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History of the Theory (15.1)
State Standard
SB5A. Trace the history of the theory.
Chapter 15
15.1 Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
Before Darwin
 __________ – 385-322 BC
 Revered __________ philosopher & scientist
 Believed organisms were created in a
__________ form that could not __________
over time
 His ideas were highly influential for __________
Chapter 15
15.1 Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
Before Darwin
 Jean Baptiste de __________ – 1800s
 French __________ Believed inheritance of
__________ traits were the driving force of
 Believed traits were acquired through __________
 Ex: A giraffe had to stretch its neck in order to
reach food – so the neck got longer during the
giraffe’s lifetime and was passed to the next
Chapter 15
15.1 Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
Before Darwin – cont’d
 Geologists were discovering ancient
__________, __________, & fossilized
__________ in England in the 1800s.
 These items were being found in hillsides &
riverbeds & gave new __________ about
diversity of organisms.
Chapter 15
15.1 Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
Other Names Who Influenced Darwin
 James __________ & Charles __________ –
Earth had changed over very
__________ periods of time.
 Thomas __________ – Struggle for
Populations outgrew resources & had to
Chapter 15
15.1 Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
Darwin’s Voyage
 In 1831, Darwin set sail on the HMS
 Darwin’s role on the ship was as
____________ and companion to the captain.
 His job was to ____________ biological and
geological specimens during the ship’s travel.
Chapter 15
15.1 Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
The Galápagos Islands
 Off the ________ coast of South America
 Each island had a unique ____________ &
geographical features.
 Darwin began to collect mockingbirds,
____________, and other animals on the four
 He noticed that the different islands seemed
to have their own, slightly ____________
varieties of animals.
Chapter 15
15.1 Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
The Galapagos Islands – cont’d
 Darwin theorized that the island populations
came from the __________ ancestral
populations on the ____________.
 Populations from the mainland ____________
after reaching the Galápagos.
Chapter 15
15.1 Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
Concepts That Emerged from Darwin’s Work…
 ________________ – inherited traits that may
give an individual survival & reproductive
____________ over other individuals.
 Darwin hypothesized that new species could
appear gradually through small changes in
ancestral species.
 Darwin inferred that if humans could change
species by artificial selection, then perhaps the
same process could work in nature
(__________ __________).
Chapter 15
15.1 Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
Concepts That Emerged from Darwin’s Work…
 ____________ ____________ – populations
that get geographically separated may give rise
to adaptations specifically ____________ to
each environment.
Chapter 15
15.1 Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
Principles of Natural Selection
 Individuals in a population show ____________.
 Variations can be ____________.
 Organisms have more offspring than can
____________ on available resources
 Variations that increase reproductive
____________ will have a greater chance of
being ____________ on.
Chapter 15
15.1 Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
Darwin & Wallace
 Darwin published On the Origin of __________
by Means of __________ Selection in 1859.
 Natural Selection was a means of explaining
how evolution __________.
 Wallace also studied & wrote about evolution,
emphasizing ____________ of resources, while
Darwin focused on ____________ success.
 Darwin’s amount of data & thorough
explanations caused his theories to be become