular respiration? What is the term for organisms that
acquire carbon compounds in this way?
5. Where do plants get each of the inputs for cellular respiration? What is the term for organisms that
acquire carbon compounds in this way?
6. What is a redox reaction? In cellular respiration, which molecules get oxidized and which get reduced?
7. Which is the stronger electron acceptor, NADH or Oxygen?
8. What is the purpose of the electron transport chain?
9. What is photosynthesis?
10. What is the purpose of photosynthesis?
11. Write the equation for photosynthesis.
12. What is primary productivity?
Review Questions - Lecture 7: Photosynthesis
1. Where do plants get each of the inputs for photosynthesis?
2. Do plants need anything else from their environment besides the inputs and outputs of photosynthesis?
3. What are stomata?
4. Which parts of the plant would you expect to find chloroplasts (leaves, stems, roots)?
5. Draw a picture of the chloroplast and label it as completely as possible.
6. For each of the following stages of photosynthesis, draw a picture showing specifically where in the cell
they occur:
Light reactions –
Calvin cycle 7. For each of the following stages of photosynthesis, explain what their purpose is:
Light reactions –
Calvin cycle 8. For each of the following end products of photosynthesis, list in what stage they are produced:
Glucose –
Oxygen -
9. At what stage of photosynthesis does the plant use the following inputs:
Water –
Carbon dioxide 10. What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
11. Which wavelengths are longer, radio waves or X rays? Which are potentially more harmful to living
organisms and why?
12. Which wavelengths have higher energy, red or blue?
13. What is visible light?
14. Draw a picture showing the three ways light reacts when it meets matter. Be sure to label the picture.
15. Be able to talk through the photosynthesis experiment describe in lecture (slides 13-16) and your textbook.
Why were algae used? Why were bacteria used? What were the results?
16. What are pigments?
17. What are accessory pigments and what are they used for?
18. Why would so many different pigment types evolve?
19. What is a photosystem?
20. Draw a picture of a photosystem, including chlorophyll a, accessory pigments, reaction center, primary
electron acceptor and photons, the transfer of energy from a photon, and the movement of electrons.
21. What are photons?
22. Explain what happens to an excited electron if there is no electron acceptor molecule to capture it.
23. What are the two types of photosystems?
24. What are the main electron acceptors in photosynthesis?
25. At what point(s) do redox reactions occur in photosynthesis?
26. Draw a picture of the flow of electrons in the PS1 (NADPH-producing photosystem). Where do those
electrons ultimately end up? How do they get there?
27. Which is the stronger electron acceptor: 1) the reaction center chl a in PS1 or 2) the primary electron
acceptor in PS2?
28. Draw a picture of the flow of electrons in PS2 (water-splitting photosystem). Where do those electrons
ultimately end up? What role do those electrons play in the production of ATP?
29. Make a sketch of an electron transport chain in the chloroplast, indicating where the electrons come from
and where they end up, the movement of H+, and production of ATP.
30. What is chemiosmosis?
31. How does ATP synthase work?
32. What is cyclic electron flow?
33. What are the end products of the light reaction?
34. What are the inputs of the Calvin cycle? what are the outputs?
35. Describe what occurs in the carbon fixation stage.
36. Describe what occurs in the reduction stage.
37. Describe what occurs in the regeneration stage.
38. What are the possible uses for the output of the Calvin cycle (e.g., where can it go and what does it do
39. Which process occurs at a faster rate, cellular respiration or photosynthesis? Why?
Review Questions - Lecture 8: Cellular Respiration
1. Compare and contrast the structures of mitochondria and chloroplasts. How does the structure of each
contribute to its function?
2. For each of the following end products of cellular respiration, list in what stage they are produced:
Carbon dioxide Water ATP 3. For each of the following stages of cellular respiration, draw a picture showing specifically where in the cell
they occur:
Glycolysis Citric Acid Cycle Electron Transport Chain 4. For each of the following stages of cellular respiration, explain what their purpose is:
Glycolysis Citric Acid Cycle Electron Transport Chain –
5. What are the main electron acceptors in cellular respiration?
6. What is the difference between substrate level phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation?
7. What are the inputs of glycolysis? What are the outputs of glycolysis?
8. How much energy is spent in the energy investment phase?
9. Describe the role of these three key enzymes (hexokinase, phosphofructokinase and aldolase)
10. How much energy, and in what form, is gained in the energy payoff phase?
11. Describe the role of these key enzymes (Triose phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerokinase, enolase
and pyruvate kinase)
12. How is glycolysis regulated?
13. Where do the NADH molecules produced in glycolysis go?
14. Where do the pyruvate molecules produced in glycolysis go?
15. In glycolysis, some ATP is produced. How is it produced during this stage, and how is that different from
the ATP produced during the electron transport chain?
16. What is acetyl CoA and how is it produced?
17. What regulates the production of acetyl CoA?
18. What are the inputs of the citric acid cycle? What are the outputs?
19. What major events occur in the citric acid cycle?
20. How is the citric acid cycle regulated?
21. Make a sketch of an electron transport chain in the mitochondria, indicating where the electrons come from
and where they end up.
22. On the drawing you did of the electron transport chain above, add in the presence and movement of
hydrogen ions. How are they moving (what is the path and driving force?)
23. How is ATP produced in the electron transport chain? Add this to your drawing.
24. Why does the electron transport chain occur in the inner membrane (cristae) of the mitochondria, instead of
the outer membrane?
25. How efficient in transforming energy is cellular respiration?
26. What other molecules can be used in cellular respiration, besides glucose?
27. How does cellular respiration relate to anabolic pathways?
28. What is fermentation?
29. Why is fermentation important to some organisms?
30. Do humans use fermentation? When?
31. What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?
32. What is the difference between a facultative anaerobe and an obligate anaerobe?
33. How is glycolysis important in understanding the evolutionary development of early life?
34. Draw a picture explaining the endosymbiosis theory.
35. What evidence exists for the endosymbiosis theory?