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The Punic Wars were a series or
wars that were fought between
Rome and Carthage from 264-146
By the time that the wars started
Rome had firm control of the Italian
peninsula, while the North African
city-state of Carthage had
established itself as the leading
maritime (sea) power in the world.
Tensions between the two great powers
came to a head over the island of Sicily.
The First Punic War lasted almost 20
years. Rome ultimately won the war by
rebuilding its navy and defeating the
Carthaginians at sea.
Humiliated by the first war, Carthage
dedicated itself to expanding into Spain.
It was during this period that the great
Carthaginian general Hannibal was
born. It is said that Hannibal was made
to swear a blood oath against Rome
while he was still a young boy.
Shortly after taking control of the
Carthaginian army, Hannibal declared
war on Rome.
He proceeded to march his army of over
100,000 men, cavalry and elephants
across the Alps in order to catch the
Romans unprepared.
After a string of impressive victories,
Hannibal’s army was defeated and
forced out of Italy by a Roman army led
by Scipio Africanus.
Scipio chased Hannibal back to
Carthage and defeated him at the
Battle of Zama, which marked the
end of Carthage as a major power.
Despite no longer being a major threat to
Rome, many senators called for the total
destruction of Carthage.
In 149 BCE Rome returned to battle
Carthage, one last time. At the end
of a two year siege, Carthage was
totally destroyed and any remaining
citizens were sold into slavery.