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Chapter 15a
All the chemical reactions in a person’s
body constitute that person’s metabolism
Catabolic processes break down
nutrients to obtain energy & raw
Anabolic processes use energy
to assemble cells & tissues
The calorie is a measure of the
amount of energy in food
• The calorie is the metric
unit of energy, the amount
of energy necessary to raise
the temperature of 1 mL of
water by 1oC
• Though they are still called
“calories”, food calories, or
Calories, are actually
kilocalories, equal to 1000
regular calories
How calories can be measured
1. All living things are composed of
4 common macromolecules
Nucleic Acids
DNA is a nucleic acid
Nucleic acids and Proteins
Proteins, made of amino acids
Nucleic acids- DNA
Carbohydrates and Lipids
Carbohydrates- glucose+
fructose= sucrose
Lipids- a fat molecule made of
glycerol and 3 fatty acids
Vitamins and Minerals
• There are 13 vitamins, and
various minerals which the
body must obtain through
• Vitamins and minerals often
function as cofactors in
• Because cofactors are
recycled, vitamins are
required in minute quantities
Human metabolism is diverse but
• Though the body can
manufacture many of its
own necessary parts,
essential nutrients cannot
be manufactured and must
be obtained through diet
• Essential amino acids are
required to make all
• Essential fatty acids are
required for cell signaling
• Food provides
– Fuel for cellular activities
– Metabolic regulators
– Building blocks for
• Cell division
• Maintenance
• Repair
We also need water…
• Water is necessary for
– Proper cellular
– Certain cellular reactions
• A nutrient is a substance in food that
– Provides energy
– Plays a structural or functional role to promote
normal growth, maintenance, or repair
• Lipids
– Fats
– Oils
– Cholesterol
• 95% of the lipids found
in food are triglycerides
– Consist of a molecules
made from three fatty
acids attached to a
molecule of glycerol
• Fat
– A ready source of energy
– Insulation and a cushion for vital organs
– Components of the cell membrane
– Construction of myelin sheaths
– Absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
• Fatty acids differ in their
degree of saturation
• Saturated fats
– Solid at room
– Most come from animal
• Unsaturated fats
– Liquid at room
– Come from plant sources
• A high-fat diet is associated with
– Obesity
– High blood pressure
– Atherosclerosis
– Increased risk of diabetes
– Certain cancers
• E.g., colon, prostate, lung
• Cholesterol
– The structural basis for
the steroid hormones
– Low-density lipoproteins
• Bad
– They deposit
cholesterol in the artery
– High-density lipoproteins
• Good
– They help the body to
eliminate cholesterol
Fats in the diet
• Only 20 to 30% of the
calories in the diet
should come from fats
– Most of those should be
monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated fats
• Carbohydrates
– Provide fuel for our bodies
– Found in our diet as sugars, starches, and fiber
• Dietary fiber
– A carbohydrate in plant foods that humans cannot
– Good for the heart and blood vessels
• It lowers LDLs but does not lower the beneficial HDLs
• 45 to 65% of the calories in our diet should
come from carbohydrates, including both
– Simple carbohydrates
• Sugars
– Complex carbohydrates
• Starches and fiber
Figure 15a.3
• The glycemic response
– A measure of how
quickly a serving of food
is converted to blood
• The glycemic index
– A numerical ranking of
carbohydrates based on
their glycemic response
• Foods with a low
glycemic index help to
reduce the risk of heart
disease and diabetes
• Proteins
– The structural components of every cell
– Regulate body processes
– Are antibodies
– Can be used for energy
• Proteins
– Chains of amino acids that are
digested and delivered to the
• Human proteins contain 20
different kinds of amino acids
– The human body can synthesize
11 of the amino acids
– The remaining 9 must be
supplied by the diet
• Essential amino acids
• Complete dietary
– Contain all 9 of the
essential amino acids
that your body cannot
• Incomplete proteins
– Lack one or more of the
essential amino acids
• Complementary
– Combinations of
proteins that together
supply enough of all the
essential amino acids
• 10 to 35% of the calories in our diet should
come from a combination of plant and animal
Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins & Minerals
• Vitamins
– Organic compounds that are needed in minute
– Usually function as coenzymes
Table 15a.2 (1 of 2)
Table 15a.2 (2 of 2)
• Vitamins
– Water-soluble
– Fat-soluble
• Except for vitamin D, our cells cannot make
vitamins and must obtain them from food
• Minerals are inorganic substances that are
essential to a healthy diet
Table 15a.3 (1 of 2)
Table 15a.3 (2 of 2)
• Water
– Transports materials through our blood and lymph
– Provides a medium for chemical reactions
– Is a lubricant
– Can serve as a protective cushion
– Plays an important role in the regulation of body
Nutrition and Weight Control
• MyPyramid is a food guide for planning a
healthy diet
• Nutrients provide energy or have a structural
or functional role in the body
• Food labels help us make wise food choices
• For body energy balance, calories gained in
food must equal calories used
MyPyramid Is a Food Guide for Planning a
Healthy Diet
• MyPyramid
– A food guide released by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) in 2005 for planning a healthy
MyPyramid Is a Food Guide for Planning a
Healthy Diet
Figure 15a.1
MyPyramid Is a Food Guide for Planning a
Healthy Diet
Figure 15a.1 (1 of 2)
MyPyramid Is a Food Guide for Planning a
Healthy Diet
Figure 15a.1 (2 of 2)
MyPyramid Is a Food Guide
• A healthy lifestyle includes
– Choosing food wisely
– Staying within your calorie needs
– Engaging in physical activity
Food Labels Help Us Make Wise
• Using the information on food labels can help
you make healthy choices and compare
different brands and ingredients
Food Labels Help Us Make Wise
Figure 15a.6 (1 of 2)
Food labels can be misleading
Figure 15a.6 (2 of 2)
Body Energy Balancing
• Body’s energy
balance depends
– The calories
gained in food
– The calories
• Unused food
energy is stored
– Fat
– Glycogen
Body Energy Balancing
• The body requires
energy for maintenance
– Basic body functions
• Basal metabolic rate
– Physical activity
– Processing of the food
that is eaten
Body Energy Balancing
• Dietary guidelines for Americans include
– Fitness
– Making healthy food choices
– Avoiding foods that lead to disease
Nutrition and Weight Control
• Obesity is body weight 20% or more above the
body weight standard
• Successful weight loss programs usually
involve reducing calorie intake, increasing
calorie use, and changing behavior
• Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are eating
disorders that create caloric deficits
• Obesity
– Body weight 20% or more above the body weight
• The Body Mass Index
– Evaluates your weight in
relation to your height
– Does not actually
measure % body fat
– Statistically correlates
pretty well, but there are
BMI does not correlate perfectly to
percent body fat
• Maintaining a
healthy weight is
important to avoid
disease, diabetes,
and degenerative
joint disease
Weight Loss Programs
Figure 15a.8
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia
• Weight loss can be dangerous
– Anorexia nervosa
• highest mortality rate of any psychiatric
– Bulimia
• Intentional vomiting after eating
• Both can be fatal
• Eating habits associated with
these disorders is thought to be
the result of physiological, social,
and psychological factors