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Changes Over Time
SOL: BIO 8 a-e
• Standard BIO 8 a-e
The student will
investigate and understand how populations
change through time. Key concepts include:
• a) evidence found in fossil records;
• b) how genetic variation, reproductive
strategies, and environmental pressures
impact the survival of populations;
• c) how natural selection leads to
• d) emergence of new species; and
• e) scientific explanations for biological
Theory of Evolution
• Science is made up of many ideas, theories, and laws. Many of
these ideas have gone through many changes throughout the
• Our job as life-long learners is to examine all the evidence
concerning a particular topic.
• Evolution is part of the Core Knowledge curriculum for Biology.
• The origin of life is a sensitive subject for many people. There
are many theories concerning the change in things over time.
• You may hold a different view than what will be presented as
part of the Core Knowledge curriculum.
• Out goal is to explore the theory of evolution from a scientific
standpoint, not to discount any other theories on the origin of
Charles Darwin
The Father of Evolution
Darwin’s World (1809 - 1875)
Height of the British colonial period.
Beginning of the Industrial
• New Ideas:
– Taxonomy of Carolus Linnaeus
– Lyell’s “Principles of Geology”
System of
Carolus Linnaeus
(1707 – 1778)
Believed in the
“Fixity of Species”
Charles Lyell
• Father of Geology
Charles Lyell’s view of the process of formation of
sedimentary rock
• Suggests that sedimentary rock is
very old – therefore the species that
are represented in this rock must
also be old.
• Most fossils are found in sedimentary
• Older fossils will be found below
younger fossils.
Knowledge Check
Who was Linnaeus?
Who was Lyell?
If Lyell looked at fossils is a cross section
of sediment, would the fossils more
towards the surface be older or younger
than those below? Why?
Charles Darwin
At the age of 22,
he joined a 5 year
expedition aboard
the HMS Beagle to
map the coast of
South America
The voyage of the Beagle
Charles Darwin’s Theory
of Evolution:
1. Members of a
population have
(Inheritance of
2. In a population, more individuals are
produced than the environment can
support. They compete for food and
shelter. (overpopulation- struggle for
3. Some individuals have adaptive
characteristics that enable them to
survive and reproduce better than other
individuals (survival of the fittest).
4. An increasing number of
individuals in succeeding generations
have these adaptive characteristics
(natural selection)
Knowledge Check
Summarize the four components of
Darwin’s theory of evolution.
Darwin described his theory in the form
of a long essay which he called
“On the Origin of Species”.
Concerned about the public’s response
to his ideas
(remember what happened to Galileo)
Arranged to publish his work …
Publication of “On The Origin of Species”
in 1859
Charles Darwin
At age 50 (1859)
At age 65 (1874)
Charles Darwin
Before publication
After publication
• Through his observations made in the
Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin
formulated a theory of how species
change over time, called natural
• Natural selection is governed by the
principles of genetics.
• The change in the frequency of a
gene in a given population leads to a
change in a population and may result
in the emergence of a new species.
• Natural selection operates on
populations over many generations.
Knowledge Check
What was the name of Darwin’s book?
On what island did Darwin make observations
that lead him to develop his ideas about
natural selection?
Explain how natural selection can be
observed in a population.
• A change in successive generations of
organisms, due to random mutation
and changes in the organisms’
• Evolution takes place
through a set of
processes that
natural selection,
• Genetic mutations and variety
produced by sexual reproduction allow
for diversity within a given population.
• Many factors can cause a change in a
gene over time.
• Mutations are
important in how
change over time
because they
result in genetic
changes to the
gene pool.
• Mutations are inheritable changes
because a mutation is a change in the
DNA code
Mutation- a change in the DNA
A mutation may
result in a:
1. favorable change or
adaptation in genetic
information that
improves a species’
ability to exist in its
Mutation- a change in the DNA
2. an unfavorable
change that does
not improve a
species’ ability to
exist in its
Mutation- a change in the DNA
3. in a change in the
genetic information
that neither harms
nor helps the
• Adaptations are structures,
functions, or behaviors that enable a
species to survive.
• Depending on the rate of
adaptation, the rate of
reproduction, and the
environmental factors
present, structural
adaptations may take
millions of years to
Natural Selection
• the survival and reproduction of the
individuals in a population that exhibit
the traits that best enable them to
survive in their environment.
• The Survival of the Fittest
Natural Selection
• Populations produce more offspring
than the environment can support.
Natural Selection
• The unequal ability
of individuals to
survive and
reproduce leads to
the gradual change
in a population,
generation after
generation over
many generations.
Natural Selection
• Organisms with
certain genetic
variations will be
favored to
survive and pass
their variations
on to the next
• These five canine species evolved from a
common ancestor through natural selection
African wild
Thousands to
millions of years
of natural selection
When humans choose organisms with
specific characteristics as breeding
stock, they are performing the role of
the environment
• This is called “artificial selection”
Example of artificial
selection in plants: five
vegetables derived from
wild mustard
Artificial Selection in Animals: Dog Breeding
Yorkshire terrier
English springer
Hundreds to
thousands of years
of breeding
(artificial selection)
Ancestral dog
Golden retriever
The evolution of insecticide resistance is an
example of natural selection in action
Chromosome with gene
conferring resistance
to insecticide
applications of the
same insecticide will
be less effective, and
the frequency of
resistant insects in
the population
will grow
Knowledge Check
What is evolution?
Identify the four processes of evolution.
Explain how each process can lead to
evolutionary change.
• no longer in existence; "the extinction
of a species"
• If a species does not include traits
that enable it to survive in its
environment or to survive changes in
the environment, then the species
may become extinct.
Individuals die, a
species becomes
• Individuals of a
population exhibit a
range of variations
in a trait as a result
of the variations in
their genetic codes.
• The evidence for evolution is drawn
from a variety of sources of data,
the fossil record,
radiometric dating,
genetic information,
the distribution of organisms,
anatomical and developmental
similarities across species.
Fossil Record
• Although there is not a complete
record of ancient life for the past
3.5 billion years, a great deal of
modern knowledge about the history
of life comes from the fossil record.
• The study of fossils provides strong
evidence for evolution.
Hominid skulls
Petrified Trees
Ammonite casts
Fossilized organic
matter in a leaf
Scorpion in amber
“Ice Man”
Distribution of species
• Most marsupials
live in Australia
• This supports
the theory of
continental drift.
Distribution of species
Geographic isolation can lead to speciation
• Organisms that
can breed and
produce FERTILE
Adaptive Radiation
• where species all
deriving from a
common ancestor
have over time
adapted to their
environment via
natural selection
Homologous Structures
• Body parts in different organisms
that have similar bones and similar
arrangements of muscles, blood
vessels, and nerves and undergo
similar embryological development,
but do not necessarily serve the same
function; e.g., the flipper of a whale
and the forelimb of a horse.
Homologous Structures
Vestigial Structures
• Features that apparently serve no
function in an organism and are
allegedly holdovers from an
evolutionary past. Such features,
though no longer useful, are presumed
to have been useful in ancestral
EX.: Wings in
flightless birds
EX.: appendix
in humans,
whale pelvis,
tiny snake
pelvic and limb
bones, and the
eyes in cavedwelling
and fish that
are completely
Developmental Similarities
• Many species have very similar
embryonic development.
• The embryo of a chicken, a pig, and a
fish are almost identical at certain
points in their development.
• Stephen Jay Gould’s idea
of punctuated equilibrium
proposes that organisms
may undergo rapid (in
geologic time) bursts of
speciation followed by long
periods of time unchanged.
• This view is in contrast to
the traditional
evolutionary view of
gradual and continuous