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 CHAPTER 24: Carbohydrate, Lipid, & Protein Metabolism General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry Janice Gorzynski Smith CHAPTER 24: Carbohydrate, Lipid, & Protein
Learning Objectives:
q  Role in Metabolism of faBy acid oxidaDon, glycolysis, & Amino acid catabolism q  ReacDons catalyzed by: kinase, isomerase, dehydrogenase, decarboxylase, carboxylase q  Glycolysis: steps & net reacAon q  Pyruvate conversion to acetyl Coenzyme A q  Gluconeogenesis: steps in synthesis of glucose q  Catabolism of Triacylglycerols: beta-­‐oxidaDon q  Synthesis of ketone bodies: ketogenesis q  Catabolism of Amino acids: q  transaminaDon & oxidaDve deaminaDon q  Ketogenic vs glucogenic amino acid catabolism CH 24 Homework:
End of Chapter problems: 30, 36, 38, 42, 47, 52, 58, 60, 64, 68, 71, 75,
76, 78, 80, 82, 96, 98 Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 2 Metabolism
Step 2 of Metabolism
•  Fatty acid oxidation
•  Glycolysis
•  Amino Acid
à All lead to the
production of Acetyl CoA
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 3 Metabolism
Step 2 of Metabolism
• In the catabolism of carbohydrates, glycolysis
converts glucose into pyruvate, which is then
metabolized into acetyl CoA.
Step 2 of Metabolism
• In the catabolism of lipids, fatty acids are converted
into thioesters and then cleaved into many
acetyl CoA units.
Step 2 of Metabolism
• Amino acids are usually reassembled into new
• Since excess amino acids are not stored in the
body, they can also be catabolized for energy.
• The amino groups (NH2) are converted to urea
[(NH2)2C=O], which is excreted in urine.
Step 2 of Metabolism: Urea Cycle
hBp://!SSL!/WebHelp/ales_vancura Catabolism_of_amino_acids.htm Biochemical
Common Enzymes
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 8 Biochemical
Common Enzymes: Example
• The transfer of a phosphate unit from ATP to the
fructose 6-phosphate molecule is catalyzed by
a kinase enzyme.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 9 Glycolysis
• Glycolysis is a linear, 10-step
anaerobic pathway that converts
glucose into two molecules of
• Steps [1] – [5] comprise the energy
investment phase, where 2 ATP
molecules are hydrolyzed.
• The 6-carbon glucose molecule is
converted into two 3-carbon segments.
• Steps [6] – [10] comprise the energygenerating phase, producing 1 NADH
and 2 ATPs for each pyruvate formed.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 10 Glycolysis
Energy Investment
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 11 Glycolysis
Energy Generation
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 12 Glycolysis
Step 1
• Step [1] begins with the
phosphorylation of glucose into
glucose 6-phosphate, using an ATP
and a kinase enzyme.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 13 Glycolysis
Step 2
• Step [2] isomerizes
glucose 6-phosphate to
fructose 6-phosphate
with an isomerase enzyme.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 14 Glycolysis
Step 3
• Step [3] is the
phosphorylation of
fructose 6-phosphate into
fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
with a kinase enzyme.
Steps [1-3] add 2 phosphate
groups and isomerize a 6membered ring into a 5membered ring. Energy is
stored as 2 ATP molecules.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 15 Glycolysis
Step 4
• Step [4] cleaves the fructose ring into a dihydroxyacetone phosphate and a glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 16 Glycolysis
Step 5
• Step [5] isomerizes the dihydroxyacetone phosphate
into another glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.
• Thus, the first phase of glycolysis converts
glucose into 2 glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate units.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 17 Glycolysis
Step 6
• In step [6] the aldehyde end of the molecule
is oxidized and phosphorylated by a dehydrogenase
enzyme and NAD+; this produces 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate and NADH.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 18 Glycolysis
Step 7
• In step [7], the phosphate group is transferred
onto an ADP with a kinase enzyme, forming
3-phosphoglycerate and ATP.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 19 Glycolysis
Step 8
• In step [8], the phosphate group is isomerized to
a new position in 2-phosphoglycerate.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 20 Glycolysis
Step 9
• In step [9], water is lost to form phosphoenolpyruvate.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 21 Glycolysis
Step 10
• In step [10], the phosphate is transferred to an ADP,
yielding pyruvate and ATP with a kinase enzyme.
• The 2 glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate units
are converted into 2 pyruvate units in
Phase two of glycolysis.
• Overall, the energy-generating phase
forms 2 NADHs and 4 ATPs.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 22 Glycolysis
Overall Reaction
• 2 ATPs are used in phase one of
glycolysis, and 4 ATPs are made in
phase two of glycolysis.
• The net result is the synthesis of 2
ATPs from glycolysis
• The 2 NADHs formed are made in
the cytoplasm and must be
transported to the mitochondria to
join the electron transport chain and
make ATP.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 23 Glycolysis
Pyruvate can be converted into three possible
products depending on the conditions and the
under aerobic
under anaerobic
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. in fermentation
by microorganisms
24 Glycolysis
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. ATP Yield
25 Glycolysis
ATP Yield
2 x 2.5 ATP =
2 x 2.5 ATP =
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 6 x 2.5 =
15 ATP
2 x 1.5 =
26 Gluconeogenesis
• Gluconeogenesis is the synthesis of glucose from
noncarbohydrate sources—lactate, amino acids,
or glycerol.
• Gluconeogenesis is an anabolic pathway since
it results in the synthesis of larger molecules from
smaller ones.
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 27 Gluconeogenesis
Cori Cycle
Smith, Janice Gorzynski. General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 28