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Roman Civilization
The Republic
The Emperors
Roman Life
200 300
The Fall of Rome
200 300
What is the Tiber?
This is the river that runs through the
city of Rome.
What are the Alps?
These mountains separate Italy from the
rest of Europe.
What was malaria?
This was a problem for Romans due to
marshy land and mosquitoes.
What are the Iberian, the Balkan, and the Italian
These are the three main peninsulas of the
Mediterranean Sea.
What are the Apennine Mts.?
These are the mountains that form the spine
of Italy or run down the center of the
What is a republic?
This is the type of government in which
designated voters elect their leaders.
What was a consul?
This was the Roman elected position that
served for one year and ran the government
and commanded the army.
What was the Roman Senate?
This was the most important of the governing
bodies of Rome made up of 300 men who
controlled public funds and foreign policy.
Who were the Patricians and the Plebeians?
These were the two distinct classes of citizens in
Roman society.
What was a praetor?
This was the position of judge and also
military commander in Roman society .
“Don’t Choke!”
What were the Punic Wars?
These were a series of wars that were
fought between Rome and Carthage 264
–146 B.C.
Who were Gaius Marius and Lucius
Cornelius Sulla?
These were the two Roman generals who
fought a bloody civil war for control of Rome
in 79 B.C.
Who were Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey?
These generals made up the First
Triumvirate of Rome in 60 B.C.
Who was Octavian or Caesar Augustus?
He was the victor of the Second
Triumvirate and the battle of Actium in
31 B.C..
Who were Caligula and Nero?
These are the two worst Julian emperors, one
appointed his horse consul, and the other
supposedly played the lyre and recited poems
while Rome burned.
What was the Pax Romana?
This is long period of peace in Roman
history from 27 B.C. to A.D. 180.
What were aqueducts?
These were the bridge-like structures that
brought fresh water into Roman cities
What was the Code of the Twelve Tables?
This was the Roman code of laws that helped
govern society, and allowed judges to expand
and set legal precedents.
What were the Circus Maximus and the
These were the two arenas that were built for
chariot races and gladiator combat.
Who were Ovid, Horace, and Virgil?
These were the three famous Roman Poets.
“Don’t Choke!”
What were Rabbis?
These were Jewish scholars learned in
the holy scriptures.
Who was Pontius Pilate?
He was the Roman governor of
Jerusalem and consented to Jesus’
Who were Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John?
These were the four writers of the gospels that
told the story of Jesus Christ.
Who was Saul or Paul of Tarsus?
This was the former Jewish merchant
who converted to Christianity and with
his writings helped spread the Christian
Who were martyrs?
This was the word given to Christians who
refused to give up their faith and were fed to
the lions in the Coliseum or crucified.
What is inflation?
This is the rise in prices while the medium of
exchange decreases in value.
What were the collegia?
These were the Roman workers trade
associations and all workers in the city of
Rome were forced to join them so they
would not leave the city.
Who was Constantine and Diocletian?
These were the two Roman emperors that
were successful in postponing the collapse of
Rome until A.D. 476.
Who were the Huns?
This was the barbarian tribe that forced the
Germanic tribes to flee into Rome and hasten
the end of the Empire.
What was the Roman Catholic Church?
This is the institution in the west that
replaces the Roman Empire and gives the
people of western Europe some hope
through the Dark Ages.