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the Immune System
The Immune System
Is like a screen in a window….it keeps
the bugs out.
 The body’s defense against illness.
 It keeps the body healthy and prevents
 It is made of cells, tissues and organs
that work together to protect the body.
Parts Of The Immune System
White Blood cells (CD4+ T helper cells)
 Lymph
 Thymus
 Spleen
 Bone marrow
 Antibodies
An Immune Response
When a foreign substance (antigen) enters our
bodies, our immune system goes those a series of
steps to fight the foreign substance and protect our
The antigen is like a “critter” that can cause an
Virus, fungi, bacteria, protozoa (like an insect)
Our Immune response
Some of the “players” include...
Antigen Presenting cells - Cells of the immune system that bring intruders
to CD4+ T cells. (e.g. macrophages
and dendritic cells
CD4+ T-cells (also may be called “T4 helper cells”, “T4 cells”, or less
accurately “T-cells”. CD4+ T cells are the conductors of the immune system.
CD8+ T-cells - Some CD8+ T cells, when ordered by CD4+ cells will seek out
CD8+ T-cell
and destroy infected cells.
B cells - During an immune response B-cells make antibodies.
Antibodies - Antibodies are made by B-cells, they attach to “critters”, marking
them for destruction by the immune system. Antibodies are specific to the “critter”
(bacteria, virus, or other harmful toxins).
HIV and the Immune System
HIV primarily attacks the CD4+ T cells
The CD4+ cells are the conductor of the immune
CD4+ cells are changed into “HIV” producing
Without a healthy conductor the immune system
can’t work properly.
Let’s talk about how HIV changes the CD4+