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Rome’s Conquest Of The Italian Peninsula 509-264
Overseas Expansion During the Punic Wars 264-146
Expansion During the Final Years of the Republic
145-44 B.C.E
Rome Becomes an Empire 44 B.C.E-14 C.E
A map of Roman expansion
A major expansion is being able to rule the Italian
 A negative affect of this expansion is that Romans
were forced to join the army.
 A positive effect is that the Romans would own
more land.
Roman expansion
Over the Italian peninsula map
Roman Army
The Romans fought in the Punic Wars for
control of the Mediterranean region.
 A negative part of this is many Romans
lost their lives fighting.
A fight going on in Rome in the
Punic Wars
A positive affect of this is free gladiator fights for the
A negative affect is there were many slave
A expansion is that Caesar became dictator for life
The Roman dictator Julius Caesar
gladiator fight
A key expansion is that Augustus becomes the emperor
 A positive affect of this is that the Romans were given a
police force, fire fighters, and a library.
 But a negative affect is that the entire Roman army was
ancient Roman police