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Chapter 2
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Do Now
• What was the period in history known as
when scientific inquiry came to a stand
• Who was the first sea captain to have a
naturalist among his crew?
• Why was the challenger expedition so
important to the field of marine science?
• Finish up history- (Friday)
• SWBAT: Describe major topographic
features present on the sea floor.
Chapter Two
The Sea Floor
Modern Marine Biology
• Today, several marine biology research stations
exist in locations around the world.
In the United States, several facilities are
considered to be among the best in the world,
– Woods Hole Marine Biological Lab, MA
– Scripps Institute - La Jolla, CA
– Friday Harbor Labs, WA
Important Tools of the Trade
• Remote sensing – satellites are used to view large
expanses of ocean at the ocean’s surface only.
Sonar – used to map seafloor depths and formations.
Scuba – used for direct human exploration of oceanic
environment for longer periods and at deeper depths
than would otherwise be available to man.
Remotely operated vehicles (ROV’s) – allows for direct
exploration of marine environment when scuba is not an
option; these ROV’s can be manned (such as Alvin
mentioned in chapter 1 readings) or unmanned.
Important Tools of the Trade
• Research vessels – these floating laboratories allow
oceanographers and marine biologists to explore the
marine environments for weeks, months or even years
without returning to a land-based facility.
• Underwater Research Station - Aquarius – underwater
research and residential facility located in the Florida
Keys. This underwater lab is located approx. 60 feet
underwater and allows researchers to stay at this depth
for days or weeks without surfacing (eating, sleeping,
laboratory work, etc. – everything is done here (think of
it like an airtight Winnebago!) Read more about Aquarius
Geography of the Ocean Basins
• The world ocean is the predominant feature
on the Earth in total area.
• In the Northern Hemisphere, 61% of the
total area is ocean.
• In the Southern Hemisphere, about 80% of
the total area is ocean.
• The world ocean is divided into four large
basins: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and
Ocean Basins
• Which is the largest?
• Which is the shallowest?
• Which two are similar in size?
• Which is the deepest?
Structure of the Earth
• The Earth is thought to have originated
4.5 billion years ago from dust
accumulated from the Big Bang
• Due to heat associated with these events,
the early Earth was likely molten
• This allowed materials to settle by density
as the materials cooled
Structure of the Earth
• Heavier materials settled deep in the Earth
• Lighter components formed a thin crust
• Eventually, the Earth’s oceans and
atmosphere began to form
• Earth’s location relative to the sun allows
for water to stay liquid – an essential
element to sustain life
Internal Structure of the Earth
• Core – innermost layer; solid inner core
and liquid outer core; iron-rich.
• Mantle – middle layer; semi-plastic
• Crust – outermost layer; thinnest portion
of the Earth.
Continental versus Oceanic
• Oceanic crust – made up of dark-colored
mineral, basalt; denser than continental
crust; younger than continental crust (less
than 200 million years old).
• Continental crust – light-colored granite
construction mainly; less dense; some
crust as old as 3.8 billion years old.
Check for understanding
• Which type of crust is the thinnest?
• Which type of crust is the oldest?
• What 2 layers of the earth make up the
Continental Drift
• Proposed in 1912 by Alfred Wegner
• He suggested that all continents had been
joined in a single supercontinent which he
named Pangaea.
• He proposed that Pangaea began breaking
up 180 million years ago.
• At the time, his proposal was not widely
accepted by he could not explain HOW
this occurred.
Pieces of evidence to support Continental drift theory
1) Landforms- The shore line of South America would fit with the Africa shore. Mnts. In South Africa line up wit
Mnts is Argentina. Coal fields in Brazil match with coal fields in Africa.
2) Fern-like fossils have been found in Africa, South America, Australia, India, Antarctica
3) Continents were exposed to different climates. (Example: deep scratches in rock showed that glaciers once
covered South Africa. South Africa was closer to the South Pole.
Plate Tectonics
• Plate tectonics explains the “HOW”
behind Wegner’s continental drift theory
• The main features of plate tectonics are:
– The Earth’s surface is covered by a series of crustal
– The ocean floors are constantly moving; spreading in
the center and sinking at the edges and being
– Convection currents beneath the plates assist
– Heat from the mantle drives these currents
Topography on sea floor…
• Who was Harry Hess?
• What is the 12,000 mile Mnt range at the bottom of the
ocean called?
How high is a Mnt at the bottom of the ocean?
What did Hess discover and what did he call his
Why doesn’t the earth grow in size?
Evidence for Plate Tectonics
• Mid-Oceanic Ridges
– The mid-oceanic ridges rise from ocean
floor – a chain of submarine volcanic
– at regular intervals, the ridge is displaced by
faults in the Earth’s crust called transform
– Very little sediment is located at the bottom
near these ridges; sediment gets thicker away
from the ridges signifying that the crust
further from the ridge is older
Mid ocean ridge system
• Continuous chain of
submarine volcanic
• Like the seam on a
base ball (encircle the
• Largest feature on the
surface of our earth
• Deep depressions in the sea floor
• Common in the Pacific
• Draw a picture and write a description
• Draw the sea floor include a ridge system and a
• Label where sea floor spreading occurs and
where subduction occurs.
• Describe why the earth does not grow in size if
sea floor spreading occurs.
Critical thinking…
• Where would you find the oldest rocks on
the sea floor?
• Where would you find the youngest rocks
on the sea floor?
• Pangea
• Basalt
• Lithosphere
• Mid-ocean ridge
• Trenches
Cool animation!
• Convection currents
Exit Ticket
• T or F? The ocean is equally distributed
around our globe
• What is oceanic crust made of?
• Name 2 pieces of evidence that support
continental drift theory
Do Now
• What are the four major ocean basins?
• Compare oceanic crust to continental crust
• What theory described the “HOW” of Wegner’s continental drift?
• What geogrpahic feature is commonly seen near ocean trenches?
• SWBAT: Describe why banding patterns
are present on the ocean floor
• Describe the difference between
lithogenous and biogenous sediment
• Identify the 4 margins of the continent
Earth’s Magnetic Field
The earth has
an electric field
A magnetic field is a mathematical
description of the magnetic influence
of electric currents and magnetic
Think of it like a giant bar
magnet inside the earth
Evidence for Plate Tectonics
• Geomagnetic Anomalies:
– Occasionally, at random intervals, the Earth's
magnetic field reverses. New rock formed
from magma records the orientation of Earth's
magnetic field at the time the magma cools.
– Studies of the sea floor revealed "stripes" of
alternating magnetization parallel to the
mid-oceanic ridges. This is evidence for
continuous formation of new rock at these
ridges. As new rock forms, older rock is
pushed farther away from the ridge,
producing these patterns in the rock.
• Sometimes the magnetic field is like this
• Sometimes the magnetic field looks like
Magnetic Pole Reversals and
Sea Floor Spreading
• Draw a diagram of a mid ocean ridge site
• Include the banding pattern seen on the ocean floor
• Write a caption of why this striped pattern occurs
Evidence of Plate Tectonics
• Island Arcs
– Chains of islands are found throughout the
oceans, especially in the western Pacific.
– These "Island arcs" are usually situated along
deep sea trenches on the continental side of
– These observations, along with many other
studies of our planet, support the theory that
underneath the Earth's crust is a layer of
heated rock driving the creation of new ocean
Island arcs
• Define “seamount”
• How long ago did the youngest of the Hawaiian islands form?
• How old is the oldest Hawiian island
• What does the direction of the island reveal?
• How could so many different kinds of fruit flies have evolved in such
a short amount of time?
Marine Sediments
• Lithogenous sediments – derived from
the break-down of rocks (weathering)
• Biogenous sediments – derived from
the skeletons and shells of marine
What Can We Learn from
• Biogenous sediments (composed of
microfossils) can reveal information from
the past
• Age of these sediments can be determined
using carbon dating
• Ocean temperature at the time the
microfossils were formed can be
determined by looking at the ratios of
magnesium to calcium or by different
ratios of oxygen isotopes
Continental Margins
• Continental Shelf
• Continental Slope
• Continental Rise
• Abyssal Plain
• Draw a diagram and label each margin –
take notes on your diagram about its
• Page 33
Continental Margins
• The margins of continents are boundaries
between continental crust and oceanic
• They generally consist of:
– Continental shelf (most landward)
– Continental slope
– Continental rise (most seaward)
The Continental Shelf
• Makes up about 8% of the ocean’s
surface area
• However, it is biologically the richest area
of the ocean
• The width varies from 1 km (0.6 mi) to
750 km (470 mi)
• Shelf ends at shelf break which occurs at a
depth of 120 – 400 m (9400-1300 ft)
Continental Slope
• Can be thought of as the “edge” of a
• Begins at the shelf break and continues to
deep sea floor
• Much steeper than continental shelf and
continental rise
Continental Rise
• Formed by sediments that have been
pushed down from continental shelf and
• It can be thought of as an underwater
river delta (the river in this case is formed
of sediments)
Geomagnetic anomolies
Island arcs
Continental shelf
Continental slope
Continental rise
Abyssal plain
Deep sea fan
Exit Ticket
• Why do we see a banding pattern in the
sea floor?
• What is a seamount?
• What is the difference between
lithogenous and biogenous sediment?
• What comes after the continental shelf?
Do Now
• What is the difference between Lithogenous and
Biogenous sediments?
• Name 2 types of Biogenous sediments (name one that’s
made out of CaCO3 and one made out of silica)
• What do the banding patterns on the sea floor tell us
about how the sea floor formed
• SWBAT: Describe the differences between
active and passive margins
• Describe how and why black smokers form
around ocean ridges
Run down for today….
• Sediment types
• Continental margin profile graphing sheet
• Active vs. Passive Margins
• Black smokers (possibly)
Passive and Active Margins
Active vs. Passive Margins pg35
• Active
• Passive
Types of Margins
• Passive margins:
– Relatively inactive geologically
– Characterized by flat, wide coastal plains,
wide continental shelves and gradually sloping
continental slopes
– Example: East Coast of US
Types of Margins
• Active Margins:
– Sites of more intense geologic activity
including earthquakes, volcanoes and
– Characterized by steep, rocky shorelines,
narrow continental shelves and steep
continental slopes
– Example: West Coast of US
Deep Ocean Basins
• The abyssal plain
– Rises at a gentle slope towards the mid ocean
ridge system.
• Flat with some channels, low abyssal hills,
plateaus and rises
• Seamounts
• Mariana Trench- 36,163 ft deep
Hydrothermal Vents
• Central rift valley
• Black smokers
• Life discovered around the hydrothermal
Quiz time 
• Sea Floor Quiz
• Then article and summary
• You will turn in the graph today
Exit Ticket
• What is the central rift valley?
• What type of margin is characterized by a
steep slope?
• What is the most abundant type of
sediment on the open ocean floor?