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• Neurons and neuroglia
(multiple sclerosis and neuroglia)
• Where are neurons in the body?
• Types of neurons and their functions
• How do neurons work?
– Action potentials
– Synapses
The Basics of a Neuron
• Cell body with
• Axon (carries
– Note Schwann
• Dendrites (bring
stimulus to cell
• Axonal terminus
Neurons and neuroglial cells
• Axon in peripheral nervous system with myelin
sheeth formed by Schwann cells
• Provides for insulation and allows for saltatory
propagation of action potentials
Neuroglial cells in CNS
Neuroglial cells in CNS
• Astrocytes
– Most abundant and versatile
– Control chemical environment around neurons
– Also signal among themselves with slow chemical signals
• Microglia
– Monitor health of neurons and transform into immune
macrophages (normal immune cells have no access to CNS)
• Ependymal cells
– Line cavities of brain/CNS
– Barrier between CSF and tissue fluid
– Cilia beat to move CSF
• Oligodendrocytes
– Myelin sheaths in CNS
Types of Neurons--structural classes
Types of Neurons—where in body
Types of neurons--examples
How do neurons work—action potentials
Measuring membrane potential
Diffusion and action potential
Saltatory conduction and role of
Schwann cells
What happens at the end—
chemical synapse
• Neuro-muscular junction is synapse between
motor unit and muscle cell (motor unit)