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Where Did We Come From?
Evolution is the process by which living things change as one generation succeeds another.
Evolution is extremely slow; so many generations have to pass before any change is noticeable.
The existence of evolution and the mechanism behind it was revealed by one of the world’s great
“naturalists”— Charles Darwin (A naturalist was an old fashioned name for someone who studied
the sciences of nature like biology).
Darwin published his Theory of Evolution in his famous book called “On The Origin of Species”.
Darwin’s theory of evolution is based on three observations:
 That all living things vary.
 That all living things can pass on their characteristics.
 That all living things are involved in a struggle for survival.
In this struggle some organisms do better than others, and so survival to produce more offspring.
Therefore their characteristics become more common in later generations.
This natural selection occurs over many generations and results in change, or evolution.
Write all answers in full sentences.
1. What is evolution?
2. Why is Charles Darwin so famous?
3. Where can you find or read about the theory of evolution?
4. What are the three things the theory of evolution is based on?
5. What do the organisms struggle for?
 QUIZ- Write true or false next to each statement
1. Evolution is a rapid process __________
2. Charles Darwin was a chemist ____________
3. The process of natural selection is important in the process of natural selection
4. All individuals vary______________
5. All organisms struggle to survive ______________
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