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Chapter 11 & 12 Evolution Test
1. Which test do you have?
A. A
C. C
B. B
D. D
Multiple Choice
For questions 2-6 use the following example and table to answer your questions. There is a species of a
mouse-like rodent that lives on the mainland of some distant country. The weather there has been
known to be turbulent and after a major storm five individuals were swept away on a long and landed
on an island. The rodents are not good at swimming and crossing the gap between the island and the
water is not possible. Below is a table of the genotypes of the start and final populations for the gene
that codes for hair color (B=Brown , b=white).
Final Population
Total Population
2. What kind of isolation is this?
A. Temporal
C. Mechanical
B. Geographic
D. Behavioral
3. What is the allele frequency for allele “b” of final population?
A. 71%
B. 82%
C. 60%
D. 29%
4. This is an example of what?
A. Bottleneck effect
C. Disruptive selection
B. Founder effect
D. Divergent Evolution
5. What is happening to the gene flow of the two populations?
A. No flow, Population isolated
B. Flow, Population isolated
C. No flow, Population not isolated
D. Flow, in direction of bb
6. If we assume there is no natural selection, what is the cause in the increase in genotype “a”?
A. Genetic drift
B. Artificial selection
C. Directional selection
D. Disruptive selection
7. What is microevolution?
A. The observable change in allele frequencies of a species over time.
B. The observable change in allele frequencies of a population over time.
C. The observable change in allele frequencies of an ecosystem over time.
D. The observable change in allele frequencies of an organism over time.
8. The natural predators of the gall-fly are the wasp and the woodpecker. The wasp favors small gall-flies
where the woodpecker favors large gall-flies. This has driven the gall-fly to adapt to a medium body size.
What kind of selection is this?
A. Normal distribution
B. Directional selection
C. Stabilizing selection
D. Disruptive selection
9. If the woodpecker from the previous scenario was removed from the environment what would
happen to the body size of the gall-fly? What kind of selection is this?
A. increase; directional
B. decrease; directional
B. increase; disruptive
D. decrease; disruptive
10. The tail fin of a dolphin and a shark are an example of what?
A. Convergent evolution
B. Divergent evolution
C. Co-evolution
D. Microevolution
11. How often do extinctions occur?
A. more often than speciation
C. as often as speciation
B. less often than speciation
D. only occurs during mass extinction
12. True or False. All species arise through gradual transformations of ancestral species.
A. True
B. False
13. A change in courtship rituals between two populations is an example of what?
A. Geographic isolation
B. Behavioral isolation
C. Temporal isolation
D. Mechanical isolation
14. Brightly colored male song birds versus plain colored females represent what kind of selection?
A. Disruptive selection
B. Sexual selection
C. Natural selection
D. Genetic drift
15. What factors can affect a population’s gene pool?
A. immigration
B. emigration
C. mutation
D. all of the above
16. Which population is most affected by genetic drift?
A. large population; high diversity
B. large population; low diversity
C. small population; high diversity
D. small population; low diversity
17. A crab population evolving stronger claws to break the shells of snails that evolve stronger and
spikier shells is an example of what?
A. divergent evolution
B. microevolution
C. coevolution
D. disruptive evolution
18. What is adaptive radiation?
A. mutations caused by radioactive material
B. the rapid evolution of many diverse species from ancestral species
C. the rapid evolution of a single species from ancestral species
D. the ability to get really angry, turn green, and increase in body size, all while shouting phrases like,
“hulk smash”!
19. Two populations that have different mating seasons is an example of what type of isolation?
A. mechanical isolation
B. behavioral isolation
C. temporal isolation
D. geographic isolation
20. True or False. Speciation is the rise of one species after the extinction of its ancestral species.
A. True
B. False
21. What leads to decreased diversity of a population?
A. emigration
B. mutation
C. immigration
D. all of the above
22. What is radiometric dating?
A. An aging technique that uses radio waves that are injected into a fossil to determine its age.
B. An aging technique that utilizes the natural rate of decay of unstable isotopes to determine age.
C. An aging technique that determines the age of a fossil by comparing it to other known fossils and
their relative level found in the rock layers
D. A type of dating that existed prior to online dating where individuals would send messages to each
other over radio broadcast shows
23. A scientist was digging through rock and dirt and discovered a new fossil. What could he use to
determine the relative age of a fossil?
A. Use an index fossil found in the same area B. Test the levels of radioactive isotopes
C. Compare its position in the rock layer
D. All of the above
24. Why is it believed that RNA existed before DNA?
A. RNA can self replicate while DNA requires enzymes
B. RNA is double stranded
C. RNA gets fewer mutations
D. Uracil is a more stable nucleotide than Thymine
25. How did cyanobacteria change Earth’s environment very early in its history?
A. They produced cyanide the poisoned all other organisms in their environment
B. They created rocky structures known as stromatolites that served as safe havens for fish
C. The existed 3.5 billion years ago
D. They produced oxygen adding it to the atmosphere
26. What is the most accepted hypothesis for the creation of the Earth and our solar system?
A. Miller-Urey experiment
B. Meteorite Hypothesis
C. The Big Bang Theory
D. The Nebula Hypothesis
Matching: Match the following terms with the descriptions. Choices can be used once, more than once,
or not at all.
A. Primate
B. Prosimian
C. Anthropoid
D. Hominid
27. Name means humanlike primate
28. Small primate that is active at night
29. Has flexible hands and feet, eyes that face forward, and large brains
30. Divided into New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, and hominoids
31. Oldest living primate group
Short Answer Questions:
Using the process of endosymbiosis, explain how plant cells may have evolved chloroplasts.
Draw a graph showing directional selection. Show the ORIGINAL population as a dashed line and the
FINAL POPULATION as a solid line. Label the lines and axes. Draw arrows to indicate the direction of the
selective pressure.
Answer Key:
1. A
3. A
5. A
7. B
9. A
11. B
13. B
15. D
17. C
19. C
21. A
23. D
25. D
27. C
29. A
31. B
2. B
4. B
6. A
8. C
10. A
12. B
14. B
16. D
18. B
20. B
22. B
24. A
26. D
28. B
30. C