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This is a product of the science
department of Dartford
Technology College
Question 1
Where are the chromosomes found
in a cell?
• Cytoplasm
• Cell membrane
• Nucleus
• Vacuole
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Question 2
How many chromosomes are there in a
body cell nucleus?
• 10
• 23
• 46
• 92
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Question 3
Chromosomes are made up of thousands of
• Chromos
• Genes
• Jeans
• Bites
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Question 4
Genes in turn are made of complex
chemical called DNA.
What does it stand for?
• Do Nucleic Amine
• De Natured Acids
• Deoxy-ribo Nucleic Acid
• Do Not Answer
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Question 5
Select from the following a genetically linked
disease that you have studied?
• Bronchitis
• Emphysema
• Influenza
• Cystic Fibrosis
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Question 6
Which of the following is known as the
male gamete?
• Beard
• Penis
• Testes
• Sperm
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Question 7
Asexual reproduction produces identical
offspring to the parent these are known as?
• Drones
• Crones
• Clones
• Scones
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Question 8
Which of the following is the term for a
genetic disorder where a person has extra
toes or fingers?
• Glaucoma
• Haemophilia
• Colour-blindness
• Polydactyly
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Question 9
What does a capital letter signify in gene
• Recessive
• Dominance
• Male
• Female
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Question 10
In the 1990’s scientist calculated the
sequence of bases in human chromosomes
was around 3 billion bases long. What did
the scientist call this experiment?
• The human gene experiment
• Gene count 1999
• The human genome project
• Genes for Genes
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Question 11
What do we call the repair or replacement of
a faulty gene?
• Gene builder
• Gene swap
• Gene fix
• Gene therapy
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Question 12
What was the name of the sheep that was
cloned from one of her mothers cells?
• Molly
• Dolly
• Jolly
• Lolly
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Question 13
What do we call genes from plants or
animals that are put into other organisms
by genetic engineering?
• Transgenic
• Gene transfer
• Gene implant
• Commuted gene
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Question 14
What advantage do people have who carry
a single sickle-cell disease allele?
• Resistance to colds
• Resistance to heart attacks
• Resistance to the malaria parasite
• Resistance to worms
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Question 15
Plants that have yellow leaves, lack a
mineral which makes chlorophyll?
• Calcium salts
• Potassium salts
• Magnesium salts
• Phosphates
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Question 16
Plants that have stunted growth and older
leaves turn yellow lack?
• Nitrates
• Phosphates
• Potassium salts
• Magnesium salts
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Question 17
Poor root growth and slow stem growth
is due to lack of?
• Potassium salts
• Nitrates
• Magnesium salts
• Phosphates
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Question 18
Different forms of a gene are called?
• Homozygous
• Recessive
• Alleles
• Dominant
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Question 19
Which famous scientist is known as the
father of genetics?
• Charles Darwin
• Gregor Mendel
• Jonas Salk
• Alexander Fleming
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Question 20
When two gametes fuse in fertilisation
what is formed?
• Nucleus
• Cytoplasm
• Ovum
• Zygote
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