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What is energy?
 The
capacity to do
 Work
Kinetic Energy
 The
energy of moving objects
capacity to do work that results from
the location or position of an object
First Law of Thermodynamics
 Energy
can never
be created or
Second Law of
 Every
of energy
includes the
of some energy
into heat.
Energy Conversions
 Only
~1% of the energy released by the sun
that earth receives is captured and converted
by plants.
• Converted into chemical bond energy
Recycling in the Cell
ADP + phosphate group + energy = ATP
How do cells regulate the speed
of reactions?
• Enzymes
• protein catalysts
• speed up
• not consumed
• Require energy to
initiate breaking of
existing bonds &
begin reaction
(activation energy)
= energy barrier
Cellular Respiration
catabolism: breaking
down organic
molecules to
extract energy
Two Catabolic
1) Fermentation
2) Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration
Requires fuel and oxygen
Potential energy stored in
chemical bonds of sugar,
protein, and fat molecules.
Breaks bonds to release the
high-energy electrons
captured in ATP.
Oxygen is electron magnet.
Note locations
The big picture
Biggest ATP
“payoff” (90%)
occurs during the
electron transport
1st Step
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Four Main Steps in Cellular Respiration
1) Glycolysis (“sugar breaking”)
- location = cytoplasm
- each glucose breaks into 2 molecules
of pyruvic acid (pyruvate)
- 2 ATP’s used in reaction
- 4 ATP’s generated
- net gain = 2 ATP + 2 NADH
NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
- carries H atoms (e-) & ultimately loses e-
The Preparatory Phase to the Krebs Cycle
2nd Step
Getting Ready for the Krebs Cycle
Four Main Steps in Cellular Respiration
2) Formation of acetyl coenzyme A
- occurs in mitochondria (of eukaryotes)
- pyruvic acid loses e-; given to NAD+
- 1 C atom removed & leaves as CO2
- coenzyme A is added to modified
pyruvic acid
Result of last reaction = acetyl coenyme A
(Acetyl CoA) = high energy fuel that is
now ready to enter the next step
3rd Step
Four Main Steps in Cellular Respiration
3) Krebs (Citric Acid) Cycle
- location = matrix of mitochondria
For each turn in the cycle:
2 CO2 leave
3 NADH made
1 FADH2 made
1 ATP made
FADH2 = (flavin adenine dinucleotide)
same function as NADH = hydrogen (e-) carrier
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4th Step
Follow the Electrons
#2) This proton concentration
gradient represents a significant
source of potential energy!
Four Main Steps in Cellular Respiration
4) Electron Transport Chain
- NADH & FADH2 transported to
mitochondria cristae
- electron carriers = membrane proteins
Four Main Steps in Cellular Respiration
4) Electron Transport Chain
- chemiosmosis
- cascading effect – protons travel
down an energy gradient
- 32-34 ATP generated
How Does Electron Transport Chain Work?
• NADH & FADH2 lose e- (H+ by-product)
• H+ gradient results in electrical gradient
• Flow of H+ through ATP synthase = ATP
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Anaerobic Conditions (Fermentation)
Alcoholic (Glycolysis)
2 ATP’s
2 Ethanol
Lactic Acid
2 ATP’s
2 Lactic Acid
4.17 Eating a
complete diet:
cells can run
on protein and
fat as well as
on glucose.
“Photo” and “Synthesis”
Photosynthesis = plants make food from
CO2 & H2O with the aid of solar energy
- thylakoid
- granum
- stroma
A Closer Look at Chloroplasts
Two Processes
1) Light Reactions (“Photo”)
(Light Energy to Chemical Energy)
- location = granum (a) / thylakoid
- Produce O2 as waste
- Light energy used to generate ATP &
NADPH (H carrier = e- source)
Two Processes
2) Calvin Cycle (“Synthesis”)
(CO2 to Sugar)
- location = stroma
- NADPH provides e- ATP powers the Cycle
Light Reactions
What is Sunlight?
- energy = radiation or
electromagnetic energy
- travels in waves
- also travels as particles of energy =
photons = kinetic energy
Photosynthetic pigments:
1) chlorophyll a (impt in light reactions)
2) chlorophyll b
3) carotene
4) xanthophyll
How Do the Light Reactions Work?
- Photosynthetic pigments absorb photons
- One of the pigment’s e- gain this energy
How Do the Light Reactions Work?
- High-energy e- is lost to a
primary e- acceptor
- e- shuttled through an e- transport chain,
thereby generating ATP
- Final e- acceptor = NADP+
Light Reactions
The “Photo” Part
A high-energy electron carrier
Electrons That Leave the
Photosystem Are Replenished
Where does oxygen come from?
An Electron Transport Chain
Connects the two photosystems
The Second Photosystem
 Follow
the electrons
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How Do the Light Reactions Work?
** ATP & NADPH now ready to enter the
Calvin Cycle
Calvin Cycle
carbon fixation: convert CO2 into organic
compound (sugar)
What are the Ingredients?
What are the Products?
What is the Price?
The Calvin Cycle
Series of chemical
Occurs in stroma
Involves enzyme
The Processes in the Calvin Cycle
Occur in Three Steps:
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