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 Stress-A
negative emotional
state in response to events
that we perceive as taxing our
resources or our ability to
◦ How much stress is in your life?
 Stressors—events
that are
perceived as harmful,
threatening, or challenging
◦ Name some of the most
serious stressor’s in life.
 Stress at the office
Death of a spouse-100 Life Event Units
73 LEU’s
50 LEU’s
Fired at work
47 LEU’s
40 LEU’s
Begin/End school 26 LEU’s
Trouble with boss 23 LEU’s
13 LEU’s
Traffic violation
11 LEU’s
 Get
into your presentation teams.
1. After brainstorming come up with
the top 3 stressors in American’s
2. What are the top 3 stressors in
YOUR lives?
3. What are some techniques you
have used to reduce stress in
YOUR own lives?
Concern about weight
Not enough money for housing
Too many things to do.
◦ Does daily stress impact your lives?
 Men-financial and job related
 Women-family demands and interpersonal
Increased class workload
 Worry about your future
 Fight with significant other
 Wasting time
 Computer problems
 Concerns about failing class
 Concerns about money
◦ *What do you think are main college
Life Changes
Change is stressful
–e.g., death, marriage, divorce, loss of job,
vacations, retirement.
–Q: Which life change do you think is
most stressful?
–Routine makes us comfortable and helps
reassure us. Think about the route you take to
school or work. You can’t get lost if you go the
same way!
Unpredictable, large-scale
events can be extremely
stressful and change our
lives; can lead to PTSD
(post traumatic stress
What typical events can
lead to PTSD?
◦ Combat
◦ Rape
◦ Abuse (Child or adult)
◦ Neglect
◦ Catastrophe
◦ Victimized
◦ Terrorist attacks
◦ Natural disasters
Social conditions that promote stress
◦ poverty, racism, crime
◦ low SES tend to have highest levels of
Culture clashes lead to stress
◦ company owned by different culture
◦ refugees, immigrants suffer
◦ acculturative stress
Indirect effects—promote behaviors
that jeopardize physical well being.
Use of drugs, lack of sleep, poor
 Direct effects—promote changes in
body functions, leading to illness such
as headaches and other physical
Psychological Factors
Perception of control
Explanatory style
Chronic negative emotions
Social Factors
◦ Outside resources
◦ Friends and family
◦ Positive relationships
 Sense
of control decreases stress,
anxiety, & depression
 Perceptions of control must be
realistic to be adaptive
◦ How do you feel when you are not in
◦ Is anyone here a “control freak”?
◦ use external, unstable, & specific
explanations for negative events
◦ predicts better health outcomes
◦ use internal, stable, & global
explanations for negative events
◦ predicts worse health outcomes
Coronary heart disease is North
America’s leading cause of death
Habitually grouchy people tend to
have poorer health outcomes
Chronic negative emotions have
negative effect on immune system
Type A
◦ time urgency
◦ intense ambition and competitiveness
◦ general hostility
◦ associated with heart disease
Type B
◦ more easygoing
◦ not associated with heart disease
Social support—resources provided
by others in times of need. Who
has been your social support?
Emotional—expressions of concern, empathy,
positive regard
Tangible—direct assistance such as lending
money, providing meals
Informational—such as making good
suggestions, advice, good referrals
Improves ability to cope with stress &
benefits health
◦ person modifies appraisal of stressor’s
significance to be less threatening
◦ helps to decrease intensity of physical
reactions to stress
◦ make person less likely to experience negative
Pets as social support
◦ especially for elderly and people who live
Gender and social support
Behavioral and cognitive responses
used to deal with stressors; involves
efforts to change circumstances, or
our interpretation of them to make
them more favorable and less
 Escape-avoidance—try
to escape
 Distancing—minimize impact of
 Denial—refuse to acknowledge
problem exists
 Aerobic
exercise can reduce
stress, depression, & anxiety
 Effect
above relaxation
Meditation can lower blood pressure,
heart rate, oxygen consumption
Can it help with stress-related
◦ Waterfall relaxation video
study of the origins,
symptoms, and development of psychological
•A pattern of behavioral and psychological
symptoms that causes significant personal distress,
impairs the ability to function in one or more
important areas of daily life, or both.
a Mind About Mental Illness
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-V)—describes specific
symptoms and diagnostic guidelines for
psychological disorders
◦ Provides a common language to label
mental disorders
◦ Comprehensive guidelines to help
diagnose mental disorders
Approximately 48% of adults experienced
symptoms at least once in their lives
Approximately 80% who experienced
symptoms in the last year did NOT seek
Women have higher prevalence of
depression and anxiety
Men have higher prevalence of substance
abuse and antisocial personality disorder
Anxiety Disorders
• Primary
disturbance is
distressing, persistent anxiety or
maladaptive behaviors that reduce
• Anxiety—diffuse, vague feelings
of fear and apprehension
More or less constant worry about many issues
The worry seriously interferes with functioning
Physical symptoms
stomach aches
muscle tension
 What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Panic attacks—sudden episode of
helpless terror with high physiological
 Very frightening—sufferers live in fear
of having them
 Agoraphobia often develops as a result
Panic Disorder
Intense, irrational fears that may
focus on
Natural environment—heights, water,
Situation—flying, tunnels, crowds, social
Injury—needles, blood, dentist, doctor
Animals or insects—insects, snakes, bats,
Funny Phobia Skit
 Ailurophobia—fear
of cats
 Algobphobia—fear of pain
 Anthropophobia—fear of men
 Monophobia—fear of being alone
 Pyrophobia—fear of fire
• Social phobias—fear of failing or being
embarrassed in public
public speaking (stage fright)
fear of crowds, strangers
meeting new people
eating in public
• Considered phobic if these fears
interfere with normal behavior
Follows events that produce intense horror or
helplessness (traumatic episodes)
Core symptoms include:
◦ Frequent recollection of traumatic event, often
intrusive and interfering with normal thoughts
◦ Avoidance of situations that trigger recall of the
◦ Increased physical arousal associated with stress
Obsessions—irrational, disturbing
thoughts that intrude into
 Compulsions—repetitive actions
performed to alleviate obsessions
◦ Checking and washing most common
A category of mental disorders in which
significant and chronic disruption in mood
is the predominant symptom, causing
impaired cognitive, behavioral, and physical
◦ Major depression
◦ Dysthymic disorder
◦ Bipolar disorder
◦ Cyclothymic disorder
A mood disorder characterized by extreme and
persistent feelings of despondency,
worthlessness and hopelessness
Prolonged, very severe symptoms
Passes without remission for at least 2 weeks
Global negativity and pessimism
Very low self-esteem
– Major Depressive Disorder
Emotional—sadness, hopelessness, guilt,
turning away from others
Behavioral—tearfulness, dejected facial
expression, loss of interest in normal
activities, slowed movements and gestures,
withdrawal from social activities
Cognitive—difficulty thinking and
concentrating, global negativity,
preoccupation with death/suicide
Physical—appetite and weight changes,
excess or diminished sleep, loss of energy,
global anxiety, restlessness
 Cyclic
severe depression and
elevated mood
 Seasonal regularity
 Unique cluster of symptoms
intense hunger
gain weight in winter
sleep more than usual
depressed more in evening than morning
 Positive
correlation between
stressful life events and onset of
◦ Does life stress cause depression?
 Most
depressogenic life events are
spouse or companion
long-term job
Pervasive mistrust and suspiciousness
of others are the main characteristic
 Distrustful even of close family and
 Reluctant to form close relationships
 Tend to blame others for their own
Used to be called psychopath or sociopath
Evidence often seen in childhood (conduct
Manipulative, can be charming, can be cruel
and destructive
Seems to lack “conscience”
More prevalent in men than women
Dahmer Interview
What is dissociation?
◦ literally a dis-association of memory
◦ person suddenly becomes unaware of some
aspect of their identity or history
◦ unable to recall except under special circumstances
(e.g., hypnosis)
 Three
types are recognized
◦ dissociative amnesia
◦ dissociative fugue
◦ dissociative identity disorder
Originally known as “multiple
personality disorder”
 2 or more distinct personalities
manifested by the same person at
different times
 VERY rare and controversial disorder
 Examples include Sybil, Trudy Chase,
Chris Sizemore (“Eve”)
 Has been tried as a criminal defense
 Pattern
typically starts prior to
age 10 (childhood)
 Most people with disorder are
 Most report recall of torture or
sexual abuse as children and
show symptoms of PTSD
A 20th-century
artist, Louis Wain,
who was fascinated
by cats, painted
these pictures over
a period of time in
which he developed
schizophrenia. The
pictures mark
progressive stages
in the illness and
exemplify what it
does to the victim's
Comes from Greek meaning “split” and “mind”
◦ ‘split’ refers to loss of touch with reality
◦ not dissociative state
◦ not ‘split personality’
Equally split between genders, males have
earlier onset
◦ 18 to 25 for men
◦ 26 to 45 for women
Positive symptoms
◦ hallucinations
◦ delusions
Negative symptoms
◦ absence of normal cognition or affect
(e.g., flat affect, poverty of speech)
Disorganized symptoms
◦ disorganized speech (e.g., word salad)
◦ disorganized behaviors
 Delusions
of persecution
 Delusions
of grandeur
 Delusions
of being controlled
◦ ‘they’re out to get me’
◦ paranoia
◦ “God” complex
◦ megalomania
◦ the CIA is controlling my brain with a radio signal
◦ hearing or seeing things that aren’t there
◦ contributes to delusions
◦ command hallucinations: voices giving orders
Disorganized speech
◦ Over-inclusion—jumping from idea to idea
without the benefit of logical association
◦ Paralogic—on the surface, seems logical, but
seriously flawed
 e.g., Jesus was a man with a beard, I am a man with a
beard, therefore I am Jesus
Assignment 5
Observe Gerald and Heather
Write down at least 5 symptoms of schizophrenia
that they exhibit. Include a description of the
specific behavior, and which symptom it
exemplifies. Be specific in your examples.
Golden Gate
Bridge is the
most popular
suicide spot in
the world.
Over 1000
suicides by
1999; one
every other