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Section 2
The Roman Republic
Section Overview
This section describes the Roman Republic’s
political development and the defeat of
Rome’s republic was shaped by a struggle between
wealthy landowners and regular citizens as it
gradually expanded the right to vote
Rome slowly destroyed the Carthaginian Empire
and took control of the entire Mediterranean
Reading Strategy
Legislative Bodies
Assembly of Centuries
Council of Plebes
Rome’s Government
• Patricians and plebeians were the two classes of
people in Rome.
• The patricians were wealthy landowners
• The plebeians were the merchants, farmers, and artisans
of Rome.
• They were allowed to vote, but only Patricians were
allowed in the senate
• P. 150, TTK
Rome’s Government
• Top government officials were called consuls*
• Another important group of officials were the
Their main job was to interpret the law and act as judges in court
• The Senate was the most important lawmaking
A select group of 300 patrician men who served for life. Over
time, their power grew. By the 200s B.C., it could propose law, hold
debates on important issues, and approve building programs**
Rome’s Government Cont…
Another important legislative body was the Assembly of
• Plebeians challenged the class system by going on
Rome’s Government
Plebeians Against Patricians
**The Romans then allowed the plebeians
to set up their own legislative group called
the Council of the Plebes
- Gained power to pass laws for all Romans in 287 B.C.
Now, all male citizens had equal political standing, at
least in theory*
Office of Dictator existed in the Roman
Today, dictator***, is defined as an oppressive ruler.
Who was Cincinnatus?
Roman dictators ruled on a temporary
basis during emergencies
Cincinnatus, the best-known early Roman
dictator, led an army of men to defeat a
powerful enemy*
He was a farmer and
devoted citizen of
 He returned to his
farm about 16 days
after becoming
 This picture shows
him handing the rods
of power back to city
Rome’s Government
The Twelve Tables were Rome’s first code
of laws
- Established the principle that all free citizens had the
right to be treated equally by the legal system
They were the basis of all future Roman
 The Law of Nations was developed to
address issues of conquered peoples*
Rome Expands
Carthage, a state on the coast of North Africa,
was a powerful enemy of Rome.
 The First Punic War began as a dispute between
Rome and Carthage over the island of Sicily
 The war continued for 20 years before Rome
 The Second Punic War began after Carthage
expanded into Spain
Page 151, PTL
Hannibal’s Route of Invasion
The Second Punic War
Rome helped the people of Spain
Hannibal was a great Carthaginian
general who fought in the Second
Punic War (p. 152, PTM)
At the Battle of Cannae, in 216
B.C., Hannibal’s forces
overpowered the Romans
(p. 151, PTL)
The Roman general Scipio led his
forces to defeat the Carthaginians
at the Battle of Zama**
(p. 151, PTL and p. 152, PTM)
Rome Expands
Rome destroyed
Carthage in the Third
Punic War
• Rome also took all of
Greece and
Macedonia and parts
of Africa during the
Punic Wars.
How did Rome punish Carthage at
the end of the Third Punic War?
They burned Carthage, took 50,000
slaves, and spread salt on the earth so no
more crops could grow.
P. 152, SIU
How did Rome’s government change?
The republic included consuls, praetors, the
Senate, and the Assembly of Centuries. The
government changed to give representation to
plebeians. They set up the Council of Plebs
elected tribunes and won the right to veto. They
also gained the power to pass laws for all
P. 153, SWU
What Did You Learn in Section 2?
Who were the top government officials in
the Roman Republic, and what were their
Consuls were the top government officials,
praetors, tribunes. Consuls headed armies
and ran the state. Praetors served as
judges, and tribunes represented the
Section 2 Review Cont…
Why did Rome create a navy?
Carthage was a great sea power. To beat
the Carthaginians, the Romans had to
build a great naval fleet.
Section 2 Review
What does mare nostrum mean, and why
did the Romans use the term?
It means “our sea.” The Romans controlled
the Mediterranean Sea.
Section 2 Review
Where was Carthage located, and why did
it compete with Rome?
Carthage was located on the coast of North
Africa and was a trading rival of Rome.
Section 2 Review
Summarize What other conquests did
Rome carry out during the period of the
Punic Wars
Rome conquered Macedonia, Greece, and
Asia Minor.
Section 2 Review
Evaluate Why do you think the legacy of
Roman law is considered so important?
Roman law led to the principles that law
protects citizens’ rights, that a person is
innocent until proven guilty, and that a
judge must look at evidence carefully
before making a decision.