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By: Gabby Melanson
They are a group of protozoans. They are characterized by the
presence of hair-like organelles called cilia. Another word/name
for Ciliophora is Paramecium.
They are characterized by three main features. They show
nuclear dimorphism; they go through a sexual process known as
conjugation; and most of them have cilia at some stage during
their lifecycle.
Feeding Habits
Ciliophora eat algae, microorganiams or bacteria. Some species
eat algae and others eat bacteria. They capture their prey
through phagocytosis. “Phagocytosis is the ingestion of bacteria
or other materials.
A Ciliophora can reproduce asexual and sexual. They can
reproduce through binary fission. If it is asexual one cells
become two. If it is sexual two cells become one.
They can be found in places that have water. Like soil,
hotsprings and cold icy water like Antarctica. Some symbiotic
species can live in sea urchins as commensals. Other symbiotic
species can live as parasites on lobsters and fish.
Life cycle
There are 4-5 main things that happen during the lifecycle.
A period of sexual immaturity when the cell ca not mate.
A period in which sexual maturity in mating occurs a lot.
A period when cells begin to age and mating does not occur as often.
Then the clones die. ( That meaning all cells ancestors from that initial cell