Download Evolution-Slot Notes Part One Darwin`s Theory Evolution: The

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Evolution-Slot Notes
Part One
Darwin’s Theory
Evolution: The process in which ____________________characteristics within a
population change over _____________________ such that new ________________
sometimes arise.
Species: A __________________ of organisms that are closely related and that can mate
to produce fertile ______________________.
Variation: A ________________________ in characteristics, or ________________
among members of the same ____________________.
Adaptation: A characteristic that ______________________ an individual’s ability to
survive and _______________________ in a particular environment.
Charles Darwin
In 1831, a 22 year old named Charles Darwin served as a “______________________”
on the HMS beagle during its 5-year ______________ around the world.
Darwin’s important discoveries included the diversity of ___________________ things,
the remains of ______________________ organisms, and the ______________________
of organisms of the Galapagos _____________________.
Natural Selection
The _____________________ by which individuals that are better _________________
to their environment survive and _________________________ more successfully than
less ___________________ adapted individuals.
A theory to explain how ______________________ happens.
Overproduction – more _________________ are born than can ___________________.
Inherited Variation – there are differences within the__________________ of every
population or _________________ ( the result of random mutation and translation errors)
Struggle to Survive – Because of the overproduction, there is a ____________________
for limited ______________________. Some individuals are better suited to
_________________ as a result of _____________________.
Selection– Darwin proposed that over a long time, ___________________ selection can
lead to change. Helpful _____________________ will gradually accumulate in a species,
while unfavorable ones may _________________________.