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Digital Marketing Foundation
Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing
Presented by Karen Porter
by Karen Porter
Department of Marketing
School of Business Administration
of Business Administration
The University of Montana
Course Specifics
About the course
About your instructor
Hands-on & interactive
4 weeks with “homework”
First segment of 20 week OSMM certification course
[email protected]
About YOU and why you are here
Student information sheets
What is Marketing?
Astute evaluation of trends and opportunities
Deep insights about customer needs
Knowledge of competitors, positioning & value
Segmentation, targeting, and positioning
Effective use of Marketing Mix – the “4 P’s”
Effective relationship management strategies
Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing
Outbound marketing is traditional marketing
Marketers identify the consumers they want to reach
and then broadcast out to them
Interruptive marketing
One-way communication
Inbound marketing lets customers find YOU
They’re searching for what you have and locate YOU
Two-ways (or multi-way) communication
Interactive in nature
Focused on relationship building and loyalty
Who is Your Target Market?
80/20 Rule
Identify by similar characteristics: Age, Gender, Income,
Education, Interests, Occupation and Other Criteria of Relevance
Strategy Decisions
Can Be Very Difficult
Key Marketing Strategy
Insights from
Target Customers
Target Insights >
Strategic Decisions >
The 4 P’s of Marketing
Rules of the 4 P’s
Delivering What Your
Customers Want
NOW You Can Think About
Specific Marketing Tactics
Before the Internet
Businesses relied upon traditional media:
Yellow Pages
Direct Marketing
Fax Marketing
Times are Changing
Traditional advertising media are losing
effectiveness – and here’s why!
Times are Changing
Traditional advertising media are losing effectiveness
Directories –
Get out-of-date quickly (may be inaccurate)
Multiple options (does Missoula need 3 Yellow Pages?)
(focusing primarily on Yellow Pages)
Does your business need to BE in all three?
Huge fall-out in usership – consumers moved online
Times are Changing
Traditional advertising media are losing effectiveness
Print Publications
Printing costs have increased
Readership is skewed to older demographics
Fewer readers = lower distribution = lower ad revenues
Major newspapers have closed their doors
Times are Changing
Traditional advertising media are losing effectiveness
Television – harder to grab and hold attention
Fragmentation of viewers
Zipping (skipping through commercials)
Channel surfing during commercials
Alternative viewing – Hulu
Times are Changing
Traditional advertising media are losing effectiveness
Background medium (hard to get undivided attention)
Alternative options in vehicles
Satellite radio
Plug in your iPod
Listen to CDs
Alternatives in homes/offices
Internet radio (Pandora, etc.)
Cable Television music options
Times are Changing
Traditional advertising media are losing effectiveness
Direct Mail –
costly / low conversion / slow
Costly on a per piece basis
MUST be tightly targeted to be cost effective
Only works for higher prices items (based on ROI)
Low conversion
Times are Changing
Traditional advertising media are losing effectiveness
Directories –
print versions go out of date / expensive
Print Pubs –
in decline / costs up / shifting readership
Broadcast –
fragmentation / zipping / zapping / Hulu
Direct Mail –
costly / low conversion / slow
Telemarketing –
Faxes –
Referrals –
do not call lists / intrusion factor
mass faxing less effective / easy to overlook
ALWAYS relevant / but lack of control
Times are Changing
Traditional advertising media are losing effectiveness
Telemarketing –
1990’s was huge for this
Do No Call Lists
Significant reduction of registered land lines
Viewed as privacy invasion (i.e. “spammy”
New Media is Online
& Online Statistics are Astonishing
1 Trillion + — number of web pages in the world
200+ Billion online searches each year in U.S. alone
30 % — searches that are targeted locally (city or zip )*
20 % — total online searches done by mobile phones*
37 % — small businesses without a website*
80 % — local searches done on mobile devices = buyers*
— chance to connect with consumers who are
searching online if an organization doesn’t
have an online presence
* 2012 statistics based on U.S. data only
Business Owners Face
Marketing Challenges
Recession has led to slower sales & lower profits
Traditional media declining in effectiveness
Consumers are searching for businesses online
Business owners are confused and frustrated
about how to use online marketing effectively
Many businesses lack either the knowledge,
the interest, or the time to learn online marketing
and develop an online strategy…..
Does This Describe You?
A Website is Essential
But Having One isn’t Enough
Websites lend credibility
Is your website getting found?
Know what your prospective customer is doing online
Is your site helping or hurting your business?
Know how people are searching & where your site is ranked
How do you drive traffic to a website?
The business card of yesterday
Does it promote your business to best advantage?
Your site should be an online HUB!
Does it promote your business to best advantage?
Your Website as an Online Hub
Why Being “On” Google is Vital
70% of all U.S. online searches are done on Google
80% + of intl. online searches are done on Google
(with a few notable exceptions – ex: China)
60% of searchers do not typically search beyond
page one of search engine results
Do you know what your potential customers are
searching for? – Keyword Research
Need to be FOUND by those searching for the goods
and services you offer – SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Website Not Getting Found?
Was the site developed strategically?
Did development include these 3 key elements?
Were goals clearly defined on the front end?
Was keyword research done first to drive how and where those words
are optimized on the site?
Solid coding (the site functions as it should)
Strong design (attractive, credible & user-friendly)
Strategic marketing (solid SEO, marketing strategy done on front-end,
integrated and ongoing online marketing strategies)
Are you using best practices of SEO?
On-page optimization
Links coming into the website (quality counts more than quantity)
Social validation
Mobile Marketing – The Next Wave
67 % of U.S. citizens now own smart phones
Japan and Europe mobile are far
ahead of U.S. in smart phone
usage; the U.S. is sure to follow
97% of smart phone users search
online by phone
<20% of all sites are mobile-friendly
By end of 2014, more people will access
websites by smartphones and tablets
than by desktops and laptops combined!
Social Media – “Do I HAVE to use…”
Google + Local
Social Media KISS – F.O.C.U.S.
Focus – on 1-2 targeted social media platforms
One in four “rule”
Calendar – plan monthly / quarterly in advance
Utility – use tools to make posting easier
Social – create content that is “share-worthy”
“Share-worthy” is KEY
Share-worthy is NOT:
Share-worthy Content
Pitch, pitch, pitch
Obviously self-serving all the time
One-sided communication
Interactive – two way communication
Involves your customers, fans, etc.
Four Types of Content
Storytelling (most important)
Product / service reminders (i.e. “selling”)
General (but related) content
Informing Content
What’s new in your business
Updates special events
New products
New services
New staff
Sales and promotions
Special events – grand opening, holiday celebration, etc.
Other “announcement” type information
Media coverage
Storytelling Content
Stories about your customers
Stories about you – personalize the business owner /
managers of the business
Stories about staff and why they work for you
Schedule: as often as possible – will need to encourage
Product & Service Reminders
Product / service highlights
Subtle “selling” of a product your carry or
service you offer
Present as problems to solutions when you can
Do NOT make it a strong sales pitch
Soft-selling in social media works much better
General Related Content
Fun, FYI-type information that is relevant to
your products / services
Photos sent in my customers,
Fun, FYI-type info that is universally
appealing (quotes and related)
What Does All This Mean for Biz?
Marketing strategy needs to marry online and
offline marketing initiatives
Know specifically the words your customers are
using to search – them use those words online
Use online findings to market offline
Use media that is right for your type of business
Know what’s already working for you - continue
using what works and eliminate what’s not
What Does All This Mean for Biz?
Know your “conversion funnel” statistics – having the
ability to measure gives you power
Develop a STRATEGY (don’t just try a hodge-podge of
ideas hoping something will work)
Measure and tweak what’s working and then “rinse and
repeat” to improve your results
Do NOT try to do everything – start by doing several
things really well and you’ll have better success
Add more things as you succeed with initial efforts
Karen Porter
[email protected]
[email protected]
(406) 529-8931