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Neurons - types
A neuron is
There are ___ types of neuron:
Explain the major differences in appearance and functions between
• receptor (sensory) neurons
effector (motor) neurons
connector neurons (inter-neurons, association neurons, relay neurons)
White matter consists of
Grey matter consists of
Neurons can be myelinated or unmyelinated. Explain the major differences between
• myelinated neurons
unmyelinated neurons
A nerve fibre is
A nerve is
Ganglia are
Neurons - types
A neuron is a nerve cell
There are 3 types of neuron:
• receptor (sensory) neurons– send information from receptors towards the brain/spinal
cord. Have long dendrites (usually myelinated), shorter axons (often unmyelinated) , and
cell body positioned off to one side.
• effector (motor) neurons – send information from the brain/spinal cord to muscles/glands
(effectors). Have long axons (usually myelinated), shorter dendrites (usually
unmyelinated), and cell body positioned towards the dendrite end of the neuron.
• connector neurons (inter-neurons, association neurons, relay neurons) – found in the
brain/spinal cord, connecting motor and sensory neurons. Cell body is central, axons
and dendrites are usually the same size, and often unmyelinated.
White matter consists of myelinated fibres
Grey matter consists of unmyelinated fibres and cell bodies
Neurons can be myelinated or unmyelinated. Explain the major differences between
• myelinated neurons – have a myelin sheath, and a faster transmission of impulses
• unmyelinated neurons – lack myelin sheaths and are slower in transmission of impulses
A nerve fibre is an extension of neuron (ie axon or dendrite)
A nerve is a collection of nerve fibres
Ganglia are groups of nerve cell bodies outside the central nervous system
Motor neuron
Neurons - structures
Describe the functions of the following
• cell body
myelin sheath
Schwann cell
nodes of Ranvier
axon terminal
Neuromuscular junction
Neurons - structures
Describe the functions of the following
cell body- general functioning of cell + metabolism – respiration,
synthesis, etc, contains the nucleus, which controls cell activities.
Dendrite - receive impulses + pass them on to the cell body
Axon - carry impulses away from the cell body
myelin sheath - protects neuron, and speeds up transmission of
Schwann cell – makes the myelin sheath
nodes of Ranvier – speed up transmission of impulses
axon terminal – passes impulse to a muscle/gland by means of
chemicals (neurotransmitters), thus causing movement or change
in activity (eg secretion)
Neurilemma – helps repair and protect the neuron
Neuromuscular junction – passes impulse to a muscle by means of
chemicals (neurotransmitters), thus causing movement
How nerve impulses are generated in a neuron
The transmission of a nerve impulse along a neuron from
one end to the other occurs as a result of chemical
changes across the membrane of the neuron.
The membrane of an unstimulated neuron is polarized there is a difference in electrical charge between the
outside and inside of the membrane. The inside is
negative with respect to the outside.
Normally there is more sodium ions (Na+) on the outside
and more potassium ions (K+) on the inside. Na+/K+
pumps in the membrane actively keep these ions on
the correct side.
The cell contains other ions, eg large, negatively charged
proteins and nucleic acids, that contribute to the
negative charge on the inside of the cell membrane
Gated channels open in response to neurotransmitters,
changes in membrane potential, or other stimuli to let in
ions. This changes the difference in electrical charge
(depolarisation) and triggers an impulse.
The change must be large enough to overcome the
threshold, or no impulse will be generated. This is
known as the ‘all or none rule’
Nerve impulses
Nerve impulses are transmitted down a
The waves of depolarisation travel down
the axon until the reach the axon
terminal, where they trigger the release
of neurotransmitters.
These chemicals act as the stimulus to the
nerve at the other end of the synapse
(sensory or connector neurons) or
trigger a change in an effector (motor
In unmyelinated fibres, the impulse travels
slowly along the entire fibre.
In myelinated fibres, the impulse ‘jumps’
from one node of Ranvier to the next,
and therefore moves more quickly.
Nerve transmission
Define and explain the importance of the following in the generation and transmission of
nerve impulses:
• Potential difference
Membrane potential
Resting membrane potential
Sodium potassium pump
Action potential
Refractory period
Saltatory conduction
All-or-nothing response
Nerve transmission
Define and explain the importance of the following in the generation and transmission of
nerve impulses:
• Potential difference – differences in electrical charges between two places
• Membrane potential - differences in electrical charges between inside and outside of
• Resting membrane potential - describes the unstimulated, polarized state of a neuron (at
about −70 millivolts).
• Sodium potassium pump – special protein gates in cell membrane that use energy to
transport sodium ions out and potassium ions in
• Polarisation – the situation where the membrane separates a more negative inside from
a positive outside (ie has a potential difference)
• Depolarisation – when a stimulus is applied, the membrane is more permeable to Na+
and it floods in, reversing the polarisation, and generating an impulse
• Action potential – the rapid polarisation – depolarisation which causes a change in
membrane voltage. The waves of action potentials along the nerve fibre form the impulse
• Refractory period - the axon can not respond to a new stimulus while it is re-establishing
the original concentrations of the Na+ and K+ using the Na+/K+ pumps in the cell
• Saltatory conduction – describes the conduction of nerve impulses along a myelinated
fibre – as it ‘jumps’ from one node of Ranvier to another. This is faster than in
unmyelinated fibres.
• All-or-nothing response – a new impulse is only generated if the stimulus is greater than
the threshold. Once the impulse is generated the size is the same regardless of size of
initial stimulus.
A synapse is
Messages are transmitted across the
synapse by
n_____________________ which
attach to r____________ in the
membrane of the d_________ of
the next neuron.
Examples of neurotransmitters
Messages are transmitted to muscles
across the
by means of
Many nerve poisons work by
disrupting synapse function – eg
A synapse is the gap between two
Messages are transmitted across the
synapse by neurotransmitters which
attach to receptors in the membrane
of the dendrite of the next neuron.
Examples of neurotransmitters include
acetylcholine, adrenaline, dopamine,
Enzymes remove the neurotransmitters
and so clear the receptor sites for
another message
Messages are transmitted to muscles
across the neuromuscular junction
by means of neurotransmitters (usually
Many nerve poisons work by disrupting
synapse function – eg curare,
sedatives, insecticides
A – dendrite
B – nucleus
C – myelin sheath
D – axon
E – Schwann cell
F – side or colateral branch of axon
G – node of Ranvier
H - motor end plate/axon terminal
I - neurilemma
A – motor neuron
B – connector neuron
C – sensory neuron
1 – cell body of the sensory neuron
2 – synapse
3 – cell body of connector neuron
4 – synapse
5 – axon of motor neuron
6 dendrite of motor neuron
7 – muscle fibre
8 – motor end plate
9 – dendrite of sensory neuron
10 – receptor cell
The spinal reflex arc
Describe the functions of the five components of a spinal reflex arc
• R__________________:
• S__________________:
• S__________________:
Spinal reflex arcs are important
Spinal reflex arc
The spinal reflex arc
Describe the functions of the five components of a spinal reflex arc
• Receptor: responds to change by initiating nerve impulse in sensory
• Sensory neuron: takes impulses into the central nervous system
• Synapse: at least 2 neurons will be involved – sensory and motor.
Sometimes there is more than 1 synapse as connector neurons may
also be involved
• Motor neuron: takes impulses to the effector
• Effector: receives impulse and carries out a response (eg
movement, change in activity)
Spinal reflex arcs are important in protecting the body as they allow very
fast responses to potentially harmful changes (eg removal of hand
from hot object)