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What is a species?
Morphological Species Concept
 Phylogenetic Species Concept
 Biological Species Concept
Morphological Species Concept
Use physical similarities to classify
Phylogenetic Species Concept
Use shared, unique genetic history to
classify species
Biological Species Concept
Use ability to mate and produce
offspring that can also mate and
reproduce to classify species
How do species form?
When a group of individuals remains
isolated from the rest of its species
long enough to evolve different traits
How can some members of a species
become separated from the main group?
Geographical Isolation
Physical barrier
Temporal Isolation
Reproduce at different times
Habitat/Spatial Isolation
Occupy different habitats in the same area
Behavioral Isolation
Different courtship displays
Resource Isolation
Use different resources in the same area
Mechanical Isolation
Physically incompatible
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