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Chapter 9
Biotechnology and
Recombinant DNA
Part 2
Tools of Biotechnology
• Restriction Enzymes
– DNA cutting enzymes that exist in many
– Cut specific sequences of DNA (recognize 4-,
6-, or 8-base sequences), staggered cuts
– Destroy bacteriophage DNA in bacterial cells
– Cannot digest (host) DNA with methylated
Restriction Enzymes
Figure 9.2
Tools of Biotechnology
• Vectors
– Carry new DNA to desired cell
– Plasmids and viruses can be used as vectors
– Four properties of vectors
• Can self-replicate
• Be a size that allows them to be manipulated outside
the cell during recombinant DNA procedures
• Preservation (circular form of DNA and integrated
into host chromosome)
• Have a marker within the vector for easy selection
Tools of Biotechnology
• Shuttle vectors: a plasmid that can exist
in several different species
– Very useful in the process of geneticaly
modifying multicellular organisms
• Viral DNA can usually accept much larger
pieces of foreign DNA than plasmid
– Retroviruses, adenoviruses, & herpesviruses
• Choice of suitable vector depends on many
factors (e.g host & size of the DNA to be
Figure 9.3
Tools of Biotechnology
• Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
– To make multiple copies of a piece of DNA
enzymatically (limited by the choice of primers used)
– Cannot be used to amplify an entire genome
– Used to
Clone DNA for recombination
Amplify DNA to detectable levels
Sequence DNA
Diagnose genetic disease
Detect pathogens
Figure 9.4.1
Figure 9.4.2
Techniques of Genetic Engineering
• Inserting foreign
DNA into cells
Protoplast fusion
Gene gun
Figure 9.5b
Techniques of Genetic Engineering
– Choice of method is usually determined by the
type of vector and host being used
• Foreign DNA will survive only if it is either
present on a self-replicating vector or
incorporated into one of the cell’s
chromosomes by recombination
Techniques of Genetic Engineering
• Transformation: used to insert plasmid
vector into a cell
– many cell types do not naturally transform
need to make them competent (able to take up
external DNA)
• Electroporation: uses an electrical current
to form microscopic pores in the
membranes of cells (DNA enter cells
through the pores)
Techniques of Genetic Engineering
– Generally applicable to all cells; ones with cell
wall must be converted to protoplasts first
• Protoplast fusion: a method of joining two
cells by first removing their cell walls
– Protoplasts in solution will fuse at a low but
significant rate (can add polyethylene glycol to
increase the frequency of fusion)
– Valuable in the genetic manipulation of plant
and algal cells
Fig. 9.5
Techniques of Genetic Engineering
• Gene gun: Microscopic particles of
tungsten or gold are coated with DNA and
propelled by a burst of helium through the
plant cell walls
– Some of the cells express the introduced DNA
as if it were their own if incorporated into host
Techniques of Genetic Engineering
• Microinjection: introduce DNA directly into
an animal cell using a glass miropipette
Figure 9.6 & 7
Obtaining DNA
• Gene library: a collection of cloned DNA
fragments created by inserting restriction
enzyme fragments in a bacterium, yeast, or
– Make a collection of clones large enough to
ensure that at least one clone exists for every
gene in the organism
– Pieces of an entire genome stored in plasmids or
Fig. 9.8
Obtaining DNA
• Cloning genes from eukaryotic organisms
poses a special problems due to introns
– Need to use a version of the genes that lacks
intron = mRNA
• cDNA is made from mRNA by reverse
transcriptase (mRNA
• cDNA is the most common method of
obtaining eukaryotic genes
Fig. 9.9
Obtaining DNA
• Synthetic DNA is made by a DNA synthesis
– Chain of over 120 nucleotides can be
– Need to know the sequence of the gene
– Rare to clone a gene by synthesizing it directly
– Plays a much more useful role selection
procedures (add desired restriction sites)
Selecting a clone
• Use antibiotic resistance genes (marker) on
plasmid vectors to screen for cells carrying
the desired gene (engineered vector)
– e.g. Blue-white screening (2 marker genes on
the plasmid vector = ampR and -galactosidase)
Genetic Engineering
Blue-white screening
Figure 9.11.1
Genetic Engineering
Figure 9.11.2
Selecting a clone
• Need a second procedure to test if screened
bacteria does contain desirable genes
– Test clones for desired gene product or ID
genes itself in the host bacterium
– Colony hybridization: use DNA probe that is
complementary to the desired genes
• DNA probe: short segment of single-stranded DNA
that are complementary to the desired gene
Colony hybridization
Figure 9.12.1
Colony hybridization
Figure 9.12.2
Making a gene product
• Earliest work in genetic engineering used
E. coli to synthesize the gene products
– E. coli was used because it is easily grown and
its genomics are known
– Disadvantages of using E. coli:
• Produce endotoxins (Lipid A, part of LPS layer on
the cell wall)
• Does not secrete protein products
need to lyse
cells to obtain products
• Industry prefers Bacillus subtilis because it secretes
their products
Making a gene product
• Use baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
– Yeast may carry plasmid and has best understood
eukaryotic genome
– May be more successful in expressing foreign
eukaryotic genes than bacteria; likely to secrete
• Use mammalian cells in culture
– Hosts for growing viruses (vectors)
– Often the best suited to making protein products for
medical use (e.g. hormones, cytokines, interferon)
Making a gene product
• Use plant cells in culture
– Ti plasmid (from bacterium Agrobacterium
tumefaciens), protoplast fusion and gene gun
– Use to produce genetically engineered plants
• May be sources for plant alkaloids (painkiller),
isoprenoids (basis for synthetic rubber), and melanin
(for sunscreens)
Applications of Genetic Engineering
• Produce useful substances more efficiently
and cheaper
• Obtain information from the cloned DNA
that is useful for either basic research or
medical applications
• Use cloned genes to alter the characteristics
of cells or organisms
Therapeutic applications
• Subunit vaccines
• Nonpathogenic viruses carrying genes for
pathogen's antigens as vaccines
• Gene therapy to replace defective or missing
• Human Genome Project
– Nucleotides have been sequenced
– Human Proteome Project may provide diagnostics
and treatments
Random Shotgun Sequencing
Figure 9.14
Scientific Applications
• Understanding
of DNA
• Sequencing
for identification
Figure 9.16
Southern Blotting
Figure 9.15.1
Southern Blotting
Figure 9.15.2
Southern Blotting
Figure 9.15.3
Agricultural Applications
Table 9.2
Genetic Engineering Using
Figure 9.18
Safety Issues and Ethics
• Avoid accidental release
• Genetically modified crops must be safe for
consumption and for the environment
• Who will have access to an individual's
genetic information?