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By Steven Oh
December 14th, 2009
Class 006
“Patrick, I spent my whole life exploring the earth’s center.”
His every breath was heavy and painful. “And so as a
geologist, my will is to be buried in the Outer Core. This last
incredible mission…belongs to you………” His eyes slowly
shut down, as his breath has paused for rest of his life. Paul
Meltivern, the top geologist of United States has left the
world with an exclusive message to Patrick Handerson.
Patrick had tears rolling down his cheeks, examining his
best teacher leaving the world. He stood up facing fiercely
to the journalist. “I will complete this mission of my
teacher!!! And no one is gonna stop me from this…” He
spoke up announcing with a Scottish accent. He made the
entire journalist leave the room peacefully staying together
with Mr. Meltivern.
The next day, Patrick set off to his science lab that was
empty since his teacher had died. He was getting ready his
equipments for the impossible journey. His journal about
the earth, food, cloths, temperature protections, and the
drills machine that was supposed to be ready by now.
Finally the last most important thing, Mr. Meltivern’s body
which would now have all the protections for its bones. He
exited his science lab and went to the place they were
going to meet. As Patrick suspected, the body of Mr.
Meltivern was waiting with full armor, and next to it was
the drill machine which was actually really strong and big.
“Welcome sir,” the inventor of the drill machine greeted.
“Good morning sir,” Patrick responded. “Now sir, first I’ll
give you the instructions for the drill machine, and be
concentrating cos the instructions are really complicated.
As the two man’s discussion continued, Patrick has mostly
learned the instructions. The discussion had finished and
Patrick was tossed to the side that had Mr. Meltivern’s
“Well sir, we’ve done every protection we could
depending on the dangerous suspects inside the earth.” A
man with a formal suite explained. “Very well, take the
body and
place it where it is supposed to be in the
machine with my luggage.” Patrick exclaimed. The men
got ready for the
long journey, and Patrick was
calculating how long it would be to pass the crust. Right
now, he was 31.2km apart from the mantel. Which wasn’t
that far apart. Of course the Oceanic Crust which is about
5~10km thick, would be the best place to start but the
science wasn’t good enough to make a machine that would
go through the ocean. So apparently, the thinnest and
closest part to Edinburgh is 31.2km Apart from the mantel.
Pretty close because Continental Crusts are actually 30-70
km thick. Back behind the man wearing a formal suite ran
forward telling the machine is ready. Patrick walked toward
the machine and hopped in the machine. “Mr. be careful,
and watch out for huge stones.” The inventor of the
machine yelled as Patrick nodded his head and
the machine as how he learned.
He so far dug 15km which meant he was still in the part of
the lithosphere. The Crust is separated into two parts which
are Lithosphere, and Asthenosphere. Lithosphere is the
upper part of the crust which is approximately 75km thick
and has an average of 100km. deep. It has a temperature of
1200c. Lithos mean solid in Greek and as it means, it is made
out of rock that are called basalt and Granite. Basalt is dark
rocks with normal texture that is found in the oceanic crust.
Granite is rocks that have light colors with coarse texture.
The Asthenosphere is 275km thick and it includes a bit of
the outer mantel which is very soft. Asthenos mean weak in
Greek and so it is soft. Its soft but still, it’s solid. Has a
temperature of 1400c. Patrick was sweating as a lazy bear
that had to run 15km per day. He was sweating, but didn’t
feel the hotness because he had the atomic temperature
He was driving uncomfortably thinking about if the body of
Mr. Meltivern would be all right. Patrick felt alone and
scared. This mission was the world first event that a person
was going to be buried in the Outer Core and his student
drilling toward the center of the earth. As a big event,
Patrick felt nervous. His drill machine was going 50km. per
hour which was actually fast as a machine drilling the
earth’s interior. The drill machine’s maximum speed was
65km. per hour but the inventor had explained do not try to
do that because we are not sure how long the machine
will go in the
maximum speed.
Patrick had come 2 hours which meant he had drilled 100km.
more but the problem starting from here was he was
getting exhausted. He’s in the part of the Asthenosphere
and the Outer mantel. The Outer Mantel is about 300km.
thick and has a temperature of 3000c. which would easily
melt a human being. Outer mantel is practically liquidy soft.
It’s way more thinner than the Inner mantel. The Outer
Mantel is the inside part of the mantel and it has an average
of a temperature 3500c.. Totally, the Mantel is 2,867km.
thick that are made of a mixture of oxygen, silicon, and
magnesium. Patrick was feeling the pressure increasing as
he moves every meter. It was as the waters, as you go
deeper in the swimming pool, the pressure increases
which is a force produced by a particular amount of gas or
liquid in a space. If the pressure increases, it will be hard to
breath and it would be hard to come out of the water
because the pressure is high. Patrick was a geologist too,
and as a geologist, no one in the world would fell his
He was watching the interior of the earth !!! It was incredible
for him. All the secrets of the earth could’ve been solved but
Patrick had no time thinking about secrets, his teacher Mr.
Meltivern’s body can get damaged by the sources of the
mantel or Crust because the men that prepared Mr.
Meltivern’s body said “We did every single protections for
being buried in the Outer Core but we didn’t have enough
time so we did the most important protections for the crust,
and Mantel.” Which meant any mysterious thing, can
damage the body when Patrick is in the Mantel and the
Crust but the Crust had no problem now since he had passed
it but the Mantel… He was uncertainty.
In his scalar that told how many km. he had left to pass each
layer of the earth, it said he had 2,782km left to reach the
part of the Outer Core. Patrick wasn’t that surprise because
he knew the diameter of the earth is 12,750km long and
2,782km was only a sixth of the diameter so he knew he
would reach the outer Core. The only thing Patrick was
annoyed was that it would take a long time to reach the
Outer Core since the drill machine had only a maximum
speed of 65km. per hour. He had come 500km. more using
5hours. Patrick was so tired and exhausted that he made a
decision to put the drill machine on automatic driving.
Patrick got ready for a pose that was showing he was chilling
out. Setting his legs beside the handle of the machine and
laying his brown hat on his face covering his face. Before
when he always slept, he had to read at least 2 pages but he
didn’t have any book with him so he just had to concentrate
sleeping. As then he thought, ‘wait a sec. I remember I
brought a journal !!!’ he broke out his head from his hat and
opened a way that straightly connected to the back of the
machine and searched for his scientific journal like a horde of
rats finding for food in a area that no one lived.
As Patrick suspected, inside the journal in page 9 there was a
model and a graph of the earth that told the basics about
He started to read the specific information about the earth
below the graph and the model. The description said…
How do scientists know the interior of the earth?
First evidence is, by making observations of the seismic
waves. Seismic waves causes by earthquakes. Scientist
observes how the seismic waves travel through the
earth. As if there was an earthquake in Italy. The
seismic waves would first start in the place where the
earthquake happened and would travel to the other
sides of the country. Observing those paths the seismic
waves traveled and the speed of the seismic waves,
scientist have figured out the earth had different layers.
Another evidence is volcanoes. When they explode,
they bring out many different elements inside the earth
as rocks and so scientist study those materials. Since
mostly in volcanoes, magma or lava comes out, they are
sure there are liquidy hot elements inside the earth.
Inside caves and mines, you can find out many different
rocks from inside the earth which is also the same
strategies to observe the rocks popped up from the
volcanoes. The deepest mine in the world is barely
3.8km. which only scratches the earth’s surface. The
last one is by
knowing the density of the layers of
the earth. Rocks in the earth we see now have pretty
high densities, and so the rocks would be actually inside
the earth so scientists expect the layers of the earths
density is extremely high.
Interesting facts…
The deepest hole that was dug was only 12km
deep by a Russian. Starting at 100 years ago,
scientist suspected that the earth has three main
layers. The Crust, Mantel and the Core. Easy ways
to remember Oceanic Crust and Continental Crust.
In the word oceanic, you can find the root word
ocean so the oceans floor. In continental, obviously
you can find the word continent so the Continental
Crust is the surface we are actually living.
Earthquakes are cause by tectonic plate crashing in
to each other which would sometimes make
mountains. The diameter of the earth is 12,750 km
The circumference is 40,035km 70% is ocean and
30% is lands on earth. Highest landscape is Mt
Everest. The lowest is the Dead Sea which stretches
below sea level. The earth is made by these
following elements.
Aluminium-8.1%, Iron-5%, Sodium-2.8%,
Magnesium-2.1%, Calcium-3.6%, Potassium-2.6%,
Silicon-26.7%, and other-1.5%.
Explanation for Graph / Model
These two graphs show the density and the
temperatures of the earth. If you see at the
Density graph, as it gets deeper, the density
increases so obviously, the Inner Core has the
highest density which is 15g/cm3. Density is one
of the evidence scientist uses to find the interior
of the Earth. You can easily see the increasing
Density by the line going higher. The
Temperature graph shows all the average of
for each layer. As in the Density
graph, as it gets deeper, the temperature
increases because many molten lava, magma are
there that would
sometime pop up to the
earth’s surface. In both graphs, I have labeled
the depth of the layer
below the layer’s
names. To the side, you can see the increment.
The increment for the Density graph is 1cm =
2g/cm3 and for the temperature one, 1.5cm =
1000C. The Model has a diameter of 12cm
because the diameter of the earth is 12,750km I
made it to 12cm. the crust is actually 0.075cm
because I took out 3 digits in the diameter. For
the mantel I did it 5.6cm because I made 2,867km
to 2.8x2 is 5.6. The Outer Core I made it 2.2
because the actual thickness is 2,266km. The
inner Core I did 1.2 and again because it is
1,216km. I labeled the basic information of the
earth as the thickness, name and the temperature.
As Patrick read the part where it said over 70% of the earth
is made of water. He had thought if he would dig until the
other side, he would be in the middle of the Pacific Ocean
which would be freezing cold. After he read the whole
journal he felt sleeping so for last, he checked his scaler. It
said 1,982km left to reach the Outer Core so he felt he had
enough time to sleep. He went to his sleeping pose again
and started to sleep dead silently inside the machine.
When he woke up, he had a face of a gorilla. His face was
all squished together with pure red cheeks. He fixed his
face and checked the scaler. As he stared at the scaler, he
was freaked out. The scaler said Patrick was only 250km
away from the Outer Core !!! He calculated mentally and
exclaimed out loud, “after five hours I’ll need to bury my
teacher in the Outer Core!!!” he felt relived but thinking
he had slept over 20 hours. He was right now about to
finish the course of the Inner Mantel. The Inner Mantel is
the inside part of the Mantel and it is 2,567km thick and
has the temperature of over 3000c. The Inner Mantel is
way thicker than the Outer Mantel and differently, the
Inner Mantel is very solid.
He never thought five hours would be passed so fast.
During the five hours, he had thought of ‘should I explore
the Inner Core too?’ but unfortunately he couldn’t
because he had no food left except for a piece of hard
bread. Also because his atomic temperature protector can
only last four days and he thought he had spent almost
two and a half days so he had to give up for exploring the
Inner Corel. So as he inferred, five hours passed so he was
in the very up part of the Outer Core. He got his suit
armor to go out of the machine and took out gently his
teacher, Mr. Meltivern’s body which was pretty stabled.
Even though he had his suit armor for the temperature, he
was melting hot. The Outer Core is 2,266km thick, made
out of mostly iron, nickel and a bit of sulphur and oxygen.
Since the Outer Core is 4000-5000c. Hot, the armor
couldn’t protect all of Patrick’s body. His movement
took every muscle of his to work because the Inner
Mantel had massive pressure and since the layer was
very liquid and gooey which it floats around the Inner
Core. Patrick dug the Outer Core just the right size of
the body of Mr. Meltivern. For the last time, Patrick
prayed for his best teacher in the whole world and
gently settled him in the place where he dug. Right
away the body floated away. ‘Wait a sec.’ Patrick was
confused but as he thought carefully through his
minds, he finally got the meaning of Mr. Meltivern. He
wanted to be buried in the Outer Core because the
outer Core floats around the inner Core and so Mr.
Meltivern wanted to be floating around the Inner
Core meaning he will be with inside the earth forever.
Patrick had gloomy tears rolling down his cheeks and
turned back and hopped back into his drill machine.
Again, Patrick though of exploring the Inner mantel
which was 1,216km thick and that had a temperature of
over 6000c. The inner Core is made out of the same
materials as the Outer core. He had to go over 2000km
to reach the Inner Core which was the true center of
the earth but with no hope, Patrick turned over his drill
machine and traveled back toward the earth’s surface
the way he came back.
It was getting colder and colder as he drove toward
the place he started his journey. It was actually
faster because he could go full speed because the
path was already cleared out when he was coming.
He was starving so he ate his last piece of solid
bread and drove toward the outside fresh air. It
exactly took him 23 hours to go back to his normal
surface. As he came out to the beautiful surface, all
the journalist came making an enormous horde
that surrounded the drill machine. “How was the
trip, How did you feel when you buried Mr.
Meltivern…!?” all sorts of questions was asked as
He stepped out and breathed with all his work he
did. The horde of the journalist was so enormous,
they broke through the body guards for Patrick.
That day, the only way he could go back to his
house was to go back on the drill machine and crush
through the horde.
Next day, Patrick Handerson was immediately
transported to the meeting of the geologist. He had
explained all the things he did, felt, and saw during
the incredible journey. The discussion was lasting
forever until it was 6 -0-clock in the afternoon. As he
went back to his house, he ate all the food he could
and slept as a hungry bear. He spent his life
normally but there were always something
different. He saw magazines, TV shows, and
newspapers everywhere
about him. Also
biographies which made Patrick be the best
geologist in United States continuing his teacher,
Paul Metivern’s job.