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Brief Intro to Promotion & Promotional Mix
 Explain the role of promotion in
business and marketing
 Identify the various types of
 Describe the concept of the
promotional mix
Take out a piece of paper for your notes
& title it: Intro to Promotion
Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
A marketing mix is the elements
of marketing that can be used by
a company to influence consumers
to purchase goods or services.
A promotional mix is
the combination of different
promotional elements that
a company uses to reach
and influence potential
The marketing mix is often referred to as the 4 P’s
These are the tools or basic strategies that marketers
use to influence potential customers.
There are five basic categories in
the promotional mix:
Public Relations
Personal Selling
Direct Marketing
Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.2
Sales Promotion
Types of Promotion in the Promotional Mix
Personal selling
involves direct
contact between
salespeople and
customers. This can
take place in the
forms of:
• Personal meetings
• Telemarketing
Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Types of Promotion in the Promotional Mix
Advertising is a form of nonpersonal
promotion and one-way communication.
Media are the agencies, means, or instruments
used to convey advertising messages to the
public. The four general categories are:
• Print
• Broadcast
• Online
• Specialty
Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
print media
direct mail,
signs, and
used in
Types of Advertising Media
Print media includes:
• Newspapers
• Magazines
• Direct mail
• Signs
• Billboards
Marketing Essentials Chapter 19, Section 19.1
Types of Advertising Media
Radio and
Broadcast media
Marketing Essentials Chapter 19, Section 19.1
Types of Advertising Media
A banner ad is a form of advertising
on the Internet. This entails embedding
an advertisement into a web page. It is
intended to attract traffic to a website
by linking them to the web site of the
advertiser. The banner often uses
animation or sound to maximize
Pop-up ads are a form
of online advertising
intended to increase web
traffic or capture email
addresses. It works
when certain web sites
open a new web browser
window to display
Types of Advertising Media
Specialty Media
Relatively inexpensive, useful items
featuring an advertiser’s name or logo that
are given away; also known as giveaways or
advertising specialties.
Marketing Essentials Chapter 19, Section 19.1
Types of Promotion in the Promotional Mix
Direct marketing is a type of advertising directed to
a targeted group of prospects rather than to a mass
audience. Two forms are:
• Printed direct mail
• Electronic direct mail (email)
The goals of direct marketing
are to generate sales and
leads for salespeople to
Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Types of Promotion in the Promotional Mix
Public relations(PR) activities try to
create a favorable image for a company,
its products, or its policies. They can
enable an organization to influence a
target audience. One of the other goals
of public relations is to
cultivate media
with reporters who
cover a specific
Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Types of Promotion in the Promotional Mix
Publicity involves bringing news or newsworthy
information about an organization to the public’s
attention. This process is also known as placement.
The main function of publicity is to develop a
positive perception or awareness of the
organization in the marketplace. The placement of
publicity is free because it often appears as a
media story.
Publicity’s risk is that its content is not easily
controlled by the business that issues it.
Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Types of Promotion in the Promotional Mix
Sales promotion represents all marketing activities–
other than personal selling, advertising, and public
relations–that are used to stimulate purchasing and
sales. Its objectives are to:
• Increase sales
• Inform potential
customers about
new products
• Create a positive
business or
corporate image
Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1
Consumer Promotions
Consumer promotions are sales strategies that
encourage customers and prospects to buy a
product or service. Major consumer sales
promotion devices include:
• Coupons
• Premium deals
• Incentives
• Product samples
• Sponsorships
Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.2
The Concept of Promotional Mix
A promotional mix is a combination of strategies and a
cost-effective allocation of resources a company uses to
reach its promotional goals. The strategies in the mix
are designed to complement one another:
• Advertising and direct marketing create public
• Public relations helps cultivate a favorable image and
brand recognition.
• Sales promotional activities stimulate sales and
reinforce advertising.
• Personal selling builds on all of these efforts by
completing the sale.
Marketing Essentials Chapter 17, Section 17.1