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Protein Structure
Dr Vivek Joshi, MD
Peptides and Proteins
Peptide: A short polymer of amino acids joined by
peptide bonds; they are classified by the number of
amino acids in the chain.
 Dipeptide: A molecule containing two amino acids
joined by a peptide bond.
 Tripeptide: A molecule containing three amino acids
joined by peptide bonds.
 Polypeptide: A macromolecule containing many
amino acids joined by peptide bonds.
Protein: A biological macromolecule containing at
least 30 to 50 amino acids joined by peptide bonds.
Levels of Organization Protein
Primary structure: The sequence of amino acids in a
polypeptide chain; read from the N-terminal amino acid to
the C-terminal amino acid.
Secondary structure: Conformations of amino acids in
localized regions of a polypeptide chain; examples are ahelix, b-pleated sheet, and random coil.
Tertiary structure: The complete three-dimensional
arrangement of amino acids in a polypeptide chain.
Quaternary structure: The spatial relationship and
interactions between subunits in a protein that has more
than one polypeptide chain.
Levels of Organization in Protein
Structure (contd.)
Four levels of protein structure
Primary Structure
◦ Order in which amino acids are joined
◦ AA sequence of the polypeptide chain
◦ Polypeptide backbone
◦ Includes the location of any disulfide bond
◦ Higher levels of protein structure are
decided by primary structure
◦ Amino acid sequence is specific –Coded by
◦ Determines ‘Biological activity’ of the
Stabilized by covalent bonds
Peptide Bond Formation
Peptide bond –
Amide linkage between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the
a-amino group of another
A condensation reaction with liberation of water
Characteristics of the peptide bond
Shows Electronic resonance
Has a partial double bond character
No freedom of rotation
Rigid and planar-All 6 of the atoms O, C, N, H
are coplanar
Characteristics of the Peptide Bond
Generally a trans bond-Because of the steric interference of
the R-groups when in the cis position
 Uncharged but polar
Naming Peptides
Free amino end of the peptide chain (N-terminal) is written to the left
Free carboxyl end of the peptide chain (C-terminal) is written to the right
All amino acid sequences are read from the N- to the C-terminal end of the
Primary Structure
Amino acid sequence specifies 3D structure
The 20 amino acids can be linked in combinations specific for a given protein
Long chains of amino acids fold in a pattern dependent on the exact order of
amino acids
Different regions of the polypeptide chain may assume different conformations
as determined by the sequence of amino acids in that region
A genetic mutation leading to one incorrect amino acid substitution in a
protein comprising thousands of amino acids can result in that protein having a
different shape and little or even no biological activity-sickle cell disease
Secondary Structure
Defines the steric relationship between amino acids that are close to each other in the
primary amino acid sequence
Brought about by linking the carbonyl and amide groups of the peptide bonds by
means of hydrogen bonds (H-bonds)
Folding of polypeptide chain along a single axis
 Alpha helix
 Beta sheets
 Beta turns
Secondary Structure
Alpha helix
A rigid, rod-like structure
The lowest energy and most stable
conformation for a polypeptide chain
Forms spontaneously
Peptide bond planes are parallel to the
axis of the helix
Stability arises from the formation of the
maximum possible number of H-bonds
3.6 amino acid residues per 360°
turn (5.4 Å)
13 atoms/turn
1.5 Å rise/residue
R groups extend outward
Alpha helix
H-bonds are formed between
Each carbonyl oxygen atom of a peptide bond and the hydrogen attached to
the amide nitrogen of the peptide bond 3.6 amino acid residues further along
the polypeptide chain
Each peptide bond forms 2 H-bonds:
One to the peptide bond of the 4th residue above
One to the peptide bond of the 4th residue below
Destabilized by the presence of proline
An helix breaker
Interrupts a-helical structure because
Its ring structure exerts geometric constraint
The nitrogen in the peptide linkage does not contain
the H atom required to form H-bonds
Alpha helix
Secondary Structure
Beta pleated sheet
Composed of 2 or more peptide chains or segments of
polypeptide chains that are arranged either parallel or
anti-parallel to each other
Secondary Structure
Beta pleated sheet
the α-carbon and its R group side chain alternate slightly above and slightly
below the plane of the main chain of the polypeptide (ruffled or pleated
Secondary Structure
Beta bend (reverse turn)
Makes a tight 180° turn
Allows the polypeptide chain to abruptly reverse its direction
Helps to form a compact, globular shape
Surface of proteins-Charged residues
Generally composed of :
 Glycine – has the smallest R group
 Proline – causes a kink in the polypeptide chain
Combinations of secondary structures
Form the interior (core region) of globular proteins
Connected by loop regions at the surface of the protein
Zn finger motif-DNA
Supersecondary Structures (Motifs)
Tertiary structure
3-dimensional arrangement of all atoms in a single
polypeptide chain
The entire protein molecule coils into an overall threedimensional shape-Functional property to the protein
Spatial arrangement of amino acid residues that are far
apart in a linear sequence
Superfolding brings functional groups that are far apart near
to each other.
Correct folding is assisted by Chaperons
Incorrect folding-Altered protein-Prion disease
Tertiary Structure
Stabilizing interactions:
Covalent: disulfide bonds
 Hydrogen bonds. Fine tunes the
tertiary structure by selecting the
unique native structure of a protein
 Ionic interactions. The association
of two ionic protein groups of
opposite charge is known as ion pair
or salt bridge.
 Hydrophobic interactions- The
major determinant of protein native
The conformation or shape of the
protein is determined by:
◦ The nature of the interaction
of the different side chains
with the aqueous environment
◦ The interactions of the
different side chains with the
other side chains
Quaternary Structure
Refers to the spatial arrangement of the polypeptide chains of a multi-chain
protein(2 />2 polypeptide chains) and the nature of their contacts
Each polypeptide chain is a monomer/ subunit
Dimer, tetramer,
Oligomeric protein - protein with multiple subunits
Homooligomers – have identical subunits
Heterooligomers – have several distinct polypeptide chains
Non-covalent interactions hold the subunits together
 Hydrophobic, ionic, H-bond
Hemoglobin-2 a ,2 b
Immunoglobulin-2 Heavy ,2 Light chain
Creatine Kinase-Dimer
Lactate Dehydrogenase-Tetramer
Quaternary structure refers to the interaction among
protein subunits
Hemoglobin contains 2aand 2b subunits
Subunits may function independently or may work cooperatively
Hemoglobin – binding of oxygen to 1 subunit of the tetramer increases the affinity
of the other subunits to oxygen-Cooperative binding
Denaturation of Proteins
Denaturation: The process of destroying the native conformation
of a protein by chemical or physical means.
◦ Usually denaturation of protein refers to disruption of tertiary
and secondary structure, while primary structure remain
◦ It leads to loss of biological activity
◦ It decreases solubility and increases precipitability
◦ Some denaturations are reversible, while others permanently
damage the protein.
 Denaturing agents include:
◦ Heat, 6 M urea, detergents, Acids, Bases, Salts, Reducing
agents, Heavy metals, Alcohol
Protein Turnover
 Older
proteins break down-Replaced by new one.
 Protein synthesis –Translation-Ribosomes
 Protein Breakdown
 Lysosomes-Proteases-Endocytosed protein
 Proteasomes-Cytoplasmic complexes-Older and abnormal protein
 Proteasomes are large protein complexes inside all eukaryotes and
in some bacteria.
 In eukaryotes, they are located in the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
 The main function of the proteasome is to degrade unneeded or
damaged proteins by proteolysis, a chemical reaction that breaks
peptide bonds.
Proteasome-Ubiquitin pathway
Proteins are tagged for degradation by a small protein called ubiquitin. The
tagging reaction is catalyzed by enzymes called ubiquitin ligases. Once a
protein is tagged with a single ubiquitin molecule, this is a signal to other
ligases to attach additional ubiquitin molecules.
 The result is a polyubiquitin chain that is bound by the proteasome, allowing it
to degrade the tagged protein.
Protein Misfolding
Misfolded protein-Tagged and degraded within the cell.
Defect in this control system-Extracellular and
intracellular accumulation of misfolded proteins
Prion Disease
Prion Disease
Prion diseases are a family of degenerative brain disorders
observed in humans and numerous other mammals.
Some (but not all) cases originate by transmission from one
individual to another, however, no bacterial, viral, or parasitic agent
has been identified
Propagate by transmitting mis-folded protein
Protein does not itself self-replicate
Process dependent on presence of polypeptide in the host
Protein conformational disease
Transmitted by altering the conformation
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans.
Prion-related Protein (PrP)
Encoded by the PrP gene of the mammal
Exists in 2 isoforms -identical primary structures and posttranslational modifications -different tertiary and quaternary
#PrPc – PrP-sen (proteinase-sensitive)
Normal cellular protein
On the outer surface of neurons
Function still unclear
#PrPSc – PrP-res (proteinase-resistant)
Pathologic isoform
Invariably associated with TSEs or prion diseases
Prion-related Protein (PrP)
PrPc – Rich in a-helix
PrPSc – Consists mostly of b-sheets
Conversion of PrPc into PrPSc
 Involves alteration of ahelical structure into b-sheet-Aggregate-Amyloid
 Spontaneous
 Caused by infection
 Consumption of food, especially neural tissue, that contains PrPSc
Neurodegenerative diseases -Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's
 Neuronal dysfunction - Induced by diffusible oligomers of misfolded proteins.
What bonds are broken and remade to go from a-helix to b-sheets?
Prion-related Protein (PrP)
Prions (Proteinaceous
infectious particle)
Infectious proteins that
contain no nucleic acid
Protein itself is capable
of acting like infectious
material and modifying
protein content of the
entire organism
Cause transmissible
encephalopathies (TSE)
or prion diseases
 Normal Amyloid
proteolytic cleavage-Long
Fibrillar protein consisting
of β-pleated sheetAmyloids
 Amyloid in Alzheimer’s
disease –Amyloid β(A β)Neurotoxic
 Thank