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Chapter 9 Study Questions
1. Distinguish between substrate-level phosphorylation and oxidativephosphorylation.
2. Describe where cell respiration (glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, & electron
transport) occurs in the cell.
3. List the reactants required for glycolysis, Kreb’s, and electron transport.
4. Define glycolysis.
5. Describe how the carbon skeleton of glucose changes as it proceeds through
glycolysis using the role of glucose, ATP, NAD+, and pyruvic acid.
6. Explain why ATP is required at the beginning of glycolysis.
7. What are the products that are produced in glycolysis?
8. Identify where in glycolysis sugar oxidation is occurring, substrate-level
phophorylation, and reduction of coenzymes is taking place.
9. If no oxygen is present in the cell, why must glycolysis continue to either
lactic acid formation or alcoholic fermentation?
10. Describe the reactions of lactic acid formation and alcoholic fermentation.
11. If oxygen is present in the cell at the time of glycolysis, what part of cell
respiration is continued?
12. Describe the redox reaction of pyruvate to Acetyl CoA.
13. Describe the reactions of Kreb’s cycle using roles of Acetyl CoA, citric acid,
NAD+, and FAD.
14. What are the products that are produced in the Kreb’s cycle?
15. What is the importance of electron transport seen in the cristae membranes
of the mitochondria?
16. Explain how the exergonic slide of electrons down the electron transport
chain is coupled to the production of ATP by chemiosmosis using the roles of
NADH, FADH2, cytochromes, oxygen, and ATP synthase.
17. Describe the process of chemiosmosis.
18. Explain how membrane structure of the mitochondria is related to
membrane function in chemiosmosis.
19. Summarize the net ATP yield from the oxidation of a glucose molecule in
both anaerobic and aerobic respiration.
Chapter 12
1. Chapter 12 Key Vocab: chromosomes, chromatin, sister chromatids,
diploid, haploid, somatic cells, gametes, centromere, centrosome, centriole,
kinetochore, mitotic spindle.
2. Describe the order and operations of the different phases of the cell cycle.
3. Describe the details of each phase of mitosis. Be able to identify each phase.
4. How does the mitotic spindle deliver chromosomes to each daughter cell?
5. Compare/contrast mitosis in plants, animals, and prokaryotes. Answer
should involve binary fission, cell plate, metaphase plate and cleavage
Describe the hypothesis for mitotic evolution.
What cell cycle phase do most cells “hang out” in?
How is the cell cycle controlled by checkpoints?
Describe how cyclins and Cdk’s are involved in cell division and cell cycle
10. What mechanism helps cells prevent chromatid errors during anaphase?
11. What two factors affect division in a cell culture? Explain.
12. Describe how cancer works. Vocab: transformation, benign & malignant
tumor, metastasis, HeLa cells.
Chapter 13 & 14:
1. Understand the meanings of the following terms:
a. Karyotype
i. Allele
q. heterozygous
b. Chiasmata
j. Test cross
r. homologous pair
c. Tetrad
k. Locus
s. incomplete dominance
d. Synapsis
l. Haploid
t. codominance
e. Autosomes
m. Diploid
u. epistasis
f. Hybrid
n. genotype
v. pleiotropy
g. Character vs. Trait o. phenotype
h. Gametes
p. homozygous
2. Summarize the stages of meiosis and the importance of this process.
3. What contributes to genetic diversity in sexual reproduction? Asexual
4. Compare/contrast the human life cycle with that of fungi and plants.
5. Summarize Mendel’s hypothesis.
6. Use Punnett squares to predict the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of true
breeding parents for the F1 and F2 generations.
7. Use Punnett squares to predict the results of a monohybrid and dihybrid
8. Explain how a testcross can determine if a dominant phenotype is
homozygous or heterozygous.
9. Describe what is meant by the law of segregation and the law of independent
10. Relate the law of segregation and the law of independent assortment to
genetic variation of gametes that arise in the process of meiosis.
11. Explain how the phenotypic expression of the heterozygote is affected by
complete dominance, incomplete dominance, and codominance.
12. Distinguish between parent and recombinant phenotypes.
13. Describe these other variations of genetics:
a. Multiple alleles
e. Multifactorial
b. Pleiotropy
c. Epistasis
d. Polygenic
14. Describe how recessive and dominantly inherited disorders are inherited
and list some examples of each (you already described them in your genetic
disorder assignment).