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Psychology 304:
Brain and Behaviour
Lecture 11
The Cells of the Nervous System and The Generation of
Electrochemical Neural Signals
1. What are glial cells? (continued)
2. What is the neuron’s resting potential?
3. What causes a neuron to produce an action potential?
By the end of today’s class, you should be able to:
1. describe the neurological basis of multiple sclerosis.
2. explain how the resting potential of a neuron is
3. distinguish between EPSPs, IPSPs, and action
4. describe the electrochemical changes that trigger an
action potential.
From last class …..
Structure of Astrocytes
What are glial cells? (continued)
• Glial cells have been implicated in multiple sclerosis:
Multiple Sclerosis
What is the neuron’s resting potential?
• A neuron’s membrane potential refers to the
difference in electrical charge between the inside and
the outside of the cell.
• The membrane potential of a resting neuron is about
-70 mV (-50 to -80 mV). Thus, the resting neuron is
• Resting neurons are polarized due to the distribution of
ions around the neuron’s membrane.
• Sodium ions (Na+), potassium ions (K+), chloride ions (Cl-)
and negatively charged protein ions are distributed
unevenly across the neuron’s membrane.
• The ratio of negative to positive charges is greater inside
the resting neuron than outside.
The Resting Neuron
• Two processes maintain the unequal distribution of ions
across the membrane of resting neurons:
1. The differential permeability of the membrane to
ions (most permeable to K+ and Cl-; least permeable
to negatively charged protein ions).
2. The action of sodium-potassium pumps (continually
exchange three Na+ ions inside the neuron for two
K+ ions outside of the neuron).
A Sodium-Potassium Pump in a
Neuron Membrane
What causes a neuron to produce an action potential?
• A neuron produces an action potential or “fires” when it
generates and conducts an electrochemical signal.
• A neuron receives electrochemical signals from
thousands of adjacent neurons, in the form of “synapses”
onto the dendrites or cell body of the target neuron.
Electron Micrograph of Synaptic Contact
• The terminal buttons release chemicals or neurotransmitters that bind to receptors on the dendrites or cell
body of the target neuron.
• The neurotransmitters can excite or inhibit the target
• Neurotransmitters that excite the target neuron
depolarize its membrane, producing excitatory
postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs). EPSPs increase the
likelihood that the target neuron will fire.
• Neurotransmitters that inhibit the target neuron hyperpolarize its membrane, producing inhibitory postsynaptic
potentials (IPSPs). IPSPs reduce the likelihood that the
target neuron will fire.
• The EPSPs and IPSPs are conducted to the axon hillock
and integrated.
• If the integrated sum of the EPSPs and IPSPs is
sufficient to depolarize the membrane to the threshold of
activation (-40 to -65mV), an action potential is
Neural Integration
• An action potential is a momentary reversal of the
membrane potential from a highly negative value (e.g.,
-70mV) to a highly positive value (e.g., +50 mV).
The Cells of the Nervous System and The Generation of
Electrochemical Neural Signals
1. What are glial cells? (continued)
2. What is the neuron’s resting potential?
3. What causes a neuron to produce an action potential?