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Daily TAKS Connection:
BIO(6): The student knows that the structures and
functions of nucleic acids in the mechanisms of genetics.
The student is expected to:
(A) Describe components of deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA), and illustrate how information for specifying the
traits of an organism is carried in the DNA.
Day 1
Construct a folded book foldable
titled “DNA”
 Foldable handout (2
 Scissors
 Pen
 Colored
Hamburger fold the
foldable handouts
Cut 2 cm slits from the
edges of the fold of the
handout that has page
2 (as marked)
Cut along the fold line
of the other sheet of
paper beginning and
ending about 2 cm
from each end (as
Burrito fold and insert
paper from step 2 into
the hole and open,
forming a book.
Day 2 notes: “What is DNA?”
Record the following notes
on page 1 of your foldable:
 DeoxyriboNucleic Acid
 Function: blueprint for life;
determines traits of an
 Composition:
Strands are made of
nucleotides – a single
unit of DNA.
 Contain a phosphate
group, a sugar, and a
nitrogen base.
 Arranged in a double
 Location in every cell:
In all plant and animal cells, the nucleus contains long
molecules of DNA. Which of the following best
describes the function of DNA?
a. DNA provides the shape and structure of the nucleus.
b. DNA packages materials for transport through the
c. DNA carries materials into and out of the nucleus.
d. DNA contains the blueprint for producing the whole
All of the following are found in a DNA molecule except
a. carbon dioxide
b. deoxyribose
c. nitrogen
d. phosphate
Which molecule is most responsible for determining an
organism’s eye color, body structure, and cellular
enzyme production?
a. Complex starch
b. Fatty acid
c. Carbohydrate
d. Deoxyribonucleic acid
Proteins are produced according to a special code
found in the control center of the cell. Which of these
molecules carries this code?
a. DNA
b. ADP
c. Phosphate
d. Lipid
Day 3 Notes: “DNA Base Pairing”
Record the following notes
on page 2 of your foldable:
 Four nitrogenous bases
 Thymine
 Cytosine
 Guanine
 Base pairing
adenine complements
(pairs with) thymine
cytosine complements
 Sequence of bases
(nucleotides) determines
Day 3 “Base Pairing Practice”
On page 3 of your foldable, determine
the complement strand of DNA for
each strand shown below:
In DNA, which of the following determines the traits of
an organism?
a. Amount of guanine
b. Number of sugars
c. Sequence of nucleotides
d. Strength of hydrogen bonds
Erwin Chargaff studied the DNA of organisms within a single
species. Chargaff discovered that the amount of adenine is
about equal to the amount of thymine. Which of these explains
why the ratio of adenine to thymine is nearly 1:1?
a. Adenine and thymine pair with each other.
b. Adenine binds with phosphates, while thymine binds with
c. Adenine and thymine are identical in chemical composition.
d. Adenine bases contain a form of thymine.
“Cytosine—guanine—thymine—guanine” describes —
a. nucleotides within an RNA strand
b. a sequence of bases within a DNA section
c. points of DNA separation during protein synthesis
d. tRNA codons for specific amino acids
Day 4 Notes: “Replication”
Record the following
notes on page 4 of
your foldable:
 Replication
 An exact copy
of the DNA is
 Takes place in
the nucleus
Day 4 Notes “Steps of Replication”
(record on page 5)
1. DNA unwinds
and the two
strands separate.
2. DNA polymerase (an
enzyme) adds the
complementary base
pairs to each side.
3. Result: two
identical molecules of
DNA, each with one
new and one old
strand of DNA
DNA molecules separate into single strands, which are
then used to construct two identical strands of DNA.
This process ensures that the —
a. cytoplasm is in equilibrium
b. mitochondria are genetically identical to the
c. parent cells use little ATP
d. daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent
Day 5 Notes: “Transformation”
Record the following notes
on page 6 of your foldable:
from one
cell is introduced
and expressed in
a second cell
 The second cell
takes on the
traits of the 1st
cell’s DNA
Which of the following best describes the question this set of procedures was
designed to answer?
Can a substance from dead bacteria transform living bacteria?
Can R bacterial cells survive heating?
Can dead bacterial cells confer immunity to a living host?
Can bacterial cells be isolated from a healthy host?
Coat color in mice varies greatly, ranging from black to grizzly gray,
black-and-white, spotted, or white. The nucleus from a body cell
of a grizzly-gray mouse is fused with an egg from a black mouse
from which the nucleus has been removed. The egg begins to
divide and is then transplanted into a female white mouse. What
will be the most likely coat color of the offspring?
a. Black
b. Black with white spots
c. Grizzly gray
d. White